Maybe you can't traducir portugués
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I thought, maybe before I leave... we could agree that... seeing other people while I'm away can't possibly hurt, you know?
Achei que, talvez antes de eu partir... poderíamos concordar em... ver outras pessoas enquanto estou fora. Isso não seria ruim.
- Maybe you don't think you can do it.
- Talvez pense que não dá pra coisa.
Maybe I can't arrest you in Missouri.
No Missouri, talvez não o prenda.
It doesn't look so good, but maybe you can fix it up a little bit.
Não tem muito bom aspecto, mas podem dar-lhe um arranjo.
Well. maybe you can't, but I can!
Talvez não possas, mas eu posso!
If you really can't write, maybe you should go find a job.
Se não consegues mesmo escrever talvez devas procurar um emprego.
Maybe the bug can't get you now, but that that won't protect you from the crazies.
Quando chegarem à cidade, talvez não apanhem o vírus, mas protegê-los-á dos doidos.
Well, I just think maybe you can't handle hearing about a kind of life that is so completely different than yours.
Acho que você não aguentaria ter uma vida que fosse completemente diferente da sua.
One of them, I can't remember who it was, maybe it was Nasty thought, we were trying to get on the Rutles bandwagon, you know...
Um dos rapazes, já não me lembro qual, talvez o Nasty, disse : "Diziam que queríamos entrar no trem, o trem místico dos Rutles"
Maybe things are kind of plastic here, but you can't say they're dull :
Talvez as coisas são um pouco plásticas, mas não se pode dizer que sejam más.
If I can't fight no more... maybe I can help out around here, you know.
Se já não posso combater... talvez possa dar uma ajuda aqui, sabes.
Maybe you can't.
Se calhar não podes.
You needn't be happy about what I did, but maybe we can help each other now.
Não gostas do que fiz, mas agora podemos ajudar-nos.
Maybe I can't play your kind of football but in my kind, you know everything there is to know about bruises, sprains....
Talvez não saiba jogar o vosso futebol, mas, no meu, sei tudo o que há para saber... sobre feridas, entorses e cãibras.
Hello, hello. I'm afraid I don't recall the letters of this aircraft or it's position. Maybe you can help me out.
Olá, não me lembro das letras deste avião, nem a posição, talvez me possam ajudar.
Maybe you can't find it, but it's there.
Talvez não a encontres mas está aí.
Maybe I've been too pushy, but you just can't shut me out.
Talvez tenha sido muito insistente mas não me podes pôr de parte.
"'cos they don't want anything from you, you don't want anything from them, you just hang out, you can be with them and get fun and just talk to them and all that bullshit, maybe hanging out with them.
" Porque não querem nada de nós, e nós não queremos nada deles, somos amigos, podemos estar com eles e divertirmo-nos, talvez até mesmo sair com eles.
Look, Tyler, maybe you can't see it, but you've gone round the bend a little,
Olha, Tyler, talvez não te apercebas, mas tu ficaste um bocadinho meio cá meio lá.
Maybe we can patch up this marriage of ours. - Don't you think?
Se calhar conseguimos reconstruir este nosso casamento, não achas?
He works for the city, so we can't bribe him with water... but maybe if you were real nice to him... he'd do us a favor, if you know what I mean.
Ele trabalha para a cidade, por isso não podemos suborná-lo com água... mas se fores simpática com ele... ele faz-nos o favor, percebes o que quero dizer.
Got to say, I can't promise whether I'm gonna tell you you've got hemorrhoids but maybe I can diagnose something a little more personal.
Não lhe prometo que possa dizer-lhe tudo, mas posso diagnosticar algo pessoal.
Why don't you just tell nurse Piffs what your pain is. Maybe I can find a cure... hmm?
Diz à Enfermeira Bibs onde tens dói-dói, talvez eu possa curar-te.
Maybe so. You can talk about freedom all you want but still, you don't know what it's like to have to fight for it.
Pode dizer o que quiser sobre a liberdade, mas nunca saberá o que é ter de lutar por ela.
Maybe you're jealous because she can give me what you can't.
Talvez tenhas ciúmes por saber que ela me pode dar aquilo que tu não dás.
