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She died when i was traducir portugués

226 traducción paralela
- No, she died when I was a baby. - Possibly a sister?
Não, morreu quando era pequeno.
She died when I was quite young.
Morreu muito jovem.
She died when I was two.
Morreu quando eu tinha dois anos.
She died when I was eight.
morreu quando eu tinha oito anos.
She died when I was very young.
Ela morreu quando eu era muito nova.
She died when I was eight.
Morreu quando eu tinha 8 anos.
.She died when I was a kid.
Morreu quando eu era pequeno.
She died when I was very young.
Morreu quando era pequena.
She died when I was very young.
Morreu quando eu era pequeno.
- She died when I was nine.
Ela morreu quando eu tinha 9 anos.
She died when I was very little.
Morreu quando eu era muito pequena.
- She died when I was born.
- Morreu quando eu nasci.
She died when I was 12.
Morreu tinha eu 12 anos.
She died when I was just a baby, a fluke accident during a routine liposuction.
Morreu quando eu era um bebé, num acidente azarado durante uma liposucção de rotina.
She died when I was in post.
Morreu enquanto fazia a autópsia.
She died when I was a kid!
Ela morreu quando eu era miúdo!
She died when I was still in Bangkok.
Morreu quando eu estava em Banguecoque.
- She died when I was three.
Morreu quando eu tinha três anos.
She died when I was 8.
Morreu tinha eu oito anos.
She died when I was about four.
Ela morreu quando eu tinha quatro anos.
She died when I was 7.
Morreu quando eu tinha 7 anos.
My mom, I heard from the head that she died of illness when I was a baby.
3000. Aceito.
When she died, I was 20.
Quando ela morreu, eu tinha 20 anos.
When, in summer'33, we found... that we had lost our children to the Nazi party, and I was willing to come, she died.
Quando soubemos no verão de 33 que tínhamos... perdido nossos filhos para o partido nazista... e eu desejava vir para cá, ela morreu.
I was only three when she died.
Eu só tinha três anos quando morreu.
- How old was I when she died, Pop?
- Que idade tinha quando ela morreu?
I was her favorite niece, so when she died she left her fortune to a home for stray cats and the candlesticks to me.
Eu era a sobrinha favortita dela, portanto quando morreu... deixou-me a sua fortuna a um lar para gatos abandonados... e os candelabros para mim.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me I lived a few weeks while she loved me.
Nasci quando ela me beijou morri quando ela me deixou vivi umas semanas enquanto me amou.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me, I...
Nasci quando ela me beijou morri quando me deixou e...
When the man died, I turned to her. She was gone.
Quando o homem morreu, virei-me para ela e tinha desaparecido.
When she returns Tell her I was here Tell her for me I went to the villa and heard how Ambrose died,
Quando ela regressar, diga-lhe que estive cá, que fui à Villa e fiquei a saber como o Ambrose morreu.
I was only 12 when she died.
Eu não tinha mais de doze anos quando morreu.
I was in the room when she died.
Estava no quarto quando ela morreu. Quando nossa mãe morreu.
- Yeah, I remember how she was when the dog died.
- Sim, lembro-me de quando morreu o vosso cão.
She died when I was still a little boy. Both my parents are dead. Chris Speaking In Native Dialect
Morreu quando eu era um menino, meus pais estão mortos.
When my mom said she was taking off for two days, I almost died.
Quando a minha mãe disse que ia para fora durante dois dias, ia morrendo.
She'd scream louder and louder and then, when she finally died, he looked so satisfied I thought he was gonna light up a cigarette afterwards.
E ela gritava cada vez mais alto. Depois, quando ela finalmente morreu, ele pareceu tão satisfeito que só faltou acender um cigarro.
I was five days old when she died
Eu tinha 5 dias quando ela morreu
I've kept it just the way it was when she died.
Mantenho-o como estava quando ela morreu.
Your mom was mad at me when she died and I...
A tua mãe estava zangada comigo quando morreu e eu...
Yes, I was surprised to hear she had it in her hand when she died.
Admirei-me quando soube que estava na mão dela, quando morreu.
When she told me I should see other girls, that she was going to see other men, it was like the night my ma died.
Ela disse-me para namorar com outras raparigas, que ela também ia namorar outros rapazes. Foi como na noite em que a minha mãe morreu.
The only man I know by that name is my mother's brother, who died... When she was a child.
O único homem que conheci com esse nome... era o irmão da minha mãe, que morreu... quando ela era apenas uma criança.
I was 7 when she died.
Eu tinha sete quando ela morreu.
She died of malnutrition at the Singha refugee camp when I was three.
Morreu subnutrida no campo de refugiados de Singha quando eu tinha três anos.
When she died I was already doing grad work, but Michael was in high school.
Quando ela morreu eu já era licenciado, mas o Michael ainda estava no liceu.
She died when he was two so I - I gave him to another couple to raise.
Ela morreu quanto ele tinha dois anos e entreguei-o para adopção a um casal.
I began to have faith in myself and when she died, the first thing I thought was that I couldn't do this without her, that I needed her too badly- - her strength and her compassion, but then I realized
foi que eu não poderia fazer isso sem ela, que eu precisava dela tanto... da força e da compaixão dela, mas então percebi que o presente que ela me deu...
She died when I was seven.
Ela morreu quando eu tinha sete anos.
Did she tell you I was inside his mind when he died?
Ela disse-te que estava dentro da mente dele quando morreu?
I was only three when she died.
Morreu no centro de refugiados, tinha eu três anos.

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