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Solas traducir portugués

183 traducción paralela
You'll wear your shoes out.
Vais gastar as solas!
He'd just look at your heels and know the score.
Simplesmente olhava-nos para as solas e sabia o que se passava.
Oh, I gotta get new soles.
Tenho que pôr umas solas novas.
The soles of your shoes are half an inch thick.
As solas dos vossos sapatos tem um centímetro de espessura.
- Our shoes need haIf-soIing.
- Os nosso sapatos precisam meias solas.
We'll have new soles for our shoes.
Já tenho solas novas para os sapatos.
She had Injun paint on her belly, on the flat of her hands and the soles of her feet.
Tinha pinturas índias na barriga, nas palmas das mãos e nas solas dos pés.
That guy Solo's going to wear a hole in his shoes.
Ali o Solo acaba por gastar as solas.
A trade, sir, that, I hope, I may use with a safe conscience ; which is, indeed, sir, a mender of bad soles.
Um ofício que exerço de conciência limpa... pois sou consertador de velhas solas.
Glass from the sole of one of Logan's sneakers.
Vidros das solas dum dos ténis do Logan.
I found a piece for comparison in one of Weedon's rubber heels.
Encontrei um bocado nas solas de borracha do Weedon, para comparar.
Many's the time we had to take- - stuff cardboard in the soles of your shoes!
Muitas vezes tivemos de pôr- - coisas de cartão nas solas dos sapatos!
Buy the ones with the padded soles. " Another boring letter.
Compra as que têm solas alcochoadas. " Outra carta chata.
'Course, you'd have to have that nigger sort of curled up around your feet and then you got to press hard and kindly force the rheumatism right out the soles.
Claro, você teria que ter esse negro, Mais ou menos enrolado ao redor dos pés, e então você tem pressionar com força E gentilmente forçar o reumatismo a sair direito das solas.
The pitter patter of soles
O palmilhar das solas
Did Will and Jim bring it with them on the soles of their shoes?
Será que Will e Jim trariam consigo as solas dos sapatos?
You noticed, of course, that his boots had been resoled.
Reparou com certeza que as suas botas tinham levado solas novas?
He must have picked up the fragments in the treads of his tennis shoes.
Ele deve ter apanhado os fragmentos nas solas das sapatilhas.
Yeah, I'm interested in a pair of Sportop gym soles.
Sim, estou interessado num par de solas do ginásio Sportop.
I just had my feet resoled.
Tenho solas dos pés novas.
The shoes have little steel plates on the insoles.
Os sapatos têm pequenas placas de aço nas solas.
Just easier as you've got the shapes already, and then built into the back of the jet pack, indicator, brake light, reverse light, fully functioning.
Vamos a pé, Kryten. Vamos a pé. Para além de poupar as solas dos sapatos, para que mais é que ele serve?
- Can I see the bottoms of them?
- Posso ver as solas?
All I ever lost when I was 12 were my shoes with the compass in the heel and animal-track soles.
A única coisa que perdi quando tinha 12 anos foram os meus sapatos que tinham a bússola nos calcanhares e as pegadas de animais nas solas.
That's toxic waste on the soles.
Há resíduos tóxicos nas solas.
Eu sabia que devia ter mandado arranjar as solas.
All-weather radials.
Solas feitas com pneus.
The next thing I knew, my son had walked into the room... and he was kicking me on the soles of my feet.
Acordei com o meu filho, que entrou no quarto... e começou a chutar as solas dos meus pés.
Half the country wears Springfield galoshes.
Metade do país usa solas de Springfield.
♪ Gonna dance off both my shoes ♪ ♪ When they play the Jelly Roll blues ♪
Vou dançar até romper as solas Quando tocarem "jelly-roll blues".
Note it's recently been half-soled.
Note que levou recentemente meias solas.
Three sets common to both crime scenes, including our old friend, Size 11, with a new half-sole.
Três pontos comuns em ambas as cenas do crime, incluindo o nosso velho amigo, tamanho 43, com as meias solas novas.
Hydroplane soles and shock absorbers.
Solas hydroglisosas e amortecedores.
You need to use rubber soles.
Tens de usar solas de borracha.
You feel it in the soles of your feet, up to your knees, to your...
A gente sente isto nas solas do pé, subindo para os joelhos, ao...
Those soles have been around 20 years.
Essas solas já circulam por aí à volta de 20 anos.
Show me the bottom of your shoe.
Mostre-me as solas dos teus sapatos.
- They have, like, bubbles on the soles.
- Têm uma espécie de bolhas nas solas.
On the way home, I decided to brave the afternoon heat to see if my shoe repair guy could do anything about my old soles.
A caminho de casa, decidi aventurar-me no calor da tarde, para ver se o sapateiro podia reparar as minhas solas gastas.
The rats, they come and eat the soles off your feet!
- Os ratos comem as solas dos pés.
Got some Vibram sole boots.
Agora tenho botas com solas Vibram.
But the ground is very rough. My boots needed lots of new soles.
Mas o solo está áspero, todas as minhas botas precisaram de solas novas.
I'm going to burn a little shoe leather, see if the vic had a beef with anyone.
Vou gastar as solas a ver se a vítima tinha desavenças com alguém.
The rubber soles of his boots should have protected him from electrical shock.
As solas de borracha das botas deviam evitar o choque.
The soles are scuffed up, and the insides are filled with my blood.
As solas estão gastas e o interior está cheio de sangue meu.
Even on the soles of her shoes.
- Até nas solas dos sapatos.
Got new shoes. Soles are a little heavy.
Tenho sapatos novos, as solas são pesadas...
Whoa. Don't even think of coming on this floor with those hard soles, pally.
Nem penses em pisar este chão com essas solas duras, amigo.
- We won't get fried cos we've got rubber-soled trainers.
- Não vamos fritar, as sapatilhas têm solas de borracha.
As solas têm compartimentos secretos para eu poder esconder o resto dos 10 milhões de francos, quando fugirmos dos aliados para a América do Sul.
We wouldn't wanna cross that line, would we?
Malta, e nas solas dos sapatos?

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