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Mrs reid traducir portugués

35 traducción paralela
- His wife, Mrs Reid. Windows open by 2300.
As janelas abrem-se às 23 horas.
You heard what Mrs Reid wants.
Ouviste o que a Srª Reird quer.
Or is it Mrs Reid?
Ou é Mrs. Reid?
I didn't think you'd make it out, Mrs Reid.
Achei que não vinha, Sra. Reid.
You should consider yourself a lucky woman, Mrs Reid.
Bem, considere-se uma mulher de sorte, Sra Reid.
Wendell, take Mrs Reid and her son to the supply car. For their own safety.
Wendell, leve a Sra. Reed e o filho para o vagão despensa, para a segurança deles.
I'm just doing my job, Mrs Reid.
Só estou fazendo o meu trabalho, Sra. Reid.
MAN : Mrs Reid?
Sra. Reid?
Mrs Reid.
Sra. Reid?
Because there is no poltergeist, Mrs Reid.
Porque não há nenhum poltergeist, Sra. Reid.
And I'll get them... but right now, Mrs Reid's case should be our first priority.
E vou obtê-las. Mas agora, o caso da Sra. Reid deve ser a nossa prioridade.
MRS REID : Thank you so much for helping me.
Muito obrigado por me ajudarem.
MRS REID : It wasn't the first time I experienced something strange.
Não foi a primeira vez que vivenciei algo estranho.
Mrs Reid...
Sra. Reid...
When Mrs Reid's lawyer contacted me, I knew I was in over my head. I mean,
Quando o advogado da Sra. Reid me contactou sabia que era demasiado.
STRATTON : Mrs Reid said he died of influenza.
A Sra. Reid disse que ele morreu de gripe.
HOUDINI : Mrs Reid, we know the haunting was faked.
Sra. Reid, sabemos que a assombração era falsa.
Mrs Reid, your lover is orchestrating the haunting.
Sra. Reid, o seu amante orquestrou a assombração.
Were you involved with Mrs Reid?
Esteve envolvido com a Sra. Reid?
He buys a Coke and at a slow pace, spotted by Mrs. Reid on the second floor he strolls out the more distant front exit where cops have gathered.
Não ; compra uma Cola e calmamente, visto por Mrs. Reid que está no 2º andar, sai pela mais distante porta da frente, onde há imensos agentes.
This is Mrs Williams this is Mrs Parsons, this is Mrs Reid, this is Miss Palmer and this is Miss Kerr.
Miss Palmer e a Miss Kerr.
First, I've got to discharge Mr Hale, get a stat CT on Mrs Peterson, then perform a thong extrication on Ms Reid.
Antes tenho de dar alta ao Sr. Hale, e pedir uma TAC para a Sra Peterson, e depois desprender da Ms Reid.
And, Dr Reid, your patient, Mrs Burke, has developed a urinary infection.
Não me parece, chefe.
Oh, and Dr. Reid, your patient, Mrs. Burke, has developed a urinary infection.
- Está num lugar seguro.
Mrs. Reese Miller-diazepam.
Bom palpite, Reid. Sra. Reese Miller...
Uh, very nice to meet you, Mrs. Reid.
Muito prazer em conhece-la, Sra. Reid.
Well, we could have only gone so far without mrs. Reid.
Nós nunca chegaríamos tão longe sem a sra. Reid...
Mrs. Reid.
Sra. Reid.
Mrs. Reid?
Sra. Reid?
Did Dr. Reid get a chance to talk to you about Mrs. Gallin?
A Dra. Reid falou contigo sobre a Sra. Gallin?
Oh, hush, girl, that's Mr. and Mrs. Reid.
Deixa-te disso, rapariga. É o Mr. e a Mrs. Reid.
And for you, Mrs. Reid, the east-facing front door.
E para si, Mrs. Reid, a porta principal virada para leste.
Dave, you and Reid go visit Mrs. Everson at the hospital.
Dave, tu e o Reid vão ver a Sr.ª. Everson ao hospital.
I wonder Mrs. Reid is not afraid to trust you so far alone. What a long way!
- Mas que longe.
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