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Just leaving traducir portugués

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I was just leaving!
Já estava a ir!
I'm just leaving.
Estou de saída.
- I was just leaving, but Pat can help you.
Eu estou de saída, mas Pat pode ajudá-la.
I'm just leaving.
Estou a sair.
Yes, he's just leaving.
Sim, ele saiu.
- Asagai was just leaving, Mama.
- O Asagai já estava de saída, mamã.
Colonel Dubaku, we are just leaving the township now, sir.
Coronel Dubaku, estamos a sair da vila.
You're just leaving too much to chance.
Estás a deixar demasiado ao acaso.
I'm just leaving.
Estou indo embora.
He's just leaving.
Estava a sair.
This is Alan Shore. He was just leaving.
Este é o Alan Shore.
Kevin's just leaving?
Esperem lá. A Kevin vai-se embora?
Mr. Doyle, here, was just leaving.
O Sr. Doyle estava de saída.
- No, I was just leaving.
- Não, eu ia mesmo a sair.
Don't worry about it, I was just leaving
Não faz mal, estava de saída.
Miss Greenstein was just leaving.
A menina Greenstein estava a sair.
I was just leaving.
Ia já embora.
- You know, I was just leaving.
- Sabem, estava de saída.
Don't worry. I was just leaving.
Não te preocupes, já estava de saída.
- Spyder... - Nothing, he was just leaving.
- Nada, ele estava de saída.
We're just leaving.
Estamos só de saída.
We were just leaving.
Nós estávamos saindo.
I'm just leaving.
Já acabei. Vou-me embora.
No, I was just leaving.
Não. Já estava de saída.
She was just leaving.
Ela estava de saída.
Not interrupting, I presume? Not at all, I was just leaving.
Não pensei nisso porque parecia alguém a tossir.
- Mary, please, they're just leaving.
- Mary, por favor, eles já estão a ir.
Anyway, i just wish you weren't leaving'cause... 'Cause i... i love you... becca moody.
Seja como for, gostava que não fosses embora, porque porque eu amo-te, Becca Moody.
It was just Dorothy leaving.
Era só a Dorothy a ir embora.
Since we're leaving in the morning tomorrow let's just eat out, and...
Escute, já que vamos sair amanhã tão cedo... vamos jantar fora e...
We should have just taken both keys and held on to them instead of leaving one there.
Devemos tirar ambas as chaves... e ficar com elas ao invés de deixar uma no quadro.
I just saw you leaving to go home.
Eu vi-te a saír, a ir para casa.
It's just a shame you're leaving.
Lamento é que vás embora.
No, I was just actually leaving.
Já estava de saída.
If you were to consider leaving with all that, well... I just want you to know I'd be very cross with you.
Se estiveres a pensar em fugir, com isso tudo, bem... só quero que saibas que ficaria muito chateado contigo.
You're just anxious about leaving.
Isso é a ânsia de partir.
You didn't think twice about leaving me out to dry just so you can school her.
Nem pensaste duas vezes em deixar-me na berlinda... só para entrares em conflito com eles.
She's been leaving messages at our office all day. They just didn't get to me till now.
Só agora é que mos transmitiram.
You are leaving just like that?
Estás a deixar-me assim?
But what about the pictures of Lila leaving the dam just after Stingwell was murdered?
Mas e quanto às fotos da Lila a sair da barragem depois do assassínio do Stingwell?
And there you have it leaving just lie?
E deixaram-no lá fora?
I'd just... feel better leaving you out of it.
Eu apenas... sentir-me-ia melhor ao deixar-te fora disto.
You can't just be leaving your baby with anybody.
Você não pode apenas estar deixar seu bebê com ninguém.
You can't just be leaving your kid with anybody.
Você não pode apenas estar deixando seu filho com ninguém.
I was hoping Wichita was just playing hard to get but I realized she had more trust issues than I when I woke up the next day and she was leaving.
Eu estava à espera que Wichita se armasse em difícil, mas percebi que ela tinha mais problemas de confiança que eu, quando acordei no dia seguinte e ela se foi embora.
I know you're going to think I'm leaving now because of what you just said, but, I really... I have to get back to work.
Eu sei que vais pensar que me vou agora embora, pelo que acaste de dizer, mas eu, realmente... tenho de voltar ao trabalho.
You're just anxious about leaving.
Estás apenas ansiosa por partirmos.
She'll just be leaving for work.
Está quase a sair para o emprego.
At work, Bennett... who's leaving friday, finally... he had asked me to take over this big case, assuming that I would just crush the other side as usual.
No trabalho, o Bennett, que se vai embora na sexta, finalmente, pediu-me para ficar com um caso importante, assumindo que eu ia arrasar a outra parte, como de costume.
You're not leaving this room until we find out once and for all if we're really just friends.
Não sais deste quarto até descobrirmos de uma vez por todas se somos só amigos.
When he looked happy, you assumed the pain had gone, but it just got buried deeper, leaving him tormented about who he was, until finally he put a bullet...
Quando o viram feliz, acharam que a dor tinha desaparecido. Mas ficou mais profunda, deixando-o atormentado quanto à identidade dele até dar um tiro...

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