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It's time to get up traducir portugués

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She's not going to get away with it this time, because I'm going to speak up. I'm going to tell everything I know.
Não se vai safar, porque desta vez vou dizer tudo o que sei.
You'll know it beforehand, they'll get insolent. That's the time to fort up.
Já sabe o que acontece : voltam insolentes, então é o momento de agir.
Drink this, and then it's time to get up.
bebe isto, é hora de se levantar.
- Well, it's time to get up!
- Porque está na hora de levantar.
It's time to get up.
São horas de acordar.
Because it's time to get up, Boris!
Já acordei, filho!
Get up warriors pilgrims, why to sleep when it's time... to thank the Lord? Stand up...
Levantem, peregrinos guerreiros, para quê dormir é hora de agradecer ao Senhor?
It's time to get up.
Está na hora de levantar.
well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Se ainda estão na sua grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Passam 13 minutos da hora 9-9-9 aqui na maravilhosa Rádio 1-1-1. Se ainda estão na vossa grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
It's time to get up.
Hora de se levantar
Chiquinho! It's time to get up.
- Chiquinho, levanta, está na hora.
Get up, it's time to practice!
Levanta-te. É tempo de practicar!
It's time to get up.
É hora de te levantares.
It's time to get up, baby.
É hora de te levantares, querida.
If it was her. She's got plenty of time to spritz the place up and get out.
Se era ela, teria tempo de ajeitar o lugar e pular fora.
Jake, honey, it's time to get up.
Jake, Querido, é hora de levantar-se.
Well, Rimshot, it's time to get our blood sugar back up into the combat range, you know what I mean?
Bem, Rimshot, chegou a hora de colocar o nosso açúcar sanguineo de volta ao combate, entendes o que quero dizer?
Tell folks it's time to get up.
Para acordar o pessoal.
Come on. By the time he turns off the machine, counts up the day's receipts, it's maybe 8 : 30, 9 : 00. Just in time to see his pal Costas get in trouble.
Quando desliga as máquinas e conta os recibos são 20h30, 21h, mesmo a tempo de ver o amigo Costas em sarilhos.
It seems like as soon as my head hits the pillow, it's time to get up.
Ultimamente é como se as noites durassem somente alguns segundos.
- It's time to go. Come on, get up.
- Está na hora de sair daqui.
Come on, honey, it's time to get up.
Vá, querida, é hora de levantar.
It's time for you to get up!
Vá, levanta-te imediatamente!
You know, it's time for him to get up and work on his memoirs.
Está na hora dele acordar e trabalhar nas suas memórias.
It's time to get up for school.
Está na hora de ir para a escola.
We understand it's a special day for you, Benny but we can't just pick up and leave town every time you decide to get married.
Compreendemos que é um dia especial para ti, Benny... ... mas o teu pai e eu não podemos deixar a cidade... ... cada vez que você se casa.
Come on, it's time to get up, honey.
Vá, é hora de acordares, amor.
Maybe it's about time to get the boys to the car and start that up.
Talvez seja altura de pegar nos rapazes e irmos embora.
Come on, get up. It's time to go.
Vá, levante-se, são horas de ir.
So, Kitty... think maybe, uh, it's time to get up?
Então, Kitty... Pensa que talvez... seja altura de te levantares?
We got our asses kicked, but it's time to get up.
Vamos levar um baile, mas está na hora de nos mexermos.
It's time to get up off the mat, Toby.
Está na hora de se levantar do tapete, Toby.
Miss Nicole, it's time to get up.
Menina Nicole, horas de levantar.
Then it's time to wake him up and get aloft.
É hora de acordá-lo e decolar.
There was so much time and money and energy spent obsessing and analyzing... trying to get a glimpse of your body, that soon it felt like... the world had forgotten about everything else... and you end up feeling... disconnected from your own body, like it's not even yours.
E que tanto tempo, dinheiro e energia fossem gastos analisando e tentando ver o seu corpo, que lhe parecia que o mundo não pensava noutra coisa, e acabava sentindo-se desligado do corpo, que ele nem era seu.
- Then I'll get in trouble. It's about time I faced up to what I did.
- Vou enfrentar as consequências do que fiz.
Johnny, honey, it's time to get up for school.
Johnny, querido, são horas de ir para a escola.
- It's time to get up and put on your hat.
- São horas de levantar e pôr o chapéu.
Hey, guys I think it's time to get up.
Ei, garotos Acho que está na hora de levantar.
It's time to wake up and get a life.
Hora de acordar e mudar de vida.
It's time to get up.
É hora de levantar.
It's your first time here and I'm trying really hard to get the thumbs-up.
É a primeira vez que cá vens e eu estou a esforçar-me imenso para ter a tua aprovação.
It's gonna take us some time to get set up so we need you to lay back four or five blocks.
Vamos demorar algum tempo a preparar tudo, por isso, têm de ficar a quatro ou cinco quarteirões daqui.
It's time to get up.
Está na hora de se levantarem.
- I think it's time to get up.
- Achas que está na hora de te levantares?
It's to have the freedom to get up and leave without telling anyone about it any time of day.
É ter a liberdade para me levantar e sair sem ter de dizer algo a alguém sobre isso a qualquer altura do dia.
Justin Quayle, it's time to get up.
Justin Quayle, está na hora de acordares.
It's time to get up.
It's time to get up!
Está na hora de te levantares.
Alex, get up, it's time to go.
Alex, acorda. Está na hora de irmos.

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