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Mccormick traducir portugués

231 traducción paralela
Honorable Charles H. Hungadunga, c / o Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormack.
Caríssimo Charles H. Hungadunga. ao cuidado de Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormick.
"C / o Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormack."
"ª / c Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormick".
"... and McCormack.
"... e McCormick.
The McCormicks will turn out more harvesters.
McCormick construir mais colheitadeiras e Henry Ford vai construir mais carros.
Pat McCormick?
Não o tenho visto.
What about Pat McCormick?
O Pat McCormick?
Only foreigners and half-baked Americans fall for McCormick's tricks. How do you mean?
Só estrangeiros e americanos burros é que acreditam no McCormick.
Is that Pat McCormick or am I seeing things?
É o Pat McCormick ou estou a ver coisas?
Mike used to ride with McCormick, didn't he?
Mike andava com McCormick, não é?
They got McCormick last week.
Pegaram o McCormick a semana passada.
I was with Joe McCormick when he got his.
Estava com Joe McCormick quando morreu.
- Thank you, Mrs. McCormick..
- Obrigada, Sra. McCormick.
A job at McCormick's spice company. Good, very good.
Um emprego na companhia McCormick?
A worker at McCormick's has a brother. He's got a farm in New Jersey.
O irmão de alguém da McCormick tem uma fazenda em New Jersey.
So, McCormick, how do you like the street life so far?
Então MCormick, que tal são as ruas?
Daniels must have chewed you up and down for buzzing the deputy mayor, huh?
A comissária deve-te ter repreendido por teres atirado no Mayor! Vá lá McCormick!
We're happy to see you back, Officer McCormick.
Estamos contentes por tê-la de volta, oficial McCormick.
McCormick, you have just guaranteed yourself- -
McCormick, você própia garantiu á pouco...
I have a feeling that your knowledge of our operation... is equally thorough, Ms. McCormick.
Eu tenho o pressentimento que o seu conhecimento na nossa operação... está igualmente perfeito, Ms. McCormick.
KITT, say hello to Shawn McCormick.
KITT, diz olá á Shawn McCormick.
Yes, you should. I miss my old partner, McCormick.
Eu perdi a minha velha parceira, McCormick.
But it sure don't sound like the old McCormick.
Mas tenho a certeza que não és a velha McCormick.
It's been a pleasure, Ms. McCormick.
Foi um prazer, Ms. McCormick.
"Dr. McCormick."
"Dr. McCormick."
Good morning, Dr. McCormick.
Bons dias, Dr. McCormick.
Sir, I know what you will say, but if anyone can land it, McCormick can.
Sei o que vai dizer, mas só McCormick pode aterrissar.
My name is Captain Daniel McCormick.
Sou o capitão Daniel McCormick.
Hi, Debbie. This is Daniel McCormick.
Aqui é Daniel McCormick.
- McCormick in Emergency... - McCormick?
- O McCormick, da emergência.
McCormick has been moved.
McCormick foi transferido.
Her father first found the problem 2 months after McCormick volunteered.
Harry descobriu o problema após congelar McCormick.
Operations claimed McCormick was killed as well.
Disseram que McCormick também tinha morrido.
So you're telling me that McCormick was misplaced for 50 years?
Quer dizer que McCormick foi esquecido por 50 anos?
I also want everything that the hospital did on McCormick.
Quero saber tudo o que o hospital fez com McCormick.
"Sincerely, Katie McCormick."
Atenciosamente, Katie McCormick.
McCormick on Evidence, he thought the call was private... he didn't waive privilege.
Caso McCormick : achou que a conversa era privada, era confidencial.
Mrs. McCormick, how are you?
Sra. McCormick, como está?
Mrs. McCormick, how are you?
- Sra. McCormick, como vai? - Olá, doutor.
See you, Mr. McCormick.
- Até mais Sr. McCormick.
- McCormick's taught him a lot.
- McCormick o ensinou.
The blood-soaked Aaron Stampler was chased under McCormick Place, but not before he was almost killed by a passing train.
O ensanguentado Aaron Stampler foi caçado sob McCormick Place mas não antes de quase ter sido atropelado por um comboio.
It's taken by 23, Kenny McCormick.
Foi tomada pelo 23, Kenny McCormick.
Mr. McCormick, you shall be a martyr to us all.
Sr. McCorninck, o senhor será um mártir para todos nós.
She used to work for the McCormicks, but they put Katie in daycare.
Trabalhava para os McCormick, mas puseram a Katie num infantário.
I'm gonna give Mrs. McCormick a call.
Eu vou ligar à Sra. McCormick...
I see, well you certainly have humble home Mrs. McCormick.
Estou a ver, sem dúvida que tem um lar bastante humilde Mrs. McCormick.
Pat McCormick. He comes here from time to time.
O Pat McCormick.
Come on, McCormick, what gives?
O que é que há?
You shouldn't have picked up that gun, McCormick.
Não devias ter apanhado aquela arma, McCormick!

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