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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ J ] / Just you wait and see

Just you wait and see traducir portugués

133 traducción paralela
# I know my luck's gonna change # Just you wait and see
A minha sorte vai mudar Verás que vai ser assim
- No he won't, Ange. - Just you wait and see!
- Em minha casa não vá a dormir Ange,
Just you wait and see, all right?
Espera e verás, está bem?
[Doug] We'll make him talk, just you wait and see.
Vamos obrigá-lo a falar. Vais ver. Certo.
- Oh, yeah? - Just you wait and see.
Espere e verá.
"There will be big bombers over the white cliffs of dover tomorrow. Just you wait and see!"
"Vão haver bombas sobre Dovera amanhã, esperem e vão ver".
- He's gonna get caught Just you wait and see
- E uma canção porreira.
Just you wait and see
Ele vai ser apanhado
Just you wait and see.
Já vais ver.
Just you wait and see.
Espera e verás.
You'll like Helen, and she'll like you, too. You just wait and see.
E ela vai gostar de ti... vais ver.
- You just wait and see, sir.
- Já vai ver, senhor.
You just wait and see.
Você apenas espera e vê.
You just wait and see.
Espera e verás.
When you get there, wait and see, it'll just pour out.
Vai sair-lhe naturalmente.
I can just wait and see if you pull yourself together or if you don't.
Posso esperar e ver se te recompões.
Just you wait and see!
Ora veja só!
You're a very funny girl. Just wait and see.
Você é uma garota muito engraçada.
" You just wait and see, Hazel.
" Espera e verás, Hazel.
- You just wait and see!
- Espera e verás!
Just you wait and see!
Fica quieto.
She'll turn up. You just wait and see.
Ela volta, vais ver.
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Eles abriram o programa, acho, e fecharam também, pareceu-me uma jogada astuta por parte do Ed Sullivan... Porque as pessoas se irritariam se esperassem todo o programa para ver os Rutles. Porque claramente tinham ido ali naquela semana só para vê-los...
This will make you very happy, just wait and see. Drug addicts in the jungle.
Ele vai ficar muito alegre, espere e verá.
Just wait twenty years and you'll see.
Lembre-se das minhas palavras daqui a vinte anos.
Just you wait and see. When I get through with him!
- Tu vais ver quando o apanhar...
Just you wait and see.
- You're just going to have to wait and see. - Oh, well...
- Vai ter de esperar para ver.
You just wait and see what I can do!
Espere e verá do que sou capaz!
Will you just wait and see what he has to say, Da?
Podes esperar e ver o que ele tem para dizer, pai?
And I'm not going to jeopardize everything just because you two guys can't wait to see your name in print.
Não vou deitar tudo a perder porque vocês querem ver o vosso nome nos jornais.
- # Tomorrow's the new day just wait and you'll see #
# Just wait and you'll see Just wait and you'll see #
Eu gosto de ti.
And just wait till you see what you've won.
E espera até veres o que ganhas-te.
Well, I got there early. You see, I've had my eye on this suit... that I've wanted, and, well, I'm just gonna go try it on... - Wait a minute.
Cheguei antes da hora, andava com o fato debaixo d'olho e...
# Just you wait and see... #
I'm working for you again, and if you think you weren't satisfied with my work before, just wait till you see all the typos and lost messages you've got comin'your way! Ohh!
- Estou trabalhando novamente para si, e se não estava satisfeito com o meu trabalho antes, espere só até ver todos os erros e mensagens perdidas que hão-de surgir no seu caminho!
"There's not a damn thing you can do about it " so you might as well just sit back and wait and see what happens. "
Não há nada que possas fazer sobre isso, portanto mais vale esperares e veres o que acontece. "
You know, I think it`s just so tough right now, economically and all... that I think maybe we should just wait and see if this job thing pays off.
Acho que anda tão difícil agora, economicamente e tudo... que devemos esperar e ver se corre tudo bem com este emprego.
Maybe if I just wait and see long enough, then I won't have to do anything or decide anything, you know?
se calhar se esperar para ver o suficiente acabe não tendo de fazer nada. Ou de decidir nada.
- If we just sit here... and we wait and see a little while longer, then maybe you won't have to choose, and I won't have to do anything!
Se ficarmos aqui à espera para ver mais um bocadinho, talvez não precises de escolher nem eu de fazer nada!
Yes, well, maybe next time you'll just wait and see.
Talvez para a próxima possas esperar para ver.
You just wait and see.
Espere e verá.
Oh, you just wait and see.
Oh, espera e vê.
You're just going to have to wait and see.
Vais ter de esperar para ver.
- You just wait and see.
- Espera e verás.
Oh, you just wait and see, little man.
Espera para veres.
Why don't you just wait here for a second? And I'll see if she's ready... and, uh, just, um, have a seat.
Sente-se, que vou ver se ela está disponível.
Can't you just wait this time... and see if you meet a guy the normal way?
Não podes simplesmente esperar desta vez... para veres se conheces alguém de uma maneira normal?
And I just can't wait to see how you handle it.
E estou ansioso por ver-te tratar disso.
You mock me now Smallville, but you just wait and see.
Goza comigo agora Smallville, mas espera e verás.

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