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Northfield traducir portugués

38 traducción paralela
The bank of Northfield, Minnesota, is the strongest bank in the Northwest.
O banco de Northfield, Minnesota, é o mais forte do Noroeste.
For one thing, that's a mighty strong bank at Northfield and it's a long ways away.
Para já, é um banco muito forte esse de Northfield, e fica muito longe.
- Northfield's all right with us.
- Estamos de acordo com Northfield.
Northfield's 450 miles from here.
Northfield fica a 700 km.
"Of the eight bandits who attempted the raid on the Northfield bank, two are dead and four are prisoners, but of the two leaders there is less definite news."
"Dos oito bandidos que tentaram assaltar o banco de Northfield, dois morreram e quatro estão presos, mas sobre os dois cabecilhas as notícias são menos concretas."
And here's where the true story of the Northfield raid began.
Aqui começa a verdadeira história da grande perseguição do Northfield.
North Platte, Nebraska. The Athens of America.
Northfield, Nebraska... a Atenas da América "...
Biggest bank west of the Mississippi.
O maior banco a oeste do Mississipi, Northfield, Minnesota.
Where are they? A place called Northfield.
- Num lugar chamado Northfield.
I hope you enjoy your stay in Northfield.
Aproveitem a vossa estadia em Northfield.
I brought it just to show you all it's a pleasure to be doing business with you here in Northfield.
Desejo demonstrar que é um prazer fazer negócios aqui.
I'd like to dedicate this first song to all the folks of Northfield who've done business with us. And to those who will do business with us in the future.
Quero dedicar esta musica às pessoas do Northfield... aos clientes do nosso banco e aqueles que o irão ser.
Outside Northfield?
Em Northfield?
No! Robbers around Northfield?
- Ladrões em Northfield?
You come back to Northfield, we'll really show you a thing or two!
Assim jogamos em Northfield.
As a special gesture to the people of Northfield, the bank will be open today, Sunday, to receive your deposits.
Como atenção especial à nossa cidade... o banco abrirá hoje domingo para qualquer depósito.
Allen, you got a way of embarrassing more strangers that come to Northfield...
Não seja indiscreto com os forasteiros.
You know, I think we're Northfield's most prominent citizens now we got that bank filled up.
Agora que tenho o dinheiro neste banco, sou um tipo muito importante.
NARRATOR : Northfield was the boys'last ride.
Northfield foi o fim do bando.
Cole Younger had been shot 11 more times at Northfield. That made 26 times in all.
O Cole Younger recebeu mais onze tiros em Northfield... 26 buracos no total.
But at Northfield, his outlaw days had ended.
Mas, em Northfield, acabaram com os seus dias de foragido.
Madelia, Northfield, Jonesboro, Elysian Township,
Nadilya, Northfield, Georgeboro...
Minivan located in the Northfield Mall.
Monovolume localizado no Centro Comercial de Northfield.
Mrs. William Westfall in Plattsburg the Wymore family in Clay County perhaps even Mrs. Joseph Heywood in Northfield, Minnesota.
A Sra. William Westfall em Plattsburg, a família Wymore em Clay County. Talvez até a Sra. Joseph Heywood em Northfield, no Minessota.
So let's have a big, paranoid, malignant round of applause for United Northfield Culcitate Internal Research Memorandum 229.
Vamos dar então uma grande, paranóica, maligna, salva de palmas. Para o memorando da U-North, de pesquisa interna, relativo ao Culcitate número 229.
"Clearly, the release of these internal research documents would compromise the effective marketing of Culcitate and must be kept within the protective confines of United-Northfield's trade secret language."
"Obviamente que a divulgação destes documentos de pesquisa interna iria comprometer o desempenho de mercado do Cultitate e devem ser mantidos secretos dentro da U-North".
You know, our youngest has been accepted to Northfield Mount Hermon.
O nosso mais novo foi aceite na Northfield Mount Hermon.
Yeah, she has a sister, Liz Dorsey, at 3388 Woodland Loop in Northfield.
Sim, tem uma irmã. Liz Dorsey, no 3388 de Woodland Loop, em Northfield.
Northfield Prep,
Escola Preparatória de Northfield,
Northfield Prep?
Escola Preparatória de Northfield?
- Northfield College.
- Na faculdade de Northfield.
He goes to Northfield in Connecticut. Great. Let's go.
Estuda em Northfield, no Connecticut.
Northfield College.
Universidade Northfield.
There is a particularly gentle, and therefore suitable, therapeutic community near Birmingham, called Northfield.
Há uma particularmente gentil, e como tal, adequada, comunidade terapêutica perto de Birmingham, chamada Northfield.
It's called Northfield.
Chama-se Northfield.

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