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Quilty traducir portugués

42 traducción paralela
Are you Quilty?
Você é o Quilty?
Yeah. I'm Quilty, yeah, sure.
- Sim, sou o Quilty, com certeza.
You're dying anyway, Quilty.
Vai morrer de qualquer modo, Quilty.
Quilty, I want you to concentrate.
- Quilty, concentre-se.
Think of what you did, Quilty, and think of what is happening to you now.
Pense no que você fez, Quilty, e no que está acontecendo agora.
Read it, Quilty.
Leia, Quilty!
Do you have any last words before you die, Quilty?
Tem algo a dizer antes de morrer, Quilty?
As a matter of fact, you know one of the speakers that I had last season was Clare Quilty.
Aliás, um dos conferencistas que tivemos recentemente... foi Clare Quilty.
Clare Quilty?
Clare Quilty?
Did you have a good time dancing with Clare Quilty?
Divertiu-se a dançar com o Clare Quilty?
Hello, Mr. Quilty.
- Olá, Sr. Quilty.
Well, Edusa Gold, the drama teacher, Clare Quilty and Vivian Darkbloom.
- Bem, a professora de teatro... Clare Quilty e Vivian Darkbloom.
You mean, Dr. Zemph, he was Clare Quilty?
Queres dizer que o Dr. Zemph era o Clare Quilty?
Once there was a very wise man... and he lived in Quilty in the County of Clare in Ireland.
Havia uma vez, um grande sábio, e ele vivia em Quilty, no distrito de Clare, na Irlanda.
And the Quilty sisters were killed in their own home..... because they didn't lock the door, throats cut from ear to ear.
E às irmãs Quilty matou-as na própria casa delas, porque não fecharam a porta à chave. Rasgou-lhes a garganta de orelha a orelha.
Don't you think that guy looks exactly like Quilty?
Não acha que aquele tipo parece exactamente o Quilty?
That's the actual playwright, Clare Quilty.
É o autor da peça, Clare Quilty. Imagina?
Quilty can't be here in our studio because he's in Wace, Texas tonight..... working on the premiere of his brand-new play.
Quilty não pode estar aqui connosco porque está em Waco, Texas, para a estreia da sua nova peça.
My God, Dad, it was Quilty.
Santo Deus, pai, é o Quilty.
Here we go, Herbert Quilty, service tech for Vertech wireless.
Cá está, Herbert Quilty, serviço técnico da Vertech Wireless.
Same time as Quilty was in jail a guy named Thomas Maynard was serving weekends on a DUI conviction
Na mesma altura em que Quilty esteve preso um tal Thomas Maynard apresentava-se aos fins-de-semana por conduzir embriagado.
Herbert Quilty, you're under arrest for murder.
Herbert Quilty, está preso por homicídio.
Quilty rigged the phones.
O Quilty preparava os telefones.
What I don't understand is how did Quilty's phone let the robbers know where track victims were?
O que não percebo é como é que o telefone do Quilty dizia aos assaltantes onde as vítimas estavam?
Well... Quilty must have put a sniffer on a node.
Bem... o Quilty deve ter posto um "farejador" num nodo.
And you think Quilty's phone could do that?
E pensas que o telefone do Quilty poderia fazer isso?
All right, so Maynard gave Quilty phone numbers of people who owned valuable things.
Muito bem, então o Maynard dava ao Quilty números de telefone de pessoas que possuíam bens valiosos.
Right, and Quilty had his sniffer search for those numbers.
Certo, e o Quilty punha o farejador à procura desses números.
Okay, so Maynard and Quilty set up Gordon with phone numbers of potential victims.
Certo, então o Maynard e o Quilty arranjam ao Gordon os números de telefone de vítimas potenciais.
We, the jury, find the defendant, Nelson Biederman, quilty.
Nós, os jurados, declaramos o réu, Nelson Biederman... gulpado.
Are you Quilty?
- Você é o Quilty?
It's Clare Quilty.
É o Clare Quilty.
It was Clare Quilty.
- Era o Clare Quilty.
Who was Clare Quilty?
- Qual deles era o Clare Quilty?
The writer Quilty.
O escritor Quilty.
I'm Clare Quilty.
Remember, over a million smokers...
Daqui Clare Quilty.
It was Clare Quilty.
Foi o Clare Quilty.
Quilty, I want you to concentrate.
Quilty, quero que se concentre.

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