Old friends traducir portugués
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He goes for a beer with some of his old friends from the Fraud Squad... and all he hears about is you.
Ele vai beber uma cerveja com alguns dos seus velhos amigos do esquadrão de fraude... e só ouve falar de ti.
I've got some old friends in Mayor Goodman's office.
Tenho alguns amigos de longa data no gabinete do Presidente Goodman.
We're old friends, right?
Somos amigos, certo?
To old friends and new friends.
Aos velhos amigos e aos novos amigos!
I feel like we're old friends, the way Trudy talks about you.
Sinto que já somos velhos amigos, pela forma como a Trudy fala de ti.
Call your old friends at the Secret Service.
Ligue aos seus amigos nos Serviços Secretos.
Oh, they're old friends.
São velhos amigos.
No matter how much time passes... old friends are never forgotten.
Não importa quanto tempo passa, velhos amigos nunca se esquecem.
They were old friends they served together in the Russian Air Force.
Eram velhos amigos. Serviram juntos na Força Aerea Russa.
Old friends.
Velhas amigas.
- You're old friends.
- São velhos amigos.
You know, the thing I love most about New York is that you're always running into old friends.
Sabes, a coisa que mais gosto em Nova York é que você está sempre encontrando-se com velhos amigos.
- New people. New. Not old friends like me.
Não velhos amigos como eu.
We had to meet some old friends from boarding school.
Íamo-nos encontrar com algumas velhas amigas do Colégio Interno.
We have old friends there. We'll be accepted in society.
Temos velhos amigos lá, seremos aceites na sociedade...
- Do you want to get a smoothie? - We're going to see our old friends.
- Vamos ver os teus velhos amigos.
Finn and I are old friends.
O Finn e eu somos velhos amigos.
For your information, Finn's mother and my grandfather are old friends.
Para tua informação, a mãe do Finn e o meu avô são velhos amigos.
Why did you tell everybody at your party... that my mother and your grandfather were old, old friends?
Por que disseste a toda a gente na tua festa que a minha mãe e o teu avô eram velhos amigos?
- They are old friends.
E são velhos amigos.
We're old friends and we didn't fuck.
Conhecemo-nos há muito tempo e nem sequer dormimos juntos.
- Hell, we old friends, man. - Definitely.
- Fogo, nós somos velhos amigos.
Definitely old friends, man.
- Sem dúvida. Velhos amigos, meu.
We're old friends, remember.
Nós somos velhos amigos, lembras-te?
Forced to fight against his old friends and West Point classmates.
Forçado a lutar contra os amigos e camaradas de West Point.
Tom, these are my old friends.
Tom, são velhos amigos meus.
I know some of you came a very long way, thank you. And some old friends, Morgan.
Sei que muitos vieram de muito longe, obrigado.
In Riyadh, I would help my old friends and neighbors drag the royal family onto the streets, where they would receive the justice they deserve
Em Riyadh, ajudaria velhos amigos e vizinhos a por a família real na rua, onde receveriam a justiça que merecem
No, we'll call on old friends.
Não, nós vamos chamar de velhos amigos.
I had to meet with one of my fiancé's old friends.
Tive de me encontrar com uma amiga do meu noivo.
What's a little treason between old friends?
O que é uma pequena traição entre velhos amigos?
- We're old friends.
- Nós somos velhos amigos.
We're old friends now, aren't we, Nick?
- Já somos velhos amigos.
We're two old friends who suddenly find themselves single.
Somos apenas dois amigos que, de repente, ficaram solteiros.
Last night was two old friends helping each other through a rough patch. That's it.
Karl, ontem à noite foram dois amigos a ajudarem-se a ultrapassar um mau bocado.
I bet your friends think it's lame that your old man wants to hold on to you so tight.
As tuas amigas devem achar piegas que o teu pai queira tanto abraçar-te.
I bet your friends think it's pretty lame that your old man wants to hold on to you so tight.
As tuas amigas devem achar piegas que o teu pai queira tanto abraçar-te.
Danny and I were best friends since we're two years old.
O Danny e eu éramos os melhores amigos desde os dois anos.
Or if his old man didn't have so many friends.
Ou se o velho dele não tivesse tantos amigos.
I'm checking in with old co-workers, friends, but...
Estou a verificar com antigos colegas, amigos, mas...
- I'm your old man, Go out with friends,
- Pois, está bem...
And it's the only time I can see any old Chicago friends, It'll be nice,
E é a única oportunidade que tenho de rever alguns amigos daqui, Vai ser divertido.
And when they were found, the old and the sick, women and children alike, they were killed. Killed because their identity card said they were Tutsi, or because they had a Tutsi parent, or because someone thought they looked like a Tutsi, or slain like thousands of Hutus because they protected Tutsis, or would not countenance a policy that sought to wipe out people, who just the day before, and for years before, had been their friends and neighbors.
como mulheres e crianças... foram mortas. por serem um dos milhares de Hutus que protegeram Tutsis ou que não se conformavam com a política fora seu vizinho e amigo.
"It's been a while since Will and I tossed the old pigskin around." I thought I'd hustle back home, but I see you and Layla have already made new friends.
Faz um tempo que eu e você não assistiamos a um jogo, então vim correndo pra casa... mas pelo que vejo, você e Layla fizeram alguns novos amigos.
My fate's in the hands of a four-year-old who has seven other imaginary friends.
O meu destino nas mãos de uma garota de quatro anos que tem mais sete amigos imaginários!
Samantha, these are my old friends.
- Sim.
Just like when we were kids, around me, you were regular old Matt... but around Steve and his friends, you were the Stiffmeister.
Tal como era na nossa infância, ao pé de mim, eras o verdadeiro Matt... mas ao pé do Steve e dos amigos, eras o Stiffmeister.
He'd probably do a more disgusting version of it for his peers than he would for his friends at the bar from the old neighbourhood.
Ele provavelmente faria uma versão mais nojenta daquilo para a sua audiência do que faria para os seus amigos de bar do seu bairro antigo.
But if any of my female friends knew I fucked a 17-year-old...
Se uma das minhas amigas soubesse que papei uma miúda de 17 anos,
I was with my mom in a bar... she was drinking with some friends... and I was maybe, I don't know... I think I was about 10 years old then.
Eu estava com a minha mãe num bar... ela estava bebendo com uns amigos... eu era, não sei... eu acho que eu estava com uns dez anos, mais ou menos.
Eight-year-old Takashito Tanemori and his friends were trapped in the rubble, crying out for someone to rescue them.
A primeira coisa que eu vi, foi a escuridão.
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
old fart 19
old female 76
old friend 513
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
old fart 19
old female 76
old friend 513