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Rayed traducir portugués

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I'm off to get x-rayed. I'll be back in a little while.
Vou tirar umas radiografias.
- No. His body's been x-rayed.
Já se fez um raio-x ao seu corpo.
When a human being is X-rayed, cells die.
Quando se faz um raio-x a um humano, células morrem.
It should be shut down and X-rayed.
Devia ter sido desligada e radiografada.
- Not even a doctor could tell the difference. Unless he x-rayed the skull.
Nenhum médico notaria a diferença, excepto numa radiografia ao crânio.
You x-rayed the stone and found no markings, - nothing inside.
Passou a pedra por raios-x e não encontrou marcas nada no interior.
We must have X-rayed him a hundred times.
Teríamos de lhe fazer raio-x umas cem vezes.
- Yeah, while I was in getting x-rayed.
- Quê? ! - Enquanto eu tirava a radiografia.
I was interrogated, x-rayed. I was examined thoroughly.
Fui interrogado, radiografado, totalmente examinado.
I x-rayed the whole place.
Examinei tudo ao pormenor.
- Are you sure that you x-rayed...?
- De certeza que usaste o raio-X?
For whatever it's worth, I x-rayed underneath the store.
Se interessar, eu passei o interior da loja a raio-x.
I've been mri'd, EKG'd, x-rayed, laser beamed....
Já fiz electrocardiogramas, raios X, laser...
I x-rayed your ankle, and you never broke it.
Fiz um raio-X ao teu tornozelo, e nunca o partiste.
Lois, I x-rayed that guy at dinner.
Lois, eu examinei o tipo ao jantar.
- You had it x-rayed yet? - No.
Ja o radiografou?
I've been X-rayed, CAT-scanned and sonogrammed.
Fizeram-me radiografias, TACs e sonogramas.
Well, it, uh, looks fine to me, but if it'll make you boys feel better, uh, I'll get it x-rayed just to make sure.
Parece-me estar bem, mas se ficarem mais descansados, faço um raio-X só para ter a certeza.
No, we've had it scanned, we've had it x-rayed with the magnetic imager.
Não é, passamos no scanner, no raio-X e fizemos ressonância magnética.
- What if we x-rayed him?
Sentes-te melhor se o radiografarmos?
- Not possible. Everything's X-rayed.
Passa tudo pelo raio-X.
( imitates buzzer ) They took it to the airport. They x-rayed bottles in bulk using baggage scanners.
Expuseram as garrafas aos raios X usados para malas, no aeroporto.
- He X-rayed your skull? - Yeah.
- Tirou-te um raio-x ao crânio?
They should've x-rayed your head at the hospital.
Deviam ter-te feito um raio-X à cabeça no hospital.
- What if we x-rayed him?
- E se o passarmos no Raio-X? - Sim.
X-rayed Tessa's neck.
Raio-x do pescoço de Tessa.
Coach, we should get him x-rayed.
Devia fazer um raio-X.
- Shouldn't he get it X-rayed?
- Não precisará de um raio-X?
If he's been getting his head x rayed all over maybe he's gone to an old hospital to get whatever's in his head removed.
Se ele andou a fazer raios-X por todo o lado, talvez tenha ido a um hospital antigo para tirar a coisa da cabeça.
We needed a coffin because they aren't X-rayed.
Precisávamos de um caixão porque não são radiografados.
- All that been x-rayed?
- Isso foi tudo passado ao raio-X?
I've x-rayed the skull.
- Realizei uma TAC crânio-encefálica.
He gets x-rayed.
Faz a radiografia.
Your son's next door getting X-rayed.
O seu filho está ali ao lado a fazer raios X.
You know, you might wanna get that x-rayed.
É melhor ir tirar uma radiografia.
- They checked my clothes patted me down, searched my shoes, my best shoes, practically x-rayed me.
- Revistaram-me as roupas, apalparam-me, revistaram os meus sapatos, quase me radiografaram.
Or drop them off at the dentist and have them x-rayed 200 or 300 times.
Ou leve-os ao dentista para tirar uns 200 ou 300 raios-X.
X-rayed her, ran her through an MRI - -
Fizemos raios-x, ressonâncias magnéticas...
Let's get that X-rayed, Andy.
Vamos tirar aquele Raio-X, Andy.
And it was a fight just to get the leg X-rayed.
E foi uma luta apenas para tirar Raio X da perna.
- But I want to eat my candy - - not until I have it x-rayed.
- Mas quero comer os meus doces... - Não até eu tirar o raio-x.
For frak's sake. I was there when Kelly x-rayed'em.
Pelo amor dos Deuses, eu estava lá quando o Kelly os passou no raio X. São papéis.
Chloe, I've x-rayed these tunnels over a dozen times.
Chloe, já usei a minha visão Raio-X nestes túneis montes de vezes.
look, I just came from the emergency room and they told me to come here and get my arm X-rayed.
Olhe, acabei de vir da sala de emergência e eles disseram-me para vir aqui buscar o Raio-X do meu braço.
I x-rayed the entire mansion.
Vi a mansão toda a raio-X.
Look. - But the little girl was already X-rayed.
Não fizeram radiografias da menina?
I x-Rayed him. He didn't him anything on him.
Fiz-lhe um raio-X, ele não tinha nada com nele.
We're Gonna Have To Get This X-Rayed And Get You To The Emergency Room.
Vamos ter de tirar raio-X a isto, e levar-te para as Urgências.
No return address. Security x-rayed it.
A segurança fez-lhe um raio-X.
Sergeant Gabriel, would you please have that luggage x-rayed?
Sargento Gabriel, pode levar aquela mala para o raio-X?
I frisked and X-rayed every single person at the video shoot.
Eu revistei e passei no raio-X.

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