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Matthews traducir portugués

1,054 traducción paralela
Elton Matthews just bought a plane.
O Elton Matthews acabou de comprar um avião.
A businessman named Elton Matthews.
- Um homem de negócios chamado Elton Matthews.
So the party's tonight. At Elton Matthews'beach house.
Bom, a festa é esta noite, na casa de praia do Elton Matthews.
This place is also part of Matthews'construction business.
Isto também faz parte do negócio de construção do Matthews.
Yeah, especially since Matthews doesn't have a job anywhere in this part of the state right now.
Sim, sobretudo visto que o Matthews não tem trabalhos nesta parte do Estado.
Somehow, I'm going to get into Matthews'study upstairs.
De alguma forma, vou conseguir entrar no escritório do Matthew.
Elton Matthews.
Elton Matthews.
Mr. Matthews has the most beautiful home.
Mr. Matthews tem uma casa linda.
I copied this list off of Matthews'computer.
Copiei esta lista do computador do Matthews.
Get Mr. Matthews.
Vai chamar Mr. Matthews.
Mr. Matthews is on the phone.
Tem Mr. Matthews ao telefone.
The one that got me into Elton Matthews'study.
Aquela que me meteu no escritório do Elton Matthews.
They're the same numbers I saw on the computer in Elton Matthews'study.
São os mesmos números que eu vi no computador do Elton Matthews.
Elton Matthews just bought a plane.
Sim. O Elton Matthews acabou de comprar um avião.
I brought Amy Matthews back to life for a minute.
Fiz reviver a Amy Matthews por um minuto, com a ajuda dele.
Matthews, stake out that end, and card-check for anyone suspicious looking.
Matthews, vigia aquele lado, e tu vê se há alguém com um ar suspeito.
There the Mademoiselle Matthews is!
Lá está a Mademoiselle Matthews!
We were still judging what was the floor of the Beauty queen Matthews.
Ainda julgávamos que era o andar da Miss Matthews.
It is going to be a great shock for the poor person of the Beauty queen Matthews.
Vai ser um grande choque para a pobre da Miss Matthews.
Poor Beauty queen Matthews.
Pobre Miss Matthews.
Mr. Matthews told me that you got an incomplete on the test you took today.
Mr. Matthews disse-me que tens um Incompleto no teste que fizeste hoje.
Joe! Mike Matthews.
Mike Matthews.
The day he died, Mike Matthews came to Hallenbeck's house to discuss a case.
No dia em que morreu, o Matthews foi a casa dele para falarem dum caso.
How come Hallenbeck's neighbor claims Matthews'car was in the same spot all night?
Porque é que o vizinho diz que o carro ficou toda a noite no mesmo sítio?
Matthews is fucking his wife.
O Mathews andava a comer a mulher dele.
That's why the car was there. Matthews was fucking his wife.
Era por isso que o carro lá estava.
Do you deny being sexually involved with Matthews prior to his death?
Nega ter estado envolvida com o Matthews antes dele morrer?
There is not a person in this room who isn't sorry about what happened to Mr. Matthews.
Não há uma só pessoa nesta sala que não lamente o que aconteçeu ao Sr. Matthews.
It's Mr. Matthews'word against the East Shore Hospital, isn't it?
É a palavra do Sr. Matthews contra a do hospital East Shore, não é?
Now, obviously, any decent human being would want to believe Mr. Matthews... believe that he told the admitting nurse, Mrs. Valdez that he was diabetic.
Agora, é obvio, qualquer ser humano decente quer acreditar no Sr. Matthews, acreditar que ele disse à enfermeira de serviço, Mrs. Valdez que era diabético.
All of them there for no other purpose than to try and save Jonathan Matthews'life.
Todos eles com o unico propósito de salvar a vida de Jonathan Matthews.
Mr. Matthews is an alcoholic.
O Sr. Matthews é alcóolico.
Mr. Matthews is blaming the hospital... but nobody could have prevented Mr. Mathews'suffering except Mr. Matthews.
mas ninguém poderia ter evitado o sofrimento do Sr. Matthews a não ser o Sr. Matthews.
Mr. Matthews, everyone.
Ao Sr. Matthews.
Matthews v. East Shore Hospital.
Matthews v. Hospital East Shore.
Matthews v. East Shore Hospital?
Matthews v.Hospital East Shore?
Yeah, yeah, we said that the hospital wasn't responsible because Mr. Matthews didn't tell them he was a diabetic.
Sim, sim, nós alegamos que o Hospital não era responsavel porque o Sr.Matthews não lhes disse que era diabetico.
Yeah, but, look, um... in this file, um, this... other patient, uh, Miss McNair, uh, said that she heard Mr. Matthews, uh tell the nurse he was diabetic,
Sim, mas olha, neste ficheiro esta... outra paciente, Miss McNair, Ela disse que ouviu o Mr.
Mrs. Matthews?
Sra. Matthews?
I have the Matthews'lawyer on line three.
Tenho o advogado do Matthews na linha 3.
Dr Matthews, your son is on line one.
Doutor Matthews, o seu filho na linha um.
I'm real excited to be working for you, Mr Matthews.
Estou muito entusiasmada por vir trabalhar para si.
- Happy Halloween, Dr Matthews.
- Feliz Noite das Bruxas, Dr. Matthews.
Get outta here, Matthews, this is between me and my boy.
Pira-te daqui, Matthews, isto é entre mim e o meu filho.
- Rudman, it's Matthews.
- Rudman, fala o Matthews.
Matthews, was it your idea of a joke to send me blood from a dead animal?
Matthews, foi uma piada sua enviar-me sangue de um animal morto?
- Dr Yolander, I'm Chase Matthews.
- Dr. Yolander, sou o Chase Matthews.
I'm sorry to disturb you, Dr Matthews, but I thought you'd wanna come and look for yourself.
Desculpe incomodá-lo, Dr. Matthews, mas achei que quisesse ver por si próprio.
We all understand why
Todos nós entendemos o porquê do Sr. Matthews acusar o hospital.
but-but she didn't write it down.
Matthews, dizer a enfermeira que era diabetico, mas-mas ela não tomou nota.

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