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She didn't like it traducir portugués

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She didn't like it much, and when we got back... she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
Ela não gostava muito e quando voltámos... ela tentou que eu desistisse do ténis e fosse um bom marido.
I'd like it if she didn't have to see these.
Preferia se ela não tivesse de ver isto.
- She sure didn't act like it.
- Não agiu como tal.
- And his wife, Maureen she knew about this, and she didn't like it.
A mulher dele, a Maureen, sabia disto e não gostou.
Yeah, she liked it, but I didn't like it, because I didn't buy it for her.
Ela gostou, mas eu não, porque não fui eu que lho comprei.
Well, I did that to her, and she didn't like it.
Fiz isso nela E ela não gostou
She didn't jab at it with her knife throwing cute little epigrams like, "Ho, ho, ho. I think there's somebody in there."
Não lhe espetou a faca enquanto largava umas gracinhas do género "Ah, ah, aqui há gente".
She didn't like it whatsoever.
Ela não gostou.
It was Indian country, and she didn't like that.
Era território índio e ela não gostava.
It was cold in the winter, hot in the summer and dusty in the dry spells, and she didn't like that.
Muito frio no inverno, e calor no verão... e havia muito pó quando estava seco. E ela não gostava.
I'd hoped she'd like it, but I didn't know.
Desconfiava que fosse gostar mas não fazia ideia.
- She didn't like it.
Ela não gostou.
She just didn't like how the rich used it.
Ela só não gostou como os ricos usaram.
No, I didn't, I didn't like it, but I can see now I was wrong, because she's happy.
Pois não, não gostei! Mas vejo que estava enganada, porque ela é feliz!
No, it didn't happen like that, she'd have told me.
Não, não foi nada disso, ela ter-me-ia dito.
It's not like she's in the back going, "I can't believe Jerry didn't show up."
Não é como se ela estivesse lá... "Não acredito que o Jerry não veio".
You know, she had sex once in 1983, but she didn't like it.
Sabes, uma vez, em 1983, ela teve sexo, mas não gostou.
She didn't like it.
Mas ela não gostou da ideia.
She didn't like it very much.
Ela não gostou muito.
But she didn't like it.
Mas ela não gostou.
Well, I told it to Susan before and she didn't like it.
- A sério. Eu disse antes à Susan e ela não gostou.
Hi, Bryan Trenberth, I don't care if you like me or not... but we didn't bring a snack this week'cause my wife is as busy as hell... and she brought a perfectly fine snack last week... and if it's not on your stupid list...
"Olá, Bryan Trenberth, não me interessa se gosta de mim ou não," "mas não trouxemos merendas porque a minha mulher anda ocupadíssima," "comprou uma merenda aceitável, a semana passada,"
It wasn't like she didn't give him reason.
Não é que ela não lhe desse motivos.
Didn't it look like she changed into a child for a second?
Não lhe pareceu que ela se transformou numa criança por um segundo?
The way she talks, it's like she didn't even make a mistake.
Fala como se não estivesse mal.
But when I saw the movie, it looked like Audrey Hepburn not only didn't have breakfast at Tiffany's, she hadn't eaten anything in a year.
Mas quando vi o filme, parecia que a Audrey Hepburn não só tomou o pequeno almoço no Tiffany's, não comia nada há um ano.
She didn't like it.
- Começou a fazer-lhe olhinhos.
Didn't anyone ever tell you it was bad manners... to stare at a girl while she's eating like a pig?
Não sabe que é falta de educação... fiicar olhando uma garota comer feito um porco?
I never thought it was because she didn't like me.
Não achei que não gostasse de mim.
She didn`t like it when I killed her.
Reagiu quando eu ia matá-la.
Didn`t you tell him you got scratched by the stray cat because she didn`t like it when you killed her?
Não disse ao xerife Johnson que uma gata de rua o arranhou quando ia matá-la?
- She didn't like it.
- Ela não gostou.
And for the first time, she really didn't like it.
E, pela primeira vez, não gostou nada.
Look, it's not like Debra didn't know what she was getting.
Não se pode dizer que a Debra não sabia o que ia apanhar.
Like Sailor didn't want me to do it because she wanted me to do it.
Claro. Como a Sailor não queria que eu o fizesse porque queria muito que eu o fizesse.
It seemed like she backed out didn't see him
Acho que ela fez marcha atrás e não o viu.
Well, it sounded like she didn't have much of a choice.
Parece-me que ela não tinha grande alternativa.
I told her I didn't like it, but she wouldn't stop.
Disse-lhe que não gosto, mas ela não pára.
It was like she said : she didn't exist.
Era como ela dizia : não existia.
She didn't like it at all, either.
Ela não gostou mesmo nada, também.
- Sounds like she didn't wanna talk about it.
- Ela não queria falar disso.
And it didn't seem like she worked for Khasinau.
E não parecia que ela trabalhasse para o Khasinau.
Teresa didn't like giving her medication, but without it she felt that Keisha might hurt herself or hurt someone else.
A Teresa não gostava de lhe dar os remédios, mas receava que a Keisha se magoasse ou magoasse alguém.
I didn't want to rush into anything. It seemed like she didn't want to either.
Não quero ser precipitado e parece que ela também não.
You made it seem like you'd be deeply hurt if she didn't apply to Yale, and she's very sensitive, so that's as good as forcing her hand.
- Fizeste parecer que ficarias magoado, se não concorresse a Yale e ela é sensível... - é o mesmo que forçá-la.
She said everything I wanted to hear but it didn't seem like she knew what she was doing.
Disse o que eu queria ouvir, mas não parecia consciente.
Like, once I gave her one, and she didn't even want it.
Uma vez dei-lhe um, e ela nem o queria.
Whether she was crying or not, it didn't matter but she gave a look sometimes, like she was preparing to never see you again.
Estivesse a chorar ou não... Olhava-me, como se se preparasse para nunca mais me ver.
The fact is, it was for my wife, but she didn't like it.
Na verdade era para a minha mulher. Mas ela não gostou...
I didn't mean it like that. She's just trying to return a couple of things of mine, that's all.
Não foi bem isso, ela só queria me devolver umas coisas.
- Yeah, well, she told me about that. And, uh, it didn't sound like much of a deal for her.
- Pois, ela contou-me não me pareceu, grande combinação, pá.

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