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None of this would be happening traducir portugués

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None of this would be happening if it wasn't for that Knight character.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não fosse aquele Knight.
If the Bajoran people would accept their place in history none of this would be happening.
Se os Bajorianos tivessem aceitado o seu lugar na história, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would be happening if you'd given up.
Nada disto estaria a acontecer se tivesse desistido.
I'm telling you, if I was a single man, none of this would be happening.
Se eu fosse um homem solteiro, não teria passado por isto.
If you were still with her, none of this would be happening.
Se ainda estivesses com ela, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
None of this would be happening if I had just told Charlie the truth.
Nada disto estaria a acontecer se eu tivesse dito a verdade ao Charlie.
None of this would be happening if they didn't take Leo.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não tivessem levado o Leo.
I mean, none of this would be happening if it weren't for you.
Afinal, nada disto aconteceria se não fosses tu.
Yes, you do. If I had listened to you, none of this would be happening.
Se eu lhe tivesse dado ouvidos, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
None of this would be happening if I was in San Diego.
Isto não estaria a acontecer.
None of this would be happening if Dad didn't put him in charge.
Nada disto teria acontecido - se o pai não o pusesse como gerente.
None of this would be happening.
Nada disto estaria a acontecer.
If I hadn't asked you to lie, none of this would be happening.
Se não lhe tivesse pedido para mentir, nada disto teria acontecido.
If I had come out 20 years ago, none of this would be happening.
Se eu me tivesse assumido à 20 anos, nada disto teria acontecido.
If you'd simply restrained yourself, none of this would be happening.
Se te tivesses reprimido, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
Maybe if I had just let her go on, none of this would be happening.
Se a tivesse deixado subir ao palco, nada disto aconteceria.
If you had allowed his spirit to reunite with Vivian, then Kieran would've found peace and none of this would be happening!
Se tivesses permitido o seu espírito reunir-se com a Vivian, então o Kieran teriam encontrado paz e nada disto estaria a acontecer!
If you'd killed yourself the first time, maybe none of this would be happening.
Se te tivesse matado da primeira vez, nada disto tinha acontecido.
If you just had the guts to tell Naomi who you slept with, none of this would be happening.
Se tu tivesses a coragem de contares à Naomi com quem dormiste, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would be happening if I wasn't leaving.
Nada disso aconteceria se eu não fosse embora.
None of this would be happening if Caine had not talked those people into staying on that planet.
Isto não estaria a acontecer se o Caine não tivesse convencido esta gente a ficar naquele planeta.
None of this would be happening if the wall didn't exist.
Isto não estaria a acontecer se a parede não existisse.
He said none of this would be happening if the wall didn't exist.
Disse que nada disto estaria a acontecer se a parede não existisse.
And none of this would be happening!
E nada disto estaria a acontecer!
None of this would be happening if you left us alone.
Nada disto estaria a acontecer se nos tivesse deixado em paz.
If I hadn't experimented with Cortexiphan, then none of this would be happening.
Se não tivesse feito experiências com Cortexiphan, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
None of this would be happening if I hadn't stolen the meds.
Nada disto teria acontecido se eu não tivesse roubado os medicamentos.
If you'd just put your personal ethics to the side one time, none of this would be happening now.
Se tivesses deixado a tua ética pessoal de lado uma vez, - nada disto acontecia.
So, what? If they never touched this, none of this would be happening?
Se não tivessem tocado nisto, nada disto teria acontecido?
If you weren't screwing around with Sheldon's assistant, none of this would be happening.
- Se não andasses enrolado por aí com a assistente do Sheldon, nada disto acontecia.
If I had only left you alone from the beginning, none of this would be happening.
Se tivesse te deixado só desde o início, nada disto teria acontecido.
Because if it weren't for you, none of this would be happening to me.
Porque se não fosse por ti, nada disto ia acontecer.
for every tiny thing even though none of this would be happening if the other one had just listened to him in the first place.
pelas mais pequeninas coisas, mesmo que nada disso acontecesse se, para começar, um deles tivesse ouvido o outro.
Brigette, if I was sweet and kind, none of this would be happening.
Brigette, se fosse doce e amável, nada disto tinha acontecido.
You know, it occurred to me, none of this would be happening if that sub had sank altogether.
Sabes o que é que pensei? Sabes, ocorreu-me que nada disto estaria a acontecer se o submarino tivesse afundado de uma vez.
You know, if you hadn't taken their money to begin with, none of this would be happening.
Para já, se não tivesses aceitado o dinheiro deles, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
He must want something from you, Lexi, or none of this would be happening.
Ele deve querer alguma coisa de ti, Lexi. Ou nada disso estava a acontecer.
If I had, none of this would be happening.
Se tivesse feito, nada disto teria acontecido.
- None of this would be happening.
Bem feito!
You know, Margaret, none of this would be happening if your husband hadn't come sniffing around my house and taking my shit.
Sabe, Margaret, nada disto estaria a acontecer, se o seu marido não tivesse ido bisbilhotar na minha casa, levado as minhas coisas.
Without her, none of this would be happening.
Sem ela, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
Of course, if I had taken Jodi's phone call, none of this would be happening.
Se eu tivesse atendido a chamada da Jodi, - nada disto teria acontecido.
If I never knocked on your door, If I never dragged you to Storybrooke in the first place, none of this would be happening.
Se nunca tivesse batido à tua porta, se não te tivesse trazido para Storybrooke, não estaria a acontecer nada disto.
Did you ever think that maybe this turmoil you're in is because you questioned Lei Kung's teachings? none of this would be happening.
Alguma vez te ocorreu que os problemas que tens se devem a teres questionado os ensinamentos de Lei Kung? Se tivesses seguido o rumo que ele te definiu, nada disto teria acontecido.
Well, if I was home, none of this crap would be happening, that's for damn sure.
- Se eu estivesse em casa, nada desta treta teria acontecido, disso podes ter a certeza.
If I ran this town, none of this shit would be happening.
Se gerisse esta cidade, nada desta merda estaria a acontecer.

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