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It's time to grow up traducir portugués

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It's time to grow up.
É tempo de crescer.
I was just trying to teach you how to have a good time... when you grow up to be an old lady, because make no doubt about it... when you're 45 you're gonna be wearing a drip... and ain't nobody's gonna wanna dance with you.
Só estava a tentar ensinar-te como passar o tempo, mas não tens modos! Quando tiveres 45 anos, já vais ser um velho rabugento e ninguém vai querer jogar contigo!
Sam, it's time for you to grow up and accept responsibility.
Sam, é altura de cresceres e de aceitares responsabilidades.
School is out, man. It's time to grow up.
Já não estamos na escola, está na hora de crescer.
It's time to grow up.
Chegou a altura de cresceres.
- I think it's time for them to grow up.
É altura deles crescerem, sabes? Sei, sei.
George, it's time for us to grow up and be men not little boys.
George, está na altura de crescermos, tornarmo-nos homens. - E deixar de ser catraios.
It's time to grow up.
É hora de crescer.
I mean, you don't know what it's like to- - To grow up in this stupid house with- - With everyone's boyfriends and girlfriend parading through here all the time.
Não sabes como é crescer nesta casa, com os namorados de todos sempre a pavonear-se por aqui.
It's time to grow up, Luca.
Está na hora de cresceres, Luca.
Está na altura de cresceram, jovens!
Gostas disto?
You're still holding on to what we were. Well, it's time to grow up.
Paramos Dahakjuntos, ou morremos tentando.
It's time for you to grow up.
- Cresce.
It's time for you two fuckers to grow up.
Esta na hora de vocês crescerem.
It's time to grow up.
É tempo de cresceres.
It's time for me to grow up and start holding myself accountable.
Está na hora de eu crescer e começar a assumir a culpa.
- Trust me! It's the right time to invest, grow, keep up with the competition, and this is how you do it.
Confia em mim, é o momento certo para investir, crescer, resistir á concorrência, e é assim que se faz.
Perhaps It's time to grow up.
Já é hora de que cresça.
It's time to grow up.
Já era hora.
It's time for me to grow up and be a responsible man.
É tempo de crescer e de ser um homem responsável, penso que estou nessa. Não sei.
Marshall, it's time for us to grow up.
Marshall, está na altura de crescermos.
Maybe it's time for you to grow up and realize that. Now go wait in the car.
Talvez seja altura de perceberes isso.
It's time for you to grow up.
Esta na hora de cresceres.
Now it's time for you to grow up.
Está na altura de cresceres.
It's time to grow up!
É tempo de crescer!
It's time for you to grow up.
Está na hora de cresceres.
It's time for Mr Addy to grow up.
O Sr. Addy tem de crescer.
Well, maybe it's time to let your kiddie grow up.
Bem, talvez seja altura de deixares a criança crescer.
It's time for us to both grow up and accept our lot in life.
Está na altura de crescermos e aceitarmos o que nos cabe na vida.
It's probably time for us to grow up.
Se calhar, é tempo de crescermos.
Maybe it's possible, after all this time, for your old man to grow the fuck up already.
Talvez seja possível que, ao fim deste tempo todo, o teu velhote cresça finalmente, foda-se!
Enrique, it's time to grow up.
Enrique é tempo de cresceres.
- Yeah, you were like, "come on, it's time to grow up."
Não me lembro. Você falou : "Qual é, é hora de crescer".
I guess it's time to let my little girl grow up.
Acho que está na altura de deixar a minha menina crescer.
It's time to grow up, Son.
Está na altura de creceres, filho.
It's time to grow up, Bradley.
Está na hora de cresceres, Bradley.
I never had time to show Cusí that I became a world champion. "The Boy comes up to me and she's got spark." "Feed a spark so that it becomes a flame and the flame came to grow." " Feeding the fire so that it becomes CENTURY MATCHES There is a possibility Louis.
Gentatsu Takatsuki do Clã Aizu, chamado Hitokiri Gentatsu. Um dos melhores espadachins Kanuma. Ele era incrível.
It's time for me to grow up.
É hora de crescer.
Listen, it's all very well to moon after a pash, but there comes a time when you have to grow up and find a proper man and get your knickers off!
Ouçam, é tudo muito bom ao luar depois de uma paixão, mas à de vir um tempo em que terão de crescer e encontrar o verdadeiro homem e despir as voças calças!
That it's time to grow up.
Que é hora de crescer.
It's time for me to grow up, do the right thing.
Está na hora de crescer, de fazer o correcto.
- It's time to grow up.
- Está na altura de ela crescer.
But it's time for me to grow up and I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my house because I want my husband.
Mas está na altura de eu crescer, e tenho de te pedir que saias da minha casa, porque quero o meu marido.
It's time to grow up. The Samurai will win at any cost.
São horas de cresceres, os Samurais ganharão a qualquer custo.
Ok when you were a kid, but it's. Time to grow up.
Não fazia mal quando eras criança mas é altura de cresceres.
Well, I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, But it's time you grow the fuck up, cam.
Lamento ter de ser eu a dizer-te isto, mas está na hora de cresceres, Cam.
It's time to grow the hell up.
Está bem?
It's time for you to grow up, baby girl.
Está na hora de crescer, minha pequena.
It's time for me to grow up.
Já é tempo de eu crescer.
Well, you know, I've been doing my own thing for a while, And I feel like it's time to branch out, grow up, Move away from an industry that involves beer nuts.
Sabe, tenho andado a fazer as minhas coisas desde há uns tempos e sinto que chegou a hora de me expandir, crescer, sair de uma indústria que envolva amendoins.

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