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Mccain traducir portugués

236 traducción paralela
'... Captain Stuart McCain, authority of the city's police commissioner.
... capitão Stuart McCain, comissário da policia local.
There's a Mr. McCain here from the Overtown Rehab, uh, Project.
Está aqui um Sr. McCain, do projecto de reabilitação de Overtown.
I'm Ed McCain.
Sou Ed McCain.
Crockett, there's an Ed McCain on your car phone.
Crockett, um Ed McCain para si.
Listen, McCain, I'm right in the middle of a —
McCain, estou a meio de um...
Man, McCain is too close to this.
O McCain está muito perto para perceber.
You just make McCain understand why I'm doing it. 'Cause I'm gonna do it.
Explique ao McCain porque faço isto, porque eu vou fazer isto.
Look, Mr. McCain, we got a much more serious situation.
Temos uma situação mais grave.
So near, yet so far from freedom the surviving escapees, Henri Young and Rufus McCain are escorted back while their less fortunate cohorts are destined for the morgue.
Tão perto da liberdade, Henri Young e Rufus McCain voltaram para a prisão, enquanto os outros vão entrar no necrotério.
The inmates, McCain and Young will be brought up on escape charges.
Os presidiários McCain e Young vão ser acusados de tentativa de fuga.
You did good. The only other survivor of the escape attempt was Rufus McCain. He had betrayed his fellow inmates by tipping off the associate warden.
O outro sobrevivente da fuga foi Rufus McCain, traiu os companheiros avisando Glenn.
McCain was rewarded and left in the general population.
McCain foi recompensado e está com os presos comuns.
Henri, McCain, he put you in the hole. Put you in the hole.
Henri, o McCain espetou-te no calabouço.
McCain's still here. Look!
McCain ainda está aí.
"Henri Young, Rufus McCain... and there, striking and wounding... "... sharp steel instrument...
Henri Young atacou Rufus McCain, ferindo-o com uma peça de metal afiado.
"... caused the said Rufus McCain thereafter, to wit... "... on June 11, 1941 to die. "
Rufus McCain, como já foi dito, em 11 de Junho de 1941, provocando-lhe a morte.
Eleven years later, Henri would kill Rufus McCain.
11 anos depois, mataria Rufus McCain.
Now, come on. Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
Porque matou Rufus McCain?
Why did you kill McCain?
Porque matou McCain?
Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
Porque matou Rufus McCain?
Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
Porque matou Rufus McCain?
- How could you not? - Why'd you kill him?
Porque matou Rufus McCain?
Are you talking about McCain?
De McCain?
I'm talking about Rufus McCain.
- Falo de Rufus McCain.
Rufus McCain?
Rufus McCain.
McCain landed you in the bucket, right?
Estava no segredo por culpa de McCain.
Rufus McCain was murdered by Henri Young.
Rufus McCain foi assassinado por Henri Young.
All those witnesses the prosecutor will bring forth will tell you Henri Young killed Rufus McCain.
Todas as testemunhas afirmarão isto : Henri Young matou Rufus McCain.
He himself was a murder weapon, but the hand that held that weapon and plunged it into the throat of McCain belonged to someone else.
Transformou-se numa arma. Mas a mão que pegou na arma contra McCain era outra.
- I accuse Alcatraz of McCain's murder!
- Acuso Alcatraz de assassinato.
I saw him standing over Rufus McCain.
Vi-o próximo de McCain.
And he plunged a metal object which I later learned was a spoon into McCain's throat.
- Está bem. Espetou um objecto de metal, depois soube que era uma colher, no pescoço de McCain.
Are you guilty of the murder of Rufus McCain?
É culpado da morte de Rufus McCain?
Henri Young are you guilty of the murder of Rufus McCain?
Henri Young... é culpado pela morte de Rufus McCain?
Mr. McCain?
You've been reading an interview with John McCain ( Á ¸ ¸ ÆÄÉÀÎ : ¹ Ì " ó ¿ øÀÇ ¿ ø )
Estavas a ler uma entrevista com o John McCain.
- Parish, McCain, cover the exits.
Parish, McCain, cubram as saídas!
Head's up, McCain, be advised, targets are on.
Tenham cuidado, os alvos estão armados.
- Parish, McCain, come in.
Parish, McCain, respondam.
Look, it's a 1957 Stratocaster... like the one Bobby McCain used to play.
Olha! É uma guitarra Stratocaster de 1957, como a que tocava Bobby McCain.
I'll be as good as Bobby McCain.
Serei tão bom como Bobby McCain.
This guitar... It was Bobby McCain's.
Esta guitarra foi a do Bobby McCain.
Out of all the musicians in the world... why did I end up with Bobby McCain's guitar?
Entre todos os músicos do mundo porque chegou às minhas mãos a guitarra de Bobby McCain?
I mean, what the hell... is some sleazy guitar shop doing with McCain's guitar?
Quero dizer, que raio faz uma loja rasca com a guitarra de McCain?
This looks like the Strat that Bobby McCain used to play.
Parece a guitarra Strat que Bobby McCain tocava.
You know who had it before McCain?
Sabes de quem era antes de ser do McCain?
Bobby McCain...
Bobby McCain...
Speaking of nuptials, wait till I tell... the congresswoman that I was invited... to John McCain's nephew's wedding.
Falando de casamentos espera até eu contar à congressista que fui convidado para o casamento do sobrinho do John McCaine.
In an interview, Senator McCain offered... supportive words for those terrorized by the recent spree... of sniper murders.
Numa entrevista, o Senador McCain teve palavras de apoio... para os que foram aterrorizados com a vaga de crimes do atirador.
About the same square footage as that box they threw McCain in.
É quase do tamanho da caixa onde meteram o McCain.
McCain put you in the hole!

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