Minutes later traducir portugués
977 traducción paralela
But, alas, only fifteen minutes later...
Mas, ai, já depois de um quarto de hora...
When you want to be attacked, I'll defend you 10 minutes later.
Quando quiser ser atacado, irei defendê-lo 10 minutos depois.
Dad went up to the top room And a few minutes later a telegram came for him
Esta noite, o pai subiu ao sótão e uns minutos depois recebeu um telegrama.
I'm coming out of the kitchen minutes later, he's mopping up the floors with them.
Minutos mais tarde, saí da cozinha e vi-o a malhar neles.
Five minutes later the flutes will be confiscated.
Cinco minutos mais tarde, os guardas confiscarão as flautas.
Ten minutes later he was shot to pieces at the head of his men. As a soldier should be, eh?
Dez minutos depois, ele estava à frente dos seus homens, como um soldado deve fazer.
Five minutes later the waiter comes back and says...
Cinco minutos depois, o empregado volta e diz :
Five minutes later, the waiter comes and says :
Cinco minutos depois, entra o empregado :
Five minutes later, the waiter comes back and says :
Cinco minutos depois o empregado volta e diz :
The drunk left the hall and came back a few minutes later... and went up on the platform and asked the lecturer to open his eye.
O bêbado saiu e voltou depois... e foi ao palco e pediu ao prelector para abrir o olho.
Three minutes later, I am having my coffee and, a minute after that, at 7 : 12, you leave the bathroom.
Três minutos depois, tomo café, e um minuto após isso, às 7h12, sai da casa de banho.
About 10 minutes later they came down.
Uns dez minutos depois, chegaram.
One time you look kind of as if you knew all the answers and then 10 minutes later you're just like a little kid.
Às vezes, parece saber todas as respostas e dez minutos depois parece uma criança.
A few minutes later, I stumbled onto the two bodies.
Alguns minutos mais tarde, encontrei dois corpos.
At half past 9, he was heard calling for help... and a few minutes later he died painfully... before he could be reached by his faithful servant... Andre LaTour.
Às 21h30, viria a pedir ajuda e, uns minutos mais tarde, morreria de forma dolorosa, antes de ser encontrado pelo seu camarada de armas e fiel criado, André Latour.
I called back a few minutes later.
Eu telefonei para cá minutos depois... e atenderam.
Minutes later a shot!
Minutos depois um tiro!
And five minutes later, you killed the Baron Marblaux.
E cinco minutos depois matou o Barão Marbleu.
A few minutes later, she'd come in with a drink in her hand... for me, just as though nothing had happened.
Depois me trazia um drinque, como se nada tivesse acontecido.
And about three minutes later you can hear it. Boom!
Uns três minutos depois, ouvimos... bum!
Ten minutes later, she came out of this house and took a taxi.
Dez minutos depois, ela saiu desta casa e apanhou um táxi.
He'll show up here 10 or 15 minutes later. Here?
- E aparece 10 ou 15 minutos depois.
10 or 15 minutes later.
- Dez ou quinze minutos depois.
He bought a ticket. Ten minutes later, he put his wife on a train.
Dez minutos depois, meteu a mulher num comboio.
[20 minutes later, the young priest emerged and said that...] [... it was all over.
20 minutos depois, o jovem padre reapareceu e disse que tudo tinha acabado.
[Don Camillo realized fifteen minutes later.]
Don Camillo percebeu 15 minutos depois.
You get in a scrap with a man and five minutes later he's found dead.
Mete-se numa rixa com um homem e cinco minutos depois ele está morto.
Ten minutes later he bought the largest suitcase he could find.
Dez minutos depois, comprou a maior mala que conseguiu arranjar.
And then about 10 minutes later... little Pete came hurrying in to the supper table.
E cerca de 10 minutos mais tarde... o pequeno Pete entrou correndo na sala de jantar.
Fifteen minutes later, we were in jail.
15 minutos mais tarde, estávamos presos em St.
If we'd come a few minutes later, you'd have found out for yourself.
Se chegássemos mais tarde, terias descoberto por ti própria.
I saw her leaving ten minutes later at 2 : 32, still carrying the violin case.
Eu a vi saindo dez minutos depois às 2 : 32, ainda carregando a mala de violino.
And a Miss Walker a few minutes later.
E uma Miss Walker alguns minutos depois.
Minutes later, the police, lead by Inspector Daniel Clay, arrived at the scene.
Minutos depois, a polícia, conduzida pelo Inspetor Daniel Clay, chegou à cena.
Fifteen minutes later, we were friends.
Um quarto de hora depois, já éramos amigos.
And I don't like it when a friend of mine offers to help and 20 minutes later he's dead!
E também não gosto que um amigo meu se ofereça para ajudar e passados 20m é morto!
Fifteen minutes later, you're eating like a king.
Daqui a quinze minutos, estás a comer como um rei.
30 minutes later, I heard the strumming of a lute
30 minutos depois, ouvi dedilhar um alaúde.
Coming down a few minutes later, he tells the clerk :
" Ao descer alguns minutos mais tarde, entrega a chave na recepção.
I arrived at her place 15 minutes later, but she was gone and the house was a mess.
Eram 11 : 30. Cheguei a casa dela 15 minutos depois.
... então, a arma disparou, fui atingido na cara por fumo e recuperei os sentidos 20 min depois.
But 20 minutes later I felt I was in love with him.
Mas 20 minutos depois senti que estava apaixonada por ele.
Then later, perhaps 10 minutes later, I telephoned the police.
Uns dez minutos mais tarde telefonei à polícia.
You were born 12 minutes later, so don't "old girl" me!
Em primeiro lugar, não é por eu ter nascido 12 minutos antes de ti que te autorizo a chamar-me velha!
Yes, sir. Did he not, several minutes later, repeat that order?
Alguns minutos depois, ele repetiu a ordem?
Did he not, several minutes later, repeat that order?
Ele não repetiu essa ordem?
It was a nonstop show, so she did her act again 15 minutes later.
Era um espetáculo sem intervalo. Fê-lo de novo 15 minutos depois.
A few minutes later, 365 longhorns ran over him.
Alguns minutos depois, 365 cabeças passaram-lhe por cima.
Comes out four minutes later. and she says :
Ela sai depois de quatro minutos e diz :
40 minutes later, via clapham
40 minutos mais tarde, por Clapham, Fulham, Chiswick e Brentford...
It should be on its way by ten minutes of ten, no later.
Deve partir às dez para as dez, sem falta.
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
minutes 10070
minute 230
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
minutes 10070
minute 230
minutes ago 1231
minutes left 108
minutes after 24
minutes late 216
minutes of fame 17
minutes from now 35
minutes a day 23
minutes and 132
minutes earlier 24
minutes away 180
minutes left 108
minutes after 24
minutes late 216
minutes of fame 17
minutes from now 35
minutes a day 23
minutes and 132
minutes earlier 24
minutes away 180
minutes or less 26
minutes past 17
minutes early 39
minutes and counting 20
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minute break 62
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minutes early 39
minutes and counting 20
minutes to go 37
minutes from here 32
minutes before 19
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minutes to 18
minutes tops 31
minutes long 16
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