It's all in there traducir portugués
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There were basins there and in the basins were bits of bodies, and I looked through all of them and in one basin there lay a stomach with a watch peeking out and it was my grandfather's watch.
Havia bacias com pedacinhos de corpos. Vi-as todas e numa delas estava um estômago e um relógio. Era o relógio do meu avô.
Come on, let's get it all in there.
Anda, vamos colocá-la toda aí dentro.
Darling... you can have all the time there is in the world if you want it... and all the patience and kindness there's in me.
Querida, dou-te todo o tempo do mundo, se quiseres, e toda a paciência e bondade que há em mim.
Anti-Semitism in business, professions. It's all there, but I can't make it give.
Anti-semitismo nos negócios, nas profissões, mas não dá.
And it's all there, unless you'd like it in violet ink.
A menos que preferisse em tinta violeta.
What I got in mind is an operating'combo all over the world. There's enough in it for everybody.
Tenho em mente uma operação global, que dê para todos os interessados.
It's not all in there.
Não está tudo aí.
Just so you don't think I'm a complete swine... if there's anything in Dark Windows you can use, it's all yours.
Só para que não penses que sou um canalha total... se houver algo em Janelas Escuras que possas usar, é todo teu.
All day I was expectin you'd be in to practice. I'll go down there and knock'em dead, it's all in the wrists and I got the touch, Molly. Practice.
Tenho estado todo o dia à espera que fosses ensaiar.
It's all right there in the history books.
Está nos livros de história.
If it's all dames you want, I think we're gonna get there in about...
Se aquilo que quer são mulheres, vamos à procura delas...
They was in a bar in Paley and their animals got stole, That's all there was to it.
Estavam em um bar, em Pawley, e roubarams os cavalos.
There's another thing now if we're all going to be in here three or four days, close together like it might be a good idea if a certain party, not to mention no names was to do what he said he'd do.
Mais uma coisa... Se vamos passar aqui mais 3 ou 4 dias, tão juntinhos... era bom que um certo tipo, sem mencionar nomes fizesse o que prometeu.
You can't have two different points of view in the same house, Pa. It just won't work and that's all there is to it!
Simplesmente, não resulta e é tudo!
They had it all hidden in the woods. There's a lot more where it comes from.
Foram escondidas no bosque, e tem mais dessas lá.
And there's Paul sitting there in jail, and all you do is grin about it.
E lá está o Paul na cadeia e tudo o que fazes é sorrir.
It's all right, there's another in the fridge.
- Há outra no frigorífico.
- It would appear so. Now, if there's anything at all in what you say, he murdered her.
Se tiver razão naquilo que diz, ele matou - a.
Está tudo no manual.
There's no point in going over it all again.
Não, caso passar por isto de novo.
You're the sloppiest tucker-inner in all Potzdorf. If there's anything I abhor, it's a sloppy tucker-inner.
Grandeza é um título espirituoso dado a entretenimentos teatrais.
It's all listed there in that inventory :
Está tudo aí no inventário :
There's not another house to equal it in all Fairfield County.
Não existe outra igual em Fairfield.
First off, the gun has to be fully loaded at all times. There are six lives in there. If one's missing, it might be yours.
Primeiro, a arma tem de estar sempre carregada.
Though it pass your patience and mine to endure her loud alarums, why, man, there be good fellows in the world, if one could but light on them, would take her with all her faults, for the sake of her father's fortune.
Ainda que nem vós nem eu lhe consigamos aturar os desvarios, olhai que há pelo mundo muito homem bom, se pudéssemos dar com eles, que a tomassem com todos os seus defeitos só pela fortuna de seu pai.
That proves there are two kinds of Communism, since in Europe he's not fighting it at all.
Mas isso prova que há duas formas de comunismo. Sim, porque na Europa ele não luta contra o comunismo.
It's all right, Doctor. You can come out now. - There's not a policeman in sight.
Jip tem este incrível olfato, e Polynesia tem os melhores boletins meteorológicos pelos pássaros que passam.
