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Riddick traducir portugués

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That's Riddick's direction.
É na direcção do Riddick.
Yeah. What happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
Que acontece se o Sr. Riddick nos encontrar primeiro?
He could probably get you right here, right under the jaw and you'd never even hear him coming,'cause that's how good Riddick is.
É assim que o Riddick faz.
I thought it was Riddick.
Pensei que fosse o Riddick.
Look, murders aside, Riddick belongs in the asshole hall of fame.
Homicídios à parte, Riddick pertence à galeria da fama.
Where did Riddick go?
Onde está o Riddick?
What is the discussion? Maybe I should tell you how Riddick escaped.
Talvez te deva contar como o Riddick escapou.
You scare me, Riddick.
Estás-me a assustar, Riddick.
That's my first run-in with Riddick.
Foi a minha primeira corrida com o Riddick.
Where's Riddick?
Onde está o Riddick? Deixa-o!
Come on, Riddick.
Vá lá, Riddick.
Yes, I would, Riddick.
Sim, Riddick.
There is my God, Mr. Riddick.
Lá está meu Deus, Senhor Riddick.
Come on, Riddick!
Vamos lá Riddick! Levanta-te!
Riddick, what are you doing?
Riddick, que estás a fazer?
Tell'em Riddick's dead.
Digam-lhes que o Riddick morreu.
Tags, you got eyes on Riddick?
Tags, estas a ver Riddick?
I give you my word, Riddick. Riddick!
There is a story, Riddick, of young male Furyans... strangled at birth... strangled with their own cords.
Tem uma historia, Riddick. De jovems Furianos. Estrangulados ao nascer.
The Riddick!
O Riddick!
Kill the Riddick!
Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick!
- Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick! Kill the Riddick!
- Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick.
- Matem o Riddick!
Wherever Riddick has gone, you lens him out and cleanse him.
Aonde quer que Riddick vá, eu quero que o sigas.
Go after this Riddick.
Vai caçar este Riddick.
So, this is Riddick.
Então, esse é Riddick.
And this one, this Riddick guy...
E este aqui, este Riddick -
What of Riddick?
E Riddick?
I would have told you about Riddick for the asking.
Se eu soubesse algo sobre o Riddick já teria te respondido.
You cleanse Riddick for him, and in doing so... you prove your undying loyalty.
Você mata Riddick para ele, e por fazer isso prova o sua lealdade eterna.
They slaved me out, Riddick.
Eles escravisaram-me, Riddick.
What are you pitching, Riddick?
O que tu esperavas, Riddick?
Riddick was no common breeder.
Riddick não foi um criador normal.
Shouldn't I tell you that Riddick is still alive?
Será que eu não lhe deveria dizer que Riddick ainda está vivo..?
I say give Riddick his chance.
Eu digo para dar essa oportunidade a Riddick.
What are you doing on Monday.
Have Riddick brought to my conservatory.
Leva o Riddick aos meus aposentos.
- I won't leave without you, Riddick!
- Não vou sem ti, Riddick!
You underestimate their value, Riddick.
Subestimas o valor deles, Riddick.
No Riddick.
Nem sinal do Riddick.
Show me your eyes, Riddick.
Deixa-me ver os teus olhos, Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick.
What is it, Riddick?
Que foi, Riddick?
Riddick! Espera!

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