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Jobe traducir portugués

128 traducción paralela
It's OK, Jobe boy.
Tudo bem, Jobe.
Go fill up the gas can, Jobe.
Vai encher o tanque, Jobe.
Jobe, boy, go ahead and finish what you're doing.
Jobe, termina o que estás a fazer.
Jobe, are you in there?
Jobe, estás aí?
Which of God's lessons helps you to remember best, Jobe?
Qual lição de Deus te ajuda a recordar melhor, Jobe?
Jobe, do you like to play games? Yeah.
Jobe, gostas de jogar?
Hey, Jobe. It's OK.
Tudo bem, Jobe.
Hey, Jobe.
Hei, Jobe...
You know, Jobe...
Sabes, Jobe...
Do you understand what I mean, Jobe?
Entendes o que eu digo, Jobe?
Soon, Jobe.
Logo, Jobe.
In a while, it's going to be like... being up there with the stars, Jobe.
Logo, será como estar nas estrelas, Jobe.
Jobe, what's the matter?
Jobe, o que foi?
You nailed it, Jobe!
Ganhaste, Jobe!
You just graduated to the next level, Jobe.
Acabaste de passar ao próximo nível, Jobe.
There's no telling how far I can take Jobe.
É imprevisível saber até onde Jobe pode ir.
She's got the hots for you, Jobe boy.
Ela está a fazer-se a ti, Jobe.
You see this, Jobe?
- Vês isto, Jobe?
This is some of the most advanced computer equipment... in the world, Jobe.
Este computador é um dos mais avançados do mundo.
It's so hot today, Jobe.
Está muito calor.
Jobe, have you ever kissed a girl before?
Jobe, já beijaste uma mulher?
Hi, Dolly! Hi, Jobe.
- Olá, Dolly.
I'll be right with you.
- Olá, Jobe. Eu já venho.
Are you all right, Jobe?
Estás bem, Jobe?
Well... don't worry, Jobe.
Bem... Não te preocupes, Jobe.
I didn't even think of Jobe's safety.
Nem pensei na saúde do Jobe.
Jobe, it's so huge in here.
Jobe, isto é tão grande.
Jobe, where are you?
Jobe, onde estás?
I'm stuck in this stuff, Jobe.
Fiquei presa nesta coisa, Jobe.
Jobe, let me up!
Jobe, solta-me! Agora!
Jobe, you're scaring me.
Jobe, estás a assustar-me!
You're trying to get inside my head, Jobe.
Estás a tentar entrar na minha mente.
I fear for Jobe's sanity.
Temo pela sua sanidade.
The Shop requested that we resume... the original Batch 5 with Jobe.
A Agência pediu a retomada das fórmulas originais com Jobe.
Why didn't you include the development... of Jobe's other abilities in your report, Larry?
Por que não incluiu as outras habilidades de Jobe no relatório?
They're going to pick up Jobe and bring him here.
Vão trazer o Jobe para cá.
They're not going to get Jobe.
- Não vão apanhar o Jobe.
I'll let you know what the next step is... after we've had a chance to examine Jobe Smith.
Manter-te-ei informado... após examinarmos... Jobe Smith.
I don't want you here tonight, Jobe.
Não te quero aqui hoje, Jobe.
Jobe, come on.
Jesus Cristo!
You killed two people, Jobe.
Tu mataste duas pessoas, Jobe.
You're having delusions, Jobe.
Estás a delirar, Jobe.
Right, Jobe.
Certo, Jobe.
I sure have been missing you, Jobe.
Eu estava com saudades, Jobe.
Jobe, lad!
Jobe, meu rapaz!
Hey, Jobe!
Hei, Jobe!
Hi, Jobe.
- Olá, Jobe.
Can you hear me, Jobe?
AVISO Podes ouvir-me, Jobe?
Jobe, what are you doing?
Jobe, o que estás a fazer?
Cyberchrist. Please listen to me, Jobe.
Cristo cibernético.

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