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Moriarty traducir portugués

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Moriarty, hold it.
This engine's been modified by our mechanical genius here, Moriarty.
Esta máquina foi modificada aqui pelo nosso genio da engenharia, Moriarty.
You see what sending out them negative waves did, Moriarty?
Vês no que dá andares para aí a espalhar ondas negativas, Moriarty?
Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.
Sempre com ondas negativas, Moriarty.
"In my lifetime, I have recorded some 60 cases," "demonstrating the singular gift of my friend, Sherlock Holmes," "dealing with everything from the Hounds of the Baskervilles"
Registei cerca de 60 casos demonstrando o talento de Sherlock Holmes, abordando tudo desde os Cães dos Baskervilles até ao seu misterioso irmão Mycroft e ao diabólico Professor Moriarty.
It's almost time, Professor Moriarty.
Está quase na hora, professor Moriarty.
You know, Professor Moriarty, your mamma, she raise a nice boy.
Sabe, professor Moriarty, sua mamãe, ela educou um bom rapaz.
I wish I knew what in Christ's name he was saying to Moriarty.
Queria saber o que ele disse a Moriarty.
It lies with me now to tell for the first time what took place between Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarity in that fateful year.
Cabe-me agora contar, pela primeira vez, o que ocorreu entre o Sr. Sherlock Holmes e o Professor Moriarty, naquele fatídico ano.
I was satisfied that I had recognized one of Professor Moriarity's agents.
Fiquei satisfeito ao reconhecer um dos agentes do Professor Moriarty.
Yes, Professor Moriarity.
- Sim, Professor Moriarty.
You have paid me several compliments, Mr. Moriarity.
Já me elogiou muito, Sr. Moriarty.
For years I have endeavored to break through the veil which shrouded him and at last I have seized a thread and followed it to Moriarity himself.
Durante anos, tentei penetrar no véu que o envolvia. E, finalmente, agarrei o fio da meada que levava ao próprio Moriarty.
Yes, but won't we have to dispose of
Não temos de nos livrar do Professor Moriarty primeiro?
I see that this express runs in connection with the boat so I think we've shaken off Moriarity very effectively.
Este expresso faz ligação ao barco, por isso acho que afastámos o Moriarty de vez.
We must give Moriarity something to follow.
Temos de dar ao Moriarty algo que ele possa seguir.
All gang safely secured, only Moriarity escaped the net, signed Mycroft.
"Todo o bando apanhado. Só Moriarty escapou. Mycroft."
Moriarity will devote all his energies to taking his revenge upon me and if I have a companion...
O Moriarty vai concentrar todas as energias numa vingança contra mim. - Se eu tiver um companheiro...
My Dear Watson, I write these few lines through the courtesy of Mr. Moriarity who awaits my convenience for the final discussion of those questions which lie between us.
"Meu caro Watson, " escrevo-lhe estas linhas por cortesia do Sr. Moriarty " que aguarda o início da discussão final
I am suggesting that it bears the hallmarks of Professor Moriarity's work.
Estou a sugerir que isto tem a marca do trabalho do Prof. Moriarty.
And who is this Moriarity?
E quem é esse Moriarty?
Am I right in thinking that professor Moriarity was somewhere behind the idea of the Red Headed League?
Estarei certo ao pensar que o Professor Moriarty está por detrás da Liga dos Ruivos?
Sherlock Holmes finally closed his account with Professor Moriarty, the most dangerous criminal of his generation.
Sherlock Holmes finalmente ajustou contas com o Professor Moriarty, o bandido mais perigoso da sua geração.
There deep down under the swirling water the infamous Professor Moriarty and the foremost champion of law of his generation will lie together for all time.
Lá no fundo, sob aquelas águas turbulentas, repousam para sempre o infame Professor Moriarty e o maior defensor da lei da sua geração.
I had little doubt that my career had come to an end when I perceived the somewhat sinister figure of Moriarty standing upon the narrow pathway that led to safety.
Tive poucas duvidas de que a minha carreira tinha chegado ao fim, quando vi a figura sinistra do falecido Professor Moriarty, naquele caminho que conduzia a um lugar seguro.
