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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ L ] / Let me think about that

Let me think about that traducir portugués

74 traducción paralela
- Let me think about that.
Vou pensar nisso.
Let me think about that a minute.
Deixe-me pensar um minuto.
- Let me think about that for a second. A :
Deixe-me pensar um bocado...
Let me think about that.
Vou pensar no assunto.
Ooh, let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar nisso. Não.
Well, let me think about that.
Bem, deixa-me pensar nisso...
Yeah, let me think about that.
Pois, vou pensar nisso.
Let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar nisso.
Let me think about that for just a minute.
Deixa pensar um instante.
Let me think about that for a second. Hmm.
Me deixe pensar aproximadamente que durante um segundo.
Let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar sobre isso.
Okay, let me think about that a second.
Bom, deixa-me pensar nisso por um instante.
Wait, let me think about that.
Espere, deixem-me pensar.
Well, let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar nisso.
Let me think about that proposition.
Deixa-me pensar na proposta.
Let me think about that.
Deixem-me pensar.
Let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar...
Now, let me think about that.
Deixe-me pensar.
Well, let me think about that.
- Bem, deixa-me pensar nisso.
Yeah, let me think about that, okay?
Deixa-me pensar sobre isso, está bem?
Let me think about that for a sec.
Deixa-me pensar acerca disso por um momento.
Let me think about that.
O que você acha?
Let me think about that for a second.
Deixe-me pensar um segundo.
Let me think about that... no.
Deixe-me pensar nisso... Não.
Let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar.
Uh, let me think about that.
- Deixe-me pensar nisso. Não.
Well, uh, boy, let me think about that.
Meu Deus, deixa-me pensar.
Let me think about that.
Deixe-me pensar sobre isso.
Let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar no assunto.
Wait, let me think about that.
Deixa-me pensar...
I hope that now you will leave him and let me think about the future, about organizing our life.
Espero que agora vai deixá-lo e permita-me a ocupar-me de organizar a nossa vida.
Think about that and let me know.
Pense nisso.
You know, Dick, if you were my father, I would think that you would care enough about my feelings to just let me go.
Se fosses meu pai, preocupavas-te com os meus sentimentos, e deixavas-me ir.
I knew there were people down below and getting hurt by this, and I felt that if I let my emotions get carried away and I get to worrying about who's gonna get hurt, I wouldn't be effective at all, so I had to school myself not to think about it.
Sabia que havia pessoas lá em baixo a sofrer com aquilo, mas sabia que, se me deixasse levar pelas emoções e se me preocupasse com as pessoas que iam sofrer, a missão não seria eficaz.
And since you've already told me what you think about this case in so many words... I don't see you coming back with anything... that's going to protect anybody's business interests... let alone your own ass.
Visto que já me disse o que pensa, vai voltar sem nada que possa proteger os interesses económicos de alguém, para não falar na sua própria pele.
Let me tell you about that better place you think you're going to.
Deixa-me contar-te um pouco sobre este lugar melhor para onde pensas que vais.
And it's made me think about myself and the plan that I had for my life... and how I let it go.
E fez-me pensar acerca de mim e dos planos que tinha para a minha vida... e de como os larguei.
And today as I stand here and look at you before me... having the audacity to think that you can defeat me... let me tell you something'brother I am about to kick your carrot butt!
E hoje quando estou aqui, a olhar para ti... tendo a audácia de pensar que podes derrotar-me... deixa-me dizer-te, irmão, que vou chutar o teu cú de cenoura...
- Let me say... it has always been a habit with me that I don't think I have a right to talk about relationships I have had with ladies.
Me permita dizer... foi meu hábito... que eu não me acredito com direito mostrar as relações que tive com uma senhora.
- No it's not that, but... Look, I can't think right now, let's talk about it tomorrow, ok?
- Não, não é que eu não me sinta à vontade mas, não quero falar disso agora.
You can take it for granted. But let me tell you, if you didn't, if you couldn't be with the person that you love, I guarantee that hearing him promise to love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what, it would be pretty much all you could think about.
Podem tê-lo como garantido, mas se não pudessem estar com a pessoa que amam, ouvi-la dizer que promete amar-te, honrar-te e dar-te valor... só iriam conseguir pensar nisso.
I think we both know what's happened, don't we, really What's happened is I've tried to jump over the barrier and that ain't panned out as I had hoped and so if you just let me free, I'll go home and say nothing more about it, we'll both have a lovely Christmas.
Acho que ambos sabemos o que aconteceu. Eu tentei saltar a barreira, E não resultou como esperava.
Let me know what you think about the fact that we're thinking of making the sasquatch the national animal of Canada.
Deixa-me saber o que pensas sobre o facto do que estamos a pensar de tornar o pé-grande o animal nacional do Canada.
- Let me think about that.
- Oh, eu vou pensar nisso.
And now she won't let me baby-sit, she won't let me near her husband, and I think there's something strangely paranoid about that, right?
Agora, não me deixa cuidar dele, chegar perto do marido. Acho que há algo estranhamente paranóico nisso, certo?
If that's really what you think and you really are that bad a speller, like, you really are still gonna take this time to let me know what you "thunk" [laughs] about what I look like'?
Ao tornar-me mais conhecida e a receber mais comentários a quantidade de mensagens homofóbicas, de "odeio-te", "odeio o teu aspeto",
Let me, uh, let me call you back because I have to seriously think about that. Okay?
Deixa-me ligar-te, pois tenho de pensar a sério sobre isso, está bem?
Deixa-me pensar.
And before you answer that or tell me about some kind of patient-doctor confidentiality thing, let's just think about the future here.
E antes de responder a isso e me dizer aquela coisa do sigilo médico-paciente, pensemos no futuro.
Yeah, while you think about that, let me just lay a few things out for you.
Enquanto pensa nisso deixe-me só dizer-lhe umas coisas.
You told him not to be with me, and then you let me think that he didn't care about me.
Disseste-lhe para não ficar comigo e depois fizeste-me pensar que ele não se importava comigo.

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