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It had to be done traducir portugués

210 traducción paralela
I was sorry, too, when it had to be done.
Eu também lamentei quando tive de o fazer.
It had to be done.
Teve que ser feito.
- It had to be done, sir.
- Era necessário.
- Oh, yes, it had to be done.
- Ah, sim, era necessário.
Well... it had to be done.
Bem... isso tinha que ser feito.
It had to be done.
Tinha que ser feito.
It had to be done by injection.
Só pode ter sido feito por uma injeçao.
- It had to be done.
- Tinha de ser feito.
It had to be done face to face, and that's the way I did it.
Tinha que ser cara a cara, e este é modo que eu fiz.
It had to be done, Lieutenant.
O que tinha que ser feito, tenente...
It had to be done.
Tinha que ser feito...
It had to be done, but...
Tinha que ser feito...
It had to be done quickly.
Era preciso apressar-nos
- Like it had to be done.
- Que tinha de se fazer.
- It had to be done.
Tinha de ser feito.
But it had to be done, and no one else had a clue.
Não finjas. - Do que estás a falar?
It had to be done.
Tinha de ser feito.
I felt like a Nazi but... it had to be done. Yeah, yeah, righto.
Senti-me um verdadeiro nazi, mas aquilo tinha de ser feito,
If it was going to be done at all, Claudius reckoned, it had to be done in such massive force that there was no chance of repeating the embarrassments of Julius.
Cláudio calculou que para o conseguir fazer, teria de usar uma força tão massiva que não houvesse possibilidade de repetir os embaraços de Júlio César.
It had to be done.
Tinha de ser.
( man ) It was a terrible waste of human life and money, but it had to be done and there was no way we could have avoided it.
Foi um desperdício terrível de vidas e de dinheiro, mas tinha de ser feito e era impossível de evitar.
I am sorry about the deception, but it had to be done.
Lamento a decepção mas tinha de ser feita.
It wasn't easy, but it had to be done.
Não foi fácil, mas tinha que ser feito.
But it had to be done.
Mas tinha de ser feito.
And I know you're gonna be angry, but it had to be done.
Sei que vais ficar zangado, mas tinha de ser.
I'm sorry about the way it had to be done, but I didn't want to argue with you about it.
Lamento a forma como teve de ser feito, mas não queria discutir contigo.
It had to be done.
Devia fazer-se.
- It had to be done.
- Tinha que ser feito. Não sabíamos...
It had to be done, whether you like it or not.
Tinha de ser feito, quer gostes ou não.
Hitler had come to power, we all felt... the left-wing people felt something had to be done and they tried it in different ways.
Quando Hitler chegou ao poder, as pessoas da esquerda acharam que algo tinha de ser feito e tentaram de várias maneiras.
It seemed to him unbearable... that what he had done could never be undone.
Parecia-lhe insuportável que o que tinha feito nunca pudesse desfazer-se.
Oh! I'm awfully sorry I had to rush off, but it was something that had to be done.
Lamento ter saído assim, mas tinha uma coisa a fazer que era inadiável.
It was clear and had to be done.
Era tudo óbvio e tinha de ser feito.
It was just somethin that had to be done.
Era o que tinha de ser feito.
I did exactly what had to be done, exactly when it should have been done.
Fiz o que tinha de ser feito e exactamente quando devia ser feito.
If there had to be another day, then all the landing craft would need to return to base, so it couldn't be done on a second day's postponement.
Se tivesse de adiar um segundo dia, então os veículos de desembarque teriam de regressar à base, por isso, não se podia adiar para um segundo dia.
I had been getting obscene phone calls, and I want to know what can be done about it?
Tenho estado a receber chamadas obscenas e quero saber o que posso fazer.
It would have been much better for me if he had suffered you to be drowned rather than do what he has done.
Mais valia ter-te deixado morrer do que ter feito o que fez!
All I did was refuse to give in to it... and do what I knew had to be done.
Tudo o que eu fiz foi recusar-me a ceder... e tudo o que eu sabia teve que ser feito.
It had to be done, Tina.
It just had to be done.
Só fazia o que tinha de ser feito.
It's as though I knew what had to be done and...
É como se eu... soubesse o que tinha que fazer.
If... If I had just done what you said when you told me to do it, then they would still be alive. Kaleipus and Solon.
Se... eu tivesse feito o que disseste... quando me disseste para o fazer, eles ainda estariam vivos... o Kaleipus e o Solan.
Of all the people I'd done it to, that had to be the one I felt.
De entre todas as pessoas a quem eu fiz isso, este foi o único que me sensibilizou.
I did'em because it's what had to be done.
Fi-las porque era preciso.
He had bought the book and was trying to make it straight and realized that he couldn't, that it was so utterly insane that it couldn't be done that way.
... acerca da loucura que aquilo era. Ele tinha comprado o livro e procurou fazer um filme sério... ... mas concluiu que era impossível, por se tratar de uma loucura...
From the beginning of the Free Software movement I had the idea that there's room in it for business to be done.
No começo do Movimento do Software Livre eu tive a ideia de que se tem espaço nele para negócios serem feitos.
We all signed up for this trip because we wanted to do something no one had ever done before, not because we thought it'd be easy or safe.
Todos embarcámos porque queríamos fazer algo que nunca tinha sido feito, não por acharmos que seria fácil ou seguro.
And they were anticipating... because of this wonderful thing he had done with general relativity, this recasting the laws of gravity out of his head... there was a thought he could do it again, and they, you know, people want to be in on that.
E esperavam grandes coisas Marcia Bartusiak Escritora E esperavam grandes coisas Marcia Bartusiak Escritora graças às maravilhas que tinha feito com a Relatividade Geral, graças às maravilhas que tinha feito com a Relatividade Geral, esta reconstrução das leis da gravidade a partir das suas ideias... pensava-se que ele conseguiria fazê-lo de novo
But by now, it's like crying wolf. Each time we had done something, I figured everyone's going to be excited, and they weren't.
Mas nessa altura, passou-se o mesmo que na história de "Pedro e o lobo", de cada vez que fazíamos algo, achávamos que ia haver um grande entusiasmo, mas não havia.
My memory of it is just this room full of tapes rolling around, because it was without any sort of computer help, everything had to be done manually.
Lembro-me de estar numa sala cheia de fitas a rodar porque... não havia... ajuda alguma do computador, tinha de ser tudo feito manualmente.

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