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Koch traducir portugués

153 traducción paralela
Georg August Koch
Georg August Koch
That is the bacille de Koch that causes tuberculosis.
- Este é o bacilo de Koch que causa tuberculose.
Let's go, Mayor Koch.
- Vamos, prefeito.
Well, they promised to, but so did Kemp and Koch... and Magnuson and Javits and you.
Eles prometeram, mas Kemp, Koch, Magnuson, Javits e o senhor também.
- "Dump Koch." Well, there you go.
"Dump Koch." Bem, aqui está
Mayor Koch "How I'm Doing?" chocolate-egg-cream drinking, bagel and lox, B'nai B'rith, Jew asshole. Yo!
Mayor Kochie, "Que tal estou?", bebe-batidos, papa-pãezinhos, avarento, sacana judeu.
In his diverse reincarnations he was Maharaja of Calcutta, Bengal tiger, Ceylon chimpanzee, Doberman flea, and Koch bacillus, in that order.
Em suas distintas reencarnações foi Marajá de Calcutá tigre de Bengala, chipanzé de Ceilão, pulga de doberman, e bacilo de Koch, nessa ordem.
Max Koch. we met him just now.
Estivemos com ele agora.
This is Dr. Koch from MIT, Sloan...
Este é o Dr. Koch do MIT, da Escola
I'd go with the Hechler and Koch.
Eu escolhia a HKMP.
Move this rust bucket out behind Saint Koch's cathedral.
Ponha este monte de lata atrás da Catedral de Saint Koch.
Paula Henning, 783 points in the 1999 Robert Koch Contest.
Paula Henning, 783 pontos no concurso Robert Koch de 1999.
Your score in the Robert Koch Contest?
Quanto tiveste no concurso Robert Koch?
In the Robert Koch Contest for the advanced semester?
No concurso Robert Koch para o semestre avançado?
Heckler Koch MP5.
Heckler Koch MP5.
The Pointer from the Sporting Group, handled by Jill IKoch.
O Pointer do Grupo Desportivo, exibido por Jill Koch.
The gun that fired your bullet was either a Heckler Koch USP or a Glock.
A arma que disparou esta bala ou era uma Heckler Koch USR ou uma Glock.
A Glock's got eight, Heckler Koch, six.
A Glock têm oito, a Heckler Koch, seis.
And look who I had for dessert. Asexual former mayor Ed Koch. Pah!
E vejam quem comi à sobremesa, o ex-prefeito assexual, Ed Koch.
Dolce Gabbana couldn't get Ed Koch?
Fran Lebowitz? E o Ed Koch?
I use Koch.
Eu uso o Koch.
You know, I use Koch too.
Sabes, eu também uso o Koch.
Oh, Dr. Koch.
Oh, Dr. Koch.
They always make me play with Ed Koch.
Não quero jogar com Ed Koch.
Heckler Koch P-11 underwater pistol.
Pistola subaquática Heckler Koch P11.
I showed Ed Koch my boobs at Starbucks the other day
Eu mostrei as mamas ao Ed Koch no Starbucks, no outro dia.
- Demasiado velho!
- O Autarca com pinta?
A Heckler Koch MP5 machine pistol.
Uma arma Heckler Koch MP5
Murder weapon is an HK MP-5.
A arma do crime é uma Heckler Koch MP-5.
I hold multiple citations from Mayor Dinkins, Mayor Koch and, of course, the great Mayor Giuliani.
Eu guardo múltiplos elogios do Mayor Dickens, do Mayor Cotch e claro, do grande Mayor Giuliani.
I just wanted to let you know I've been talking to Coach about distributing "Bareback".
Só queria que soubesses que falei com o Koch sobre a distribuição do Bareback.
Heckler and Koch G36.
Heckler Koch G36.
- Koch.
- Koch.
Damn it, you know, why didn't I just listen to the prerecorded voice of former Mayor Ed Koch reminding me to take my belongings?
Porque não dei ouvidos à gravação do presidente Ed Koch, a dizer-me para levar o que me pertencia?
Ballistics report on the bullet removed from his brain, came from a Heckler and Koch UMP.
O relatório balístico sobre a bala removida do cérebro indica que veio de uma Heckler and Koch UMP.
Koch is ready.
Koch está preparado.
JJ Koch here.
J. J. Koch aqui.
Given the accuracy and range, it's something like the Heckler Koch PSG1.
Dada a precisão e o alcance deve ser uma Heckler Koch PSG1.
Okay, have either of you ever heard the name David Koch?
- Muito bem. Algum de vocês já ouviu o nome David Koch?
- David Koch.
- David Koch.
No. Have you ever heard the name Charles Koch?
- E o nome Charles Koch?
Have you ever heard the name Koch Industries?
- Ouviram o nome Koch Industries?
Have either of you heard of Koch Industries?
Algum de vocês ouviu falar da Koch Industries?
Koch Industries is the second-largest private company in the country.
A Koch Industries é a segunda maior empresa privada do país.
And the Koch brothers personal wealth of $ 50 billion is exceeded only by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, and they could buy and sell George Soros 10 times over.
E a fortuna pessoal dos irmãos Koch, de 50 mil milhões de dólares, só é ultrapassada pelas de Warren Buffett e de Bill Gates e podiam comprar e vender o George Soros dez vezes.
That summit was paid for entirely by Americans For Prosperity, AFP, which has two founders, David and Charles Koch.
Essa cimeira foi paga pela Americanos Pela Prosperidade, a AFP, que tem dois fundadores :
Sheryl, Mike, are the Koch brothers average Americans whose voices are being drowned out by lobbyists and special interests?
Sheryl, Mike, os irmãos Koch são americanos médios cujas vozes estão a ser abafadas por lobistas e interesses privados?
Do not come down on the Kochs without checking upstairs.
Não ataquem os Koch sem falarem connosco.
John Koch.
John Koch.
- Ed Koch?

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