Even as Professor Moriarty disappeared into oblivion it struck me what an extraordinary lucky chance Fate had placed in my way.
Enquanto o Professor Moriarty desaparecia no abismo, apercebi-me da extraordinária hipótese,... que o destino colocara no meu caminho,
I knew that at least one of Moriarty's henchmen would seek my demise now. With even keener determination to revenge their dead leader but if I could convince the world that I too was dead,
Sabia que pelo menos um dos capangas do Moriarty tentaria matar-me, agora ainda mais determinado, para vingar o seu líder,
I'm not a fanciful person Watson, but I give you my word there were times during that climb when I seemed to hear Moriarty's voice screaming at me from out of the abyss.
Eu não sou dado a fantasias, Watson, mas juro-lhe que por vezes, enquanto subia, ouvia a voz do Moriarty a gritar por mim, lá do fundo do abismo.
Moriarty had not been alone.
O Moriarty não actuara sozinho.
The sea was exceeding rough during the channel crossing and the prospect of seeing London again and an intimate encounter with one of Moriarty's confederates plus the added pleasure of seeing my old friend Watson quite prohibited sleep on the railway train.
O mar estava agitado durante a travessia do Canal da Mancha, e a perspectiva de voltar a Londres e enfrentar um comparsa do Moriarty, para além, é claro, do prazer de tornar a ver o meu velho amigo Watson, impediram-me de dormir no comboio,
I cared not about Parker but I care a great deal about the much more formable person who is behind him, the bosom friend of Moriarty.
O Parker não me preocupava, Quem me preocupava era aquela pessoa formidável por trás dele, O amigo do peito do Moriarty,
Noiseless and of tremendous power I knew Von Herder the blind German mechanic who constructed it to the order of the late Professor James Moriarty.
Silenciosa e muito potente, Eu conheci Von Herder, o mecânico alemão, cego, que a construiu para o falecido Professor James Moriarty,
My list of M's is a fine one. Mind you Moriarty's name is enough to make any letter illustrious.
A lista de "M" s é bonita, mas o Moriarty torna qualquer letra ilustre,
He retired, came back to London but again he acquired an evil name. It was about this time that he was sought out by Professor Moriarty.
Retirou-se e veio para Londres, onde tornou a ganhar má reputação, Nessa altura, foi procurado pelo Professor Moriarty,
When you were in Switzerland, Watson, Moran followed us with Moriarty and it was undoubtedly he who gave me those evil five minutes above the Reichenbach Falls.
Quando estivemos na Suiça, o Moran seguiu-nos, com o Moriarty, e foi ele que me atormentou naqueles cinco minutos, nas Cataratas,
Professor Moriarty, I presume.
Peço permissão para abandonar posto de comando. Concedida.
Moriarty. - Impossible. I don't understand.
Data, fixa a Yamato com um raio fixador.
Captain, this character, Moriarty, he called for the arch.
E é uma questão interessante. A nossa equipa esteve mesmo lá?
The London buildings, streets, people, all gone, including Moriarty.
- Ratos num labirinto. - Exactamente! Explique.
You're sounding very different from the Moriarty I've read about.
O masculino e o feminino. É deste modo que propagamos a nossa espécie.
Let's try to beat Moriarty by giving him everything he wants.
- O quê? Destruir a Enterprise.
We will find Moriarty this way, sir.
Um bom número redondo.
Moriarty, you were... conjured up in an attempt to defeat Holmes here.
E a sua decisão também pode estar errada. Sim.
Moriarty, my responsibility is this vessel and its crew.
Já podemos abortar a autodestruição. Espera, Número Um. - Mas, Capitão...
Moriarity will catch us there.
O Moriarty tenciona apanhar-nos lá.
It's dark magic, Moriarty!
Devíamos de estar a ver estrelas nesta altura.
Our adversary, my dear Watson, is none other than Professor Moriarty himself.
In programming Moriarty to defeat me, not Holmes, he had to acquire something which I possess.
A abertura parece estar mais perto, Capitão.
Moriarty, this vessel's computer has a vast memory capacity.
Não queria que existisse a mais pequena dúvida. Claro. O Comando é seu.

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