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Rascals traducir portugués

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Rascals and pirates. Did you see them growl at the flogging?
Viu-os rezingar com as chicotadas?
Well, Mr. Christian, if your rascals are any good, bring us into the wind.
Christian, se os tratantes valem algo, que nos levem até ao vento.
Still, you did your best... and as Harry has made you two young rascals take your feathers back... well, he'd better marry the girl and have done with it, eh, Doc, hmm?
Fraco, é o que é. Ainda assim, vocês deram o vosso melhor, e o Harry devolveu as penas brancas, e agora merece casar com a rapariga.
After we've fired on the Yankee rascals at Fort Sumter, we've got to fight.
Após termos disparado contra a ralé de Fort Sumter, temos de lutar!
But I'm fond of rascals.
Mas eu gosto de malandros.
Come here, you little rascals.
Venham cá, marotas.
Those rascals have us under their control.
Estamos bem controlados!
Least of all one of the rascals he accuses of corruption.
Menos um dos que ele acusa de manipuladores.
Shut up, you rascals.
- Calem a boca! - Calem a boca!
- Shut up, you rascals! - Tomorrow the prefect will do justice but not now.
O prefeito cumpre a lei, mas não agora.
You call those rascals police?
- Esses imbecis agora são da polícia? - Pai, por favor. - Cruz, está exagerando.
I don't deserve it or maybe I do for loving the worst of all the rascals.
Não mereço. Talvez sim. Por ter amado um canalha.
Rascals, that's what you are!
Uns mal educados. É o que vocês são.
Good night, you rascals.
Boa noite, seus marotos.
- Cute little rascals.
Que malandretes engraçados.
Them thievin'rascals!
Ladrões e malandros!
- We were rascals, weren't we?
- Éramos uns fedelhos, não éramos?
Let's hear what these rascals have to say.
Escute um pouco seus pequenos garotos.
Good news, gentlemen : Versailles has finally decided to act.. and do away with the rascals of the Third State.
- Boa nova, Versailles está decidido a agir e acabar com os palhaços do terceiro estado.
Those rascals would not have hesitated a moment.
Aqueles malandros não teriam hesitado um instante.
- That muddy rascal. - You make fat rascals, Doll.
- Vós me fizestes assim.
Go, rascals, go, and fetch my supper in.
Ide, tratantes, fazei-me a ceia.
Go, rascals, go.
Ide lá, patifes.
And only the rascals have dough
E só os tratantes têm massa
On, you drunken rascals!
Adiante, seus patifes bêbados!
- It's those two rascals over there.
- São aqueles dois patifes.
You know, I thought we'd never get rid of those two rascals, but lucky for us folks, King Richard returned, and, well, he just straightened everything out.
Sabem, pensava que não nos livrávamos destes patifes! Para sorte nossa, o Rei Ricardo voltou e resolveu tudo.
Well... Rascals!
Bem... canalhas!
I didn't ruin my complexion cooking it on the oven, just so those rascals could drink it all now.
Eu não arruinei minha aparência cozinhando isso no forno, apenas para aqueles canalhas poderem beber tudo agora.
The captain of the rascals.
O capitão dos canalhas.
Also a clarinet player with something called the Ragtime Rascals.
Também tocava clarinete em alguma coisa chamada Ragtime Rascals.
The Ragtime Rascals? - You're the alien.
Os Ragtime Rascals?
They're rascals, both of them, but they are very, very clever with their hands.
São um par de trapaceiros, mas são muito capazes com suas mãos.
These little rascals, These miserable and dirty individuals, thieves, liars, hypocrites, murderers, vulgar non-believers,
De um bando de patifes, de miseráveis, de porcos, de piolhosos, ladrões, mentirosos, hipócritas, assassinos, infiéis...
- It's convincing enough... but what the devil are you two rascals up to now?
- É convincente mas que andam a tramar agora?
What are you two rascals doing in my room?
O que fazem no meu quarto?
You don't do that, you rascals.
Não faças isso, seu patife.
You rascals!
It's been kind of lonesome around here without you little rascals.
Isto estava demasiado sossegado sem vocês, seus patifes!
They're rascals.
São traquinas.
I never once let her go past this house where I knew those rascals were lurking without following her on my bicycle to see she came to no harm.
Não a deixei ir para sítios onde sabia que eles podiam esperá-la, sem a seguir na minha bicicleta para que nada lhe acontecesse.
No rascals!
Saíram-me um belo par de desavergonhados.
- Yeah, baby. - Remember the Young Rascals? What happened to them?
Jame, o que houve com os "Jovens Terríveis"?
Now, the way I've got it figured, These rascals... are warming up for something real big.
Pelo que percebi... estes diabretes... estão a aquecer para algo mesmo em grande
I missed you rascals.
Senti a tua falta rascals.
Ah you little rascals!
Vagabundos! -
You filthy rascals!
They're coming back, the rascals!
Vêm aí os piolhosos.
rascal 113

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