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Kwang traducir portugués

55 traducción paralela
Joyce Godenzi, Ha Chi-chun, Charlie Chin Hsiang-lin, Billy Lau Nam-kwang,
Joyce Godenzi, Ha Chi-chun, charlie Chin Hsiang-Iin, billy Lau Nam-kwang,
Mr Kwang, you don't pay for hardware.
Sr. Kwang, não paga pelo hardware.
This Kwang seems like trouble.
Este Kwang promete ser um problema.
Kwang and his team of British agents are dead.
O Kwang e a sua equipa de agentes britânicos estão mortos.
That nut, General Kwang?
O maluco do general Kwang?
Let's have a toast... to singer Kwang Suk.
Vamos fazer um brinde... Em honra do cantor Kwang Suk.
I think Kwang-tae has something to tell me.
Eu acho que o Kwang-tae tem alguma coisa pra me dizer.
His name's Kwang-tae.
Chamava-se Kwang-tae.
I think it was summer when Kwang-tae moved in.
Acho que era Verão quando Kwang-tae se mudou pra cá
Aren't these Kwang-tae's notes?
Estas não são as notas de Kwang-tae?
It's Kwang-tae's novel.
È a historia de Kwang-tae
Kwang-tae met a pro like me so he learned a lot from me.
Kwang-tae conheçeu-me como um pro apreendeu muito comigo
Whenever I look at his notes, I think of Kwang-tae too.
Cada vez que olho as notas dele lembro-me de Kwang-tae também
He took Kwang-tae's notes first,
Ele pegou nas notas de Kwang-tae primeiro
Mr. Lee?
Ele fingiu ajudar Kwang-tae, mas tava só a usá-lo Mr. Lee?
Were you happy with loving Kwang-tae?
Eras feliz amando Kwang-tae?
Kwang-tae, are you sick of me?
Kwang-tae, tás farto de mim?
Kwang-ho used to follow Hyang-sook around all the time.
Kwang-ho costumava seguir Hyang-sook por aí a toda a hora.
Even more important, the night she was killed... that old woman saw Kwang-ho following her.
E o mais importante, na noite em que ela foi morta... a mulher viu Kwang-ho a segui-la.
Kwang-ho, get up.
Kwang-ho, levanta-te.
Hey, Kwang-ho.
Ei, Kwang-ho.
- Kwang-ho!
- Kwang-ho!
Kwang-ho, this is the spot, right?
Kwang-ho, é este o lugar, certo?
I told you before, Kwang-ho isn't guilty.
Eu já te disse, Kwang-ho não é o culpado.
Look at Kwang-ho's hands.
Olha para as mãos de Kwang-ho.
Kwang-ho! It's me!
Mr. Baek Kwang-ho!
Sr. Baek Kwang-ho!
Where did Kwang-ho go?
Para onde foi Kwang-ho?
Like with Kwang-ho.
Como o Kwang-ho.
Retarded Kwang-ho...
Kwang-ho idiota...
Kwang-ho is the witness.
Kwang-ho é a testemunha.
Where did Kwang-ho go?
Onde está o Kwang-ho?
Have you seen Kwang-ho?
Viste o Kwang-ho?
Hey, Kwang-ho!
Ei, Kwang-ho!
Based on a story by kim Kwang-ll
Baseado numa história de KIM Kwang-II
Sound Supervisor Yong-Hoon KIM Recording Kwang-Ho CHUNG
Sound Supervisor Yong-Hoon KIM Recording Kwang-Ho CHUNG
Cpt Moto, Professor Huan Ye of China.
Capitão Moto, professor Kwang Ye da China.
LEE Kwang-su.
LEE Kwang-su.
You know, when I was in bang kwang, I would lie awake at night, thinking I was Going to die in that place.
Sabes, quando estava em Bang Kwang, ficava acordado à noite, a pensar que morria naquele sítio.
You are from Kwang Tung?
Você é do Cantão?
However, according to Thai government reports our victim was executed by firing squad at Bang Kwang Central Prison in June, 2009, on drug trafficking charges.
De acordo com relatórios do Governo Tailandês, a nossa vítima foi executada por um pelotão de fuzilamento, na Prisão Central Bang Kwang, em Junho de 2009, por acusações de tráfico de droga.
According to them, Wattana was executed at Bang Kwang Prison in 2009 and they ain't helping us with this.
Segundo eles, o Wattana foi executado na Prisão Bang Kwang, em 2009, e não nos irão ajudar com isto.
He pretended to help Kwang-tae, but he was just using him. Yeah!

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