All right, let's get it in there!
Vamos, todos para dentro!
Keep your eyes and ears open around the Jews, little trust all right, there's no point in overdoing it.
Mantenha os olhos e os ouvidos atentos quando estiver com os judeus. Confie desconfiando, para que não haja nenhuma surpresa.
It's simply that all the facts are not yet in. There are gaps.
Mas os factos não estão todos inseridos, há lacunas.
But there ´ s really no point at all in doing it like this.
Mas garanto-te que é inútil.
And the junkman's going to put it in the furnace and skwodge it all up till there's nothing left.
E o sucateiro vai colocá-lo num forno e esmagá-lo todo até não sobrar nada.
You gave it your best shot, chief, but after all, Huerta is sitting in that palace and Madero is dead, and there's no way in the world you three are gonna change that.
Fizeste o melhor que pudeste, chefe, mas no final... Huerta está sentado naquele palácio e Madero está morto e não há maneira no mundo de vocês três conseguirem mudar isso.
If there's any chance at all, it's to continue to search in the area they were lost.
Temos de continuar a procurar na área em que os perdemos.
There's room in hell for all of us, but it just ain't equitable, for you to be having two of something all of us got none of.
Há espaço no Inferno para todos nós, mas não é justo você ter duas e todos nós não termos sequer uma.
Look in the family Bible, it's all there.
Vê a bíblia da família, está tudo lá.
It's all very dark in there.
Não vejo nada. Está muito escuro.
Decius Brutus loves thee not. There's but 1 mind in all these men, and it's bent against Caesar.
Todos estes homens, estão contra César.
The next thing I know, there's a big shipment in... and Santo is in charge of it all, and they need somebody to come in with them.
É o Santo quem puxa os cordelinhos e precisa de um gajo para o ajudar.
I think that there's some truth in all of it.
Acho que há alguma verdade em todas elas.
It's all right in there.
Está tudo lá.
And if you don't, you can read all about it in there, Mrs. Blaney's divorce petition.
Senão, pode informar-se sobre isso no pedido de divórcio de Mrs. Blaney.
Sir Charles's study sir in the grate there she found this scrap of paper it was all burnt but well it could still be read.
O escritório do Sir Charles, ali na lareira, encontrou um papel, que estava todo queimado mas que ainda era possível ler.
It's gonna be all right up there in New Hampshire.
Tudo vai estar bem em New Hampshire.
When you say that, when you get me out there all by myself... on what you say, you better be right there in back of me... because when you say it happens, it's gonna fuckin'happen.
Quando dizes isso, quando me deixas ali sozinho... confiando no que tu dizes, é melhor que estejas aí para me apoiar... senão quando eu digo que acontece, é porque acontece, caralho.
Now with me and Mary,'sprouting up', which is what Ma calls it. If there's the least littlest noise in the night, Ma would come climbing up the ladder into the loft, to make sure we're all right.
Ainda hoje, apesar de a Mary e eu já sermos crescidas, se durante a noite ouvir o mínimo ruído, corre pelas escadas acima até ao nosso quarto, para ver se estamos bem.
It's all there in the paper.
Está no jornal, leia.
But between you and me... she might have been 15. When you get that little red beaver... right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all.
Mas aqui entre nós... ela bem podia ter 15 anos.
It's Friday. T.G.I.F. and there's smog in the basin, traffic on the freeway, crime on the streets, music all day long at KGYS.
Finalmente é sexta, temos smog, engarrafamentos, crimes na rua e música todo o dia na KGYS.
ANNOUNCER : All right, out there, it's time to get back in the music groove. But first...
Chegou a altura de voltarmos à música.
Come on, we're all soldiers There's no harm in it
Não tem mal nenhum, somos todos soldados.
it's all right 8832
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all yours 403
it's all my fault 457
it's all bullshit 56
it's all fine 67
it's all the same to me 49
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all yours 403
it's all my fault 457
it's all bullshit 56
it's all fine 67
it's all the same to me 49