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Leech traducir portugués

355 traducción paralela
"Foreigner, Austrian, leech."
"Estrangeira, austríaca, sanguessuga".
It's just unpleasant to be reminded what a failure I am. A leech!
Não é muito agradável perceber que sou um fracassado, um inútil, um parasita.
Clear your leech line.
Tirar a carregadeira.
Now, wait there, Captain Leech. We ought to hear what...
Espera, capitão Leech.
And I say Captain Leech is a gibbering ape... fit only for the company of baboons.
Eu digo que o capitão Leech é um macaco acompanhado de babuínos.
Ah, gentlemen, Captain Leech is in a temper.
Olha, cavaleiros. O capitão Leech está aborrecido.
Leech! Jamie! Stop it!
Leech, Jamie, basta já!
Your head, Captain Leech... were it filled with gold instead of slops, wouldn't fetch that.
A tua, capitão Leech, se não estiver plena de água suja não pensaría isso.
A king's right arm in the Caribbean... and a strong one.
Não, capitão Leech. O braço direito do Rei no Caribe. Um braço forte.
Will you join me for that, Brother Leech?
Voce unirá a mím, Leech?
The friends of Pirate Leech who supplied him with the news... of where to fall upon the Prince Consort.
Os amigos do capitão Leech que lhe deram informação sobre o Príncipe Consorte.
Mr. Speaker, honorable members... Leech has many old friends in Jamaica... friends in high position.
Senhor presidente, honoráveis membros Leech tem muitos amigos na Jamaica.
And now, my lads, will one of you take a look in your crystal globe... and tell these lords and gentlemen where... our old friend Leech is hiding? Ha!
Bem, olha sua bola de cristal e fale onde está Leech.
And wipe Leech and the black flag off the seas.
Afunde essas fezes dos mares, esses piratas.
Tell Leech to get out of Tortuga... and to wait for the Royal Treasurer off St. Thomas.
Diga a Leech que saia de Tortuga e que espere em Tesouro Real em Saint Tomas.
And tell Leech I know just how much she's... carrying and not try skimping my share. - Aye, sir.
Diga a Leech que sei o que tem a bordo e que não me engane.
Leech will anchor his ships well inshore.
Leech ancorará seus barcos perto da costa.
I'll have Leech's head for you. I'll serve it up to you on a platter with an apple in its mouth.
Antes de que traga a carta do Rei a cabeça de Leech será servida em bandeja.
My captains will bring Leech and his buccaneers back... to Port Royal. And I promise you this. I'll hang a pirate in each of your bedrooms... to dangle over your heads and give you the lie.
Meus capitães trarão Leech a Port Royal eu os prometo que enforcarei um pirata em cada uma de suas alcovas para que recordem suas mentiras.
Leech was warned of our coming.
Alguém daqui advertiu Leech.
I'm rejoining my ships, and then we're going to search the Caribbean until we find Leech.
Procurarei por todo o Caribe até encontrar Leech.
They commissioned me to present the case... of Pirate Morgan, Pirate Waring and Pirate Leech to His Majesty.
Acusarei os piratas Morgan, Waring e Leech ante sua Majestade.
And don't forget, it's not Margaret with... an apple in her mouth I want, but Leech.
Não quero a Margaret prisioneira, sim o Leech.
I don't know which I'd rather see hanging from a yardarm, you or Leech.
Não sei se prefiro vê-la enforcada ou o Leech.
- Someone who hates Morgan... and has been playing partners with Leech... giving him information and collecting a captain's... share of the booty, or I miss my guess.
Alguém que odeia Morgan e beneficia Leech dando-lhe informação em troca de uma parte da renda.
But you can't fool Leech with a baby trick like that, Jamie.
Que? Não lhe enganará com um truque tão infantil.
We'll join Leech and lead him to Maracaibo.
Nós uniremos a Leech e o conduziremos até lá.
There's only one way to get out of this alive, and that's to tell Leech I've left Morgan.
Sómente viviremos se acreditar que deixamos Morgan.
You are working with Leech.
Ingram tem razão, trabalha com Leech.
- My answer is they're after... your neck, Leech.
Qual é sua resposta? Eles andam atrás de suas brigas, Leech.
My love, may I present Captain Leech.
Meu amor, te apresento ao capitão Leech.
And to assure Captain Leech... that you're an honest man... sail abreast of the Swan at all times. Take over.
Sim, capitão.
Thanks for the gift, Leech.
Obrigado pelo presente, Leech.
We're pulling close to Maracaibo, Leech.
Nos aproximamos de Maracaibo, Leech.
What about Leech, Sir Henry?
E Leech, Sir Henry?
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
Só nos livraremos da forca do Rei se conseguirmos as cabeças de Waring e Leech e a Lady Margaret em bom estado para ser sua salvadora.
Leech and his crew are sailing into Maracaibo... expecting to find a few cannon and an old stone wall.
Sim, Leech está navegando até Maracaibo. Espera encontrar uns canhões e um velho muro.
I warned you myself about crossing swords with Leech.
Advertí-lhe que não devia cruzar a espada com Leech.
How he was caught between us. Between me and that leech he was married to.
Ele ficou dividido entre nós, entre mim e aquela sanguessuga!
You ungrateful leech!
Sua sanguessuga ingrata!
I'm Steve Leech, foreman at Ladder Ranch.
Sou o Steve Leethy, capataz do rancho Leather.
Over there, Captain Leech.
Aí, capitão Leech.
I give you my word on this, Captain Leech.
Dou minha palavra, capitão Leech.
I'll bring you back a necklace made of his teeth.
Sir Henry, te trará um colar com os dentes de Leech.
Find out what frightened Brother Leech off.
Averigua porque Leech não está aqui.
Well, why don't you answer? You would like to make me believe... something foul against a decent man! You're not after Leech.
Por que não contesta?
It's Leech.
É Leech.
We're gonna join Leech.
Vamos nos unir a Leech.
That's Leech and his cutthroats.
É Leech e seus assassinos.
Aye, Captain.
Para que o capitão Leech veja que é honrado navega na altura do cisne a todo momento. Sim, capitão.
Captain Leech, look!
Capitão Leech, olha.

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