Maybe i could traducir portugués
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Yeah, she is. Maybe I could bring her by so you can meet her sometime.
Talvez eu a traga um dia e podes conhecê-la.
And I keep thinking to myself maybe I could've said something different.
E não consigo parar de pensar que talvez pudesse ter dito algo diferente.
Or maybe I could've done a better job of making her feel safe.
Ou talvez ter feito um trabalho melhor para fazê-la sentir-se segura.
I'm really embarrassed about the way I behaved, and I thought maybe I could make it up to you guys.
Estou mesmo envergonhada pela forma como me comportei. Achei que poderia compensar-vos.
Maybe I could keep this place from looking like a clown car.
Talvez eu possa impedir que este lugar pareça um circo.
So, now that I have insurance though, I was thinking maybe I could have, like, breast reduction surgery.
Agora que tenho um seguro, pensei fazer uma redução mamária.
Maybe... maybe I could hang around for one more day.
Talvez... talvez possa ficar mais um dia.
Eu vi o dinheiro, eu vi o fígado, e eu pensei, "talvez eu possa tê-los todos."
Okay, but, I mean, I thought since you were in charge, maybe I could be your right-hand man, your tinker bell.
Mas pensei que podia ser o teu braço direito, a tua Sininho. - Sininho?
I guess maybe I could un-ruin it.
Talvez eu possa reparar isso.
Um, you know, well, now's not a... Not a great time, but, uh... But, you know, maybe I could catch up with you in the morning or we could grab coffee.
Agora não é boa altura, mas talvez pudéssemos falar de manhã, ou podíamos tomar um café.
Maybe I could be happier than I was before.
Talvez eu possa vir a ser mais feliz do que era.
You think maybe I could come with you?
Que achas de eu puder ir contigo?
Maybe I could just meet him.
Talvez o pudesse apenas conhecer.
Okay, maybe I could imagine it, but I had to stay focused on my Toby mission.
Ok, talvez consiga imaginar. Mas tenho de manter-me concentrada na missão Toby.
Maybe I could finance something for you to star in.
Talvez eu pudesse financiar algo em que entrasses.
I thought maybe, together, you and I could kill him.
Achei que, juntos, nós os dois podíamos... matá-lo.
Maybe I could help?
Talvez possa ajudar.
I was hoping that maybe we could... hang out.
Eu pensei que talvez pudéssemos ficar juntos.
Maybe I could have tried to help her.
Talvez eu pudesse ter tentado ajudá-la.
I thought maybe we could have a coffee.
Achei que podíamos tomar um café.
But actually, I was thinking maybe you could start helping me in the wood shop.
Na verdade, estava a pensar... Talvez pudesses ajudar-me na marcenaria.
Maybe Terry and I could go out on the lake... alone.
Talvez o Terry e eu possamos ir ao lago... sozinhos.
He'll probably never speak to me again, but maybe you could tell him that I wasn't lying.
É provável que não volte a falar-me, mas talvez possas dizer-lhe que eu não menti.
You know, on second thought, I could maybe eat a little something.
Sabes, noutros pensamentos, até que poderia comer algo.
I thought maybe we could...
Pensei que nos podíamos encontrar.
Thought maybe you and I could talk.
Achou que podíamos falar.
I thought maybe Lance could give us some more help.
Achei que talvez o Lance pudesse ajudar-nos.
I know, right? I thought, you've been here longer than I have, you and Meredith. Thought maybe you could talk about it.
Pensei que como tu e a Meredith, estão há mais tempo aqui do que eu, talvez pudessem falar.
I was wondering if maybe you could come by sometime.
Pensei se não queres aparecer qualquer dia.
Maybe somebody I put away, or... She could be a crazy fan.
Talvez alguém que eu prendi ou... poder ser uma fã maluca.
I know this sounds crazy because we're already on a team together, but I learn so much working with you, I don't know, maybe we could, like, make a two-man team?
Sei que parece loucura porque já estamos numa equipa, mas aprendi tanto a trabalhar contigo, sei lá, talvez possamos fazer uma dupla?
Maybe I wanted to bury your father just because I could. Right.
Talvez tenha querido matar o seu pai, apenas porque posso.
The only thing I thought you could do was, you know, play, like, maybe in a wedding band or go to Hollywood and get the big record deal.
As opções que pensava existirem eram... tocar em casamentos, ou ir para Hollywood e assinar contracto com uma grande discográfica.
Okay. At any rate, I figured we could pass the time and do something fun, maybe a movie night.
Enfim, lembrei-me de fazer uma noite de cinema para passar o tempo.
I thought maybe you could take off the afternoon. We could shop for paint samples for the nursery and open a baby registry.
Achei que ias tirar a tarde de folga, para vermos amostras de tintas para o quarto, e fazermos a lista de presentes do bebé.
Um, I was just thinking. If time permits, maybe we could share some arrangement ideas.
Estive a pensar, se o tempo permite, talvez pudéssemos partilhar algumas ideias sobre arranjos.
If I had a sketch of the dead woman, maybe Aubrey could I.D. her.
O Aubrey estava com a Eva Braga quando foram ao Brasil. Se tivesse um desenho dela, o Aubrey podia identificá-la.
I know I should be able to do this by myself, but it would be great if you guys could maybe keep an eye on me.
Eu sei que devia fazer isto sozinha, mas seria bom se me vigiassem.
I thought maybe this meant that we could... stop living the lie.
Pensei que talvez isso significasse que poderíamos... Parar de viver na mentira.
I thought maybe he could take a look at my puzzle- - it's a good one- - and consider it for publication.
Pensei que ele podia ver os meu puzzles, são bons, e considerar publicá-los.
So I was just gonna throw out this brand-new squash racquet, but then I thought, "hey, maybe the Captain could use it."
Ia mandar fora esta raquete de squash nova, mas pensei : "Talvez o capitão possa usá-la."
Oh, uh... I-I guess we could maybe just order something.
Acho que podíamos simplesmente pedir algo.
Maybe you could also serve unicorn burgers and magic beans, and I'll invite my boyfriend, Bigfoot!
Talvez também possas servir hambúrgueres de unicórnio e feijões mágicos. E eu convido o meu namorado, o Pé Grande.
And I was thinking that maybe we could do that.
E eu estava a pensar que talvez pudéssemos fazer o mesmo.
I don't know, maybe it could be something... with the right arrangement.
Não sei, talvez dê em alguma coisa com os arranjos certos.
It's not good. Maybe we could get married and then I can be on Scott's plan.
Podemos casar e fico coberta pelo seguro do Scott.
I thought maybe we could... kiss or something?
Pensei que talvez... Nos pudéssemos beijar ou assim?
In fact, if I had a dad like Dusty when I was your age, maybe he could have taught me how to stand up for myself.
Na verdade, se eu tivesse tido um pai como o Dusty, ele teria-me ensinado a defender-me.
I'm feeling a little overdressed, so if you maybe have something that I could change into?
Na verdade, estou demasiado chique. Têm outra coisa que eu possa vestir?
I don't know, maybe you could, uh.. wrap your shirt around it.
Não, talvez se a envolveres na tua T-shirt, abafe o barulho.
maybe i could help 28
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i will 247
maybe i did 99
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i will 247
maybe i did 99
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16