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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ P ] / Poor little thing

Poor little thing traducir portugués

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That poor little thing.
- Poor little thing.
- Pobrezinho.
Poor little thing!
O pobrezinho.
Oh, the poor little thing's scared to death.
Oh, o pobrezinho está tão assustado.
Oh, you poor little thing.
Você trabalhou muito.
- Poor little thing.
- Pobrezinha...
That poor little thing! Just before she passed away...
Antes de morrer, aquela pobre mulher disse-me...
That poor little thing was a GOOD woman, Judge.
Aquela pobre senhora era uma boa mulher.
And I promised that poor little thing... I'd provide it all!
E prometi-lhe que trataria de tudo.
Oh, you poor little thing.
Oh, pobre coisinha. O quê?
Poor little thing.
Pobre mulher.
Scarlet fever, poor little thing.
Escarlatina, coitadinho.
Poor little thing, scarcely three months old.
Coitadinho, nem três meses tinha.
Poor little thing.
You poor little thing.
Poor little thing, poor little insect!
Pobrecito, pequeno!
You come into this house. Our guest. A poor little thing out of nowhere.
És um convidado nesta casa... um zé-ninguém, sem eira nem beira... acolhemos-te...
Poor little thing.
Pobre desgraçada.
Ah. Oh, that's painful Poor little thing.
Isso é doloroso.
Poor little thing.
Poor little thing.
See, poor little thing ran away.
A pobrezinha fugiu.
"Poor little thing," they're saying. "What she has to put up with, with that poor fool of a husband of hers."
"Pobre", devem dizer, "para aguentar um homem como esse"
Poor little thing you really make me laugh
Pobre cosita, faz-me rir.
I couldn't believe my eyes, poor little thing.
Não acreditava no que via!
The poor little thing. Once she did two left sides and wondered why it wouldn't button up.
Uma vez fez dois lados esquerdos e não sabia porque não abotoava.
Poor little thing, she was so young.
Pobrezinha, era tão jovem.
the poor little thing must be exhausted from all that flying about.
O pobrezinho deve estar exausto de tanto voar.
Oh, the poor little thing.
Oh, pobre bicho indefeso! Estava faminto!
The poor little thing.
Pobre criatura.
You poor little thing.
Poor little thing, pining away all this time, and I never even noticed.
A pobrezinha conteve-se durante todo este tempo e eu nunca reparei.
- She was ten years old, poor little thing.
! - É, dez anos, a coitadinha.
- Poor little thing.
I can't even walk in and get my hair done without people looking at me like, "Oh, God, that poor little thing."
Nem posso ir arranjar o cabelo sem que olhem para mim com ar de, "Deus, pobre coitada."
Poor little thing.
Pobre pequena coisa.
You poor little thing! What are they doing to you?
Pobrezinha, o que lhe fizeram?
Poor little thing.
Pobre coitadinho.
The poor little thing.
Poor little thing.
Wouldn't it get a little monotonous, just Akron, cold beer and poor, poor thing for two weeks?
Apenas Akron, cerveja fresca e pobre, durante duas semanas? Não seria um pouco aborrecido? - Não!
No wonder the poor little old thing's half scared to death.
Não admira que a pobrezinha esteja morta de medo.
You poor thing, live out your wretched little life, the way God allows all of us to live.
Pobrezinho, viva a sua vida miserável... como Deus permite que nós todos vivamos.
You poor lonely little thing.
Tão pequena e tão solitária.
Poor little thing.
A pobrezinha.
The little old beetle goes round and round, always the same way, you see, till he ends up right up tight to the nail, poor old thing.
A pequena e velha barata dá voltas e voltas, sempre no mesmo sentido, como vê, Até que acaba presa ao prego, pobre criatura.
Oh poor little thing!
Oh pobre bicho...
Poor, pretty little thing.
Pobre, pequenina gracinha.
Poor thing, he's got a sad little...
O pobrezinho tem um pequeno...
Poor little furry thing!
Pobre criatura peluda!
Oh, you poor, naive little thing.
Por favor, continua.

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