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Jed traducir portugués

868 traducción paralela
- Jed?
- Jed?
Uncle Jed!
Tio Jed!
It's Uncle Jed!
É o tio Jed.
Uncle Jed?
O tio Jed?
What do you know, Uncle Jed?
O que conseguiu, tio Jed?
Sure, Uncle Jed, we know that.
Claro, tio Jed. Já sabemos.
- Oh, will you get that, Uncle Jed?
- Pode abrir, tio Jed?
- Will you have some coffee, Uncle Jed?
- Quer café, tio Jed?
- Uncle Jed!
- Tio Jed!
But thanks for the offer, Uncle Jed.
Obrigado por seu oferecimento, tio Jed.
- Oh, goodbye, Uncle Jed.
- Adeus, tio Jed.
With appreciation and regards to our agent, Uncle Jed. "
Com avaliação e a confiança de nosso agente, o tio Jed ".
She's changed, Uncle Jed.
trocou, tio Jed.
There's Uncle Jed and the stage manager and Faye Fanchett and the Flying Fools.
ao tio Jed, e ao chefe de cenário e ao Faye Fanchett e aos Parvos Voadores.
- Good night, Uncle Jed.
- boa noite, tio Jed.
You run along, Jed.
te adiante, Jed.
Hello, Uncle Jed?
Olá, tio Jed?
- Hello, Jed.
- Olá, Jed.
- Oh, fine, Uncle Jed.
- Bem, tio Jed.
- Hello, Uncle Jed.
- Olá, tio Jed.
Bring it, Uncle Jed.
Traz-a, tio Jed.
You ought to see Jed Leland.
Você precisa ver Jed Leland.
I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Eu não me preocuparia, Jed.
- Jed Leland? He wanted me to make sure you got this personally.
Ele quis que eu entregasse pessoalmente.
I seen him break four of Jed Peters'ribs.
- O Peters quebrou 4 costelas.
Drop back, Jed.
Fica para trás, Jed.
Sure was mighty inconsiderate of old Jed to get hisself killed like that.
Que falta de consideração do Jed deixar-se matar daquela maneira.
Oh, you can do better than that, Jed.
Podes fazer melhor do que isso, Jed.
Give me your gun, Jed.
Dá-me a tua arma, Jed.
Why? Jed, tonight you go over and let the kid out.
O Jed, hoje à noite Vai deixar que o rapaz fuja.
Shake hands with the gent who did the reviving, Jed Ringer.
Aperte a mão do homem que me soltou, Jed Ringer.
Don't ever turn your back on Jed Ringer.
Não vire as costas ao Jed Ringer.
Sorry Jed, you already got all that's coming to you.
Desculpe Jed, você já ganhou tudo o que era seu.
Jed and I have a little business.
Jed e eu temos negócios a tratar.
By Jed Ringer?
- Por Jed Ringer?
No, Jed Ringer.
Não, o Jed Ringer.
What's old Jed done now?
O que o velho Jed, fez agora?
As a matter of fact, I was wondering where I could locate Jed.
De facto, estava à procura do Jed.
What do you want with Jed?
O que quer do Jed?
All I heard is O'Mara found out it was Jed who killed his folks.
Tudo que sei é que O'Mara descobriu que foi o Jed quem matou a família.
- Jed was in on the deal someplace.
- Jed estava metido no negócio.
Tell him if anything happens to Jed Ringer, I'm going to come back and kill him.
Diga-lhe que se acontecer qualquer coisa ao Jed Ringer, vou voltar e matá-lo.
Your Uncle told O'Mara Jed killed his folks.
Seu Tio disse ao Clay O'Mara que Jed matou a sua família.
Jed didn't do it.
- Jed não fez isto.
I heard you was looking for Jed Ringer.
Ouvi dizer que está procurando o Jed Ringer.
Hey, Jed, take a look at his left hind shoe, will you?
Jed, vê a ferradura da pata esquerda traseira, está bem?
You have room for three more in our wagon, Jed.
Você tem espaço para mais três em nosso vagão, Jed.
Thank you, Jed.
Obrigado, Jed.
- You got any salt, Jed?
- Tem sal, Jed?
- Jed.
- Jed.

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