You can't make love to a woman to use her and maybe kill her.
Não se pode fazer amor com uma mulher só para aproveitar e talvez matá-la.
- Maybe you can't.
- Talvez não consigas.
No, Stallion, maybe you think you're changing, but you can't change what you really are.
Não, Garanhão! Talvez penses que estejas a mudar. Mas não podes mudar o que és.
Maybe you can't hear, but you can talk, and you will.
Talvez seja surda, mas pode falar. E vai falar.
I don't deserve to kiss you, and I never dared speak to you, but maybe now you can forgive me and even say a little prayer for poor Ugolin and me.
Não mereci dizer-te que te beijo... Nunca me atrevi a falar-te, mas talvez agora possas perdoar-me... e, por vezes, dizer uma pequena oração... pelo pobre Ugolin e pelo pobre de mim.
Maybe you can't either.
Talvez nem o senhor.
Well, maybe that's why you find them interesting, the fact you can't have them.
Talvez os aches interessantes porque não podes tê-los.
You know, maybe you got a small point there, and I just... I can't...
Talvez ter um bocado de razão e eu não posso...
Look, maybe you can do something like that, but I can't.
Talvez tú consigas ser assim, eu não.
Porque é que não sai da cidade por uns dias... talvez possamos descobrir quem é esse ele, ela ou... coisa.
Maybe it's because you can't understand the English.
Talvez não entendas a nossa língua.
Maybe you can relax in a haunted house, but I can't.
Eu posso lá descansar numa casa assombrada.
If I can't discipline these boys, maybe the rest of you can!
Se eu não posso disciplinar estes rapazes, talvez os restantes possam.
You see... it looks to me like you're listening to a lot of people tell you you can't do it, when maybe what you should be doing is listening to yourself say that you can.
Eu já te vi. Sabes... a mim parece-me que o que estás a fazer... é a dar ouvidos a muita gente que te diz que não consegues fazê-lo. O que devias estar a fazer era a ouvir-te a ti próprio... a dizeres que consegues.
Maybe you can't.
Talvez tu não possas. Uhh!
Maybe I shouldn't have come, but I mean, as long as the harm's done, can't I just talk to you for a while?
Talvez não devesse ter vindo, mas já que os danos estão feitos não posso ao menos falar contigo um pouco?
Maybe you can fool these guys with this saint act, but do not ever speak to me again like we don't know what really happened.
Podes enganar estes tipos com esse ar de sonsa, mas não me voltas a falar como se não soubesses o que se passou.
You know, maybe she just can't imagine someone who can't afford something expensive.
Talvez ela não consiga imaginar alguém que não possa pagar por coisas caras.
I can't ever forgive you, but maybe the Lord can.
Não posso perdoar-Ihe, mas talvez Deus possa.
Maybe you can't answer. Do you still love him?
Ainda o ama?
Then again, maybe our new government still can't resist the need to watch you Americans.
E talvez o nosso Governo novo ainda não consiga resistir ao impulso de observar os Americanos.
You know, I can't help thinking that maybe I should stick around, maybe talk to her again.
Não consigo parar de pensar que talvez eu deva ficar por aqui, e talvez falar com ela de novo.
Maybe it's just because you can't fuck.
Talvez seja porque não possa foder.
I know you can't holler per se, so maybe just you give a wave or something.
Já sei que não pode gritar, por isso faça-me um sinal com a mão ou algo parecido.
- Gianna, you don't feel well. Maybe we can go to your place.
- Mas Gianna, se estás mal vamos para a tua casa!
Maybe that's easier. When it's only once, you can't stop thinking why.
Quando é só uma vez, estás sempre a pensar porquê.
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you will 41
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you will 41
maybe you won't 16
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you should have 16
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you're not 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you know him 19
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you should have 16
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you're not 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you know him 19
maybe you didn't hear me 27
maybe you should go 43
maybe you can help 20
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you could 66
maybe you did 45
maybe you've heard of it 18
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
maybe you should go 43
maybe you can help 20
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you could 66
maybe you did 45
maybe you've heard of it 18
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't stop me 130
you can't have it 85
you can't make me 84
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't stop me 130
you can't have it 85
you can't make me 84