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Mrs watts traducir portugués

35 traducción paralela
Yes. But I consider myself more of a soldier, Mrs Watts.
Sim, mas considero-me mais como que um soldado, Srª.
- Mrs Watts.
It ’ s Mrs Watts, Sir.
É Srª. Watts, senhor.
What would the vote mean to you, Mrs Watts?
O que o voto significaria para si, Srª. Watts?
Thank you, Mrs Watts.
Obrigado, Srª. Watts.
Would you like me to contact your husband, Mrs Watts?
Gostaria que eu contactasse o seu marido, Srª. Watts?
My job is to enforce the law, Mrs Watts.
O meu trabalho é fazer com que a lei seja cumprida, Srª. Watts.
Welcome, Mrs Watts.
Bem-vinda, Srª. Watts.
This is Mrs Watts, Mrs Pankhurst.
Esta é a Srª. Watts, Srª. Pankhurst.
Mrs Watts.
Srª. Watts.
Mrs Watts.
Srª. Watts!
- What you doing, Mrs Watts?
- O que está a fazer?
I think that will be you, Mrs Watts.
Penso que será você, sra. Watts.
Could you tell Mrs Watts that Nurse Crane has asked me to collect him this afternoon, and take him to the eye clinic?
Pode dizer à sra. Watts que a enfermeira Crane me pediu para esta tarde o ir buscar, e levar à clínica dos olhos?
I'm sorry, Mrs Watts, but Mickey's father had the right to remove him from school premises, as long as he had permission from the staff.
Lamento, sra. Watts, mas o pai do Mickey tem o direito de o levar das instalações da escola, dado que tinha autorização dos responsáveis.
- Mrs Watts is in labour.
- A sra. Watts está em trabalho de parto.
Er, Mr Watts is not willing to allow Mrs Watts to remain in the property if the marriage is dissolved.
Er, o sr. Watts não está a querer autorizar a que a sra. Watts permaneça na propriedade, se o casamento for dissolvido.
Er, you can divorce your husband for cruelty, Mrs Watts, providing you can prove that cruelty took place.
Er, pode divorciar-se do seu marido alegando crueldade, sra. Watts, desde que consiga provar que houve lugar a crueldade.
Well, were there witnesses, Mrs Watts?
Bem, houve testemunhas, sra. Watts?
Again, you would have to PROVE that, Mrs Watts.
De novo, teria de provar isso, sra. Watts.
It occurs to me, Mrs Watts, that you may wish to apply for custody of your children, in which case...
Ocorre-me, sra. Watts, que talvez queira candidatar-se à custódia dos seus filhos, o que nesse caso...
What about Mrs Watts'rights?
E os direitos da sra. Watts?
I would prefer to discuss the situation with Mrs Watts.
Eu preferia discutir a situação com a sra. Watts.
There are always tag ends to a divorce, Mrs. Haines.
Watts. - Divórcio sempre tem rabicho.
You took a picture of Mrs. Watts?
Foi você quem tirou uma fotografia da Senhora Watts?
Mrs. Watts was trying to kill herself.
A senhora Watts, estava a tentar suicidar-se.
Mrs. Watts has asthma.
A senhora Watts tem asma.
I spoke with Mrs. Watts she explained to me how she let Mr. Bardo use her car.
Falei com a senhora Watts. Ela explicou-me que deixou o Sr. Bardo usar o seu carro.
We do not need or want your investigative skills employed to discover why Mrs. Watts was in a hotel bedroom with Mr. Bardo.
Não precisamos, nem queremos, que um investigador descubra a razão da senhora Watts estar num quarto de hotel com o Sr.Bardo.
I'd still like to talk to Mrs. Watts.
Mesmo assim, gostaria de falar com a senhora Watts.
Mrs. Watts...
Senhora Watts...
Shall you begin Mrs Miller -... Watts.
Podemos começar, Srª. Miller? Watts.
I've called with a message for Mrs Trudy Watts, about an appointment at the eye clinic.
Vim cá com uma mensagem para a sra. Trudy Watts, àcerca de uma consulta na clínica dos olhos.
Nurse Gilbert - - all the bookings in, plus an extra task in support of Mrs Trudy Watts.
Enfermeira Gilbert, registo de reservas, mais uma tarefa extra, de apoio à sra. Trudy Watts.

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