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South essex traducir portugués

31 traducción paralela
Sir Henry Simmerson and the South Essex.
Senhor Henry Simmerson e o South Essex.
I could spare the South Essex, but Sir Henry Simmerson isn't up to it.
Podia dispensar o South Essex, mas o Senhor Henry Simmerson não está à altura disso.
South Essex... halt!
South Essex... parar!
The South Essex, Hogan.
O South Essex, Hogan.
"the South Essex is a sight to make you shiver."
"o South Essex é uma vista para te fazer tremer".
Sir Henry apart, the South Essex - what do you make of them, man for man?
O batalhão do Senhor Henry, o South Essex, o que achas deles, homem por homem?
The South Essex, Sharpe.
O South Essex, Sharpe.
The South Essex was all I could get.
O South Essex foi tudo o que consegui arranjar.
Well, it's because of that that General Wellesley doesn't want to add to your responsibilities, viz the South Essex, the march to Valdelacasa, the relations with the Spanish allies
É por causa disso que o General Wellesley não quis adicionar às suas obrigações, a saber : o South Essex, a marcha para Valdelacasa, as relações com os aliados espanhóis.
The South Essex can fire two on a good day.
O South Essex consegue disparar dois num dia bom.
The South Essex will advance slowly and with caution, Major Lennox.
O South Essex vai avançar devagar e com precaução, Major Lennox.
South Essex, halt!
South Essex, alto!
South Essex!
South Essex!
deem it a great honour as Commanding Officer of the South Essex, in the presence of our gallant allies, to acknowledge the auspicious portents of our Anglo-Spanish alliance.
É uma grande honra, como oficial em comando do South Essex, na presença dos nossos galantes aliados, reconhecer os auspiciosos presságios da nossa aliança anglo-espanhola.
The honour of the South Essex, sir.
A honra do South Essex, senhor.
The South Essex crossed over the bridge and engaged the enemy.
O South Essex atravessou a ponte e comprometeu o inimigo.
I have written to Horse Guards, sir, to state that the South Essex acquitted itself most commendably, in discharging both your general orders to engage the enemy, and your particular order to destroy the bridge.
Escrevi ao Regimento de Cavalaria, senhor, para vincar que o South Essex absolveu-se com louvor, a cumprir as duas principais ordens, atacar o inimigo, e a sua particular ordem, general, para destruir a ponte.
The South Essex is stood down in name.
Será retirado o nome ao South Essex.
I've got to lick the remnants of the South Essex into shape.
Tenho de colocar as sobras do South Essex em forma.
South Essex, fall back, fall back!
South Essex, recuar, recuar!
South Essex... stand!
South Essex... fiquem!
HOGAN We done sir What a pounding the South Essex gave them and the advance of the 48tn
Bom trabalho, senhor. Que esmagamento o South Essex lhes deu. E o avanço da Infantaria no 48.
He will take over acting command of the South Essex.
Ele vai assumir o comando do South Essex.
Brave soldiers of the South Essex Regiment.
Bravos soldados do Regimento do South Essex.
South Essex.
South Essex.
I'm Major Sharpe, South Essex Regiment.
Sou o Major Sharpe, South Essex Regiment.
- Colonel Richard Sharpe, late of the South Essex? - Mmm-hmm.
Coronel Richard Sharpe, atrasou-se o "South Essex" ( regimento )?
The survivors of the Essex were in virtually unexplored waters, 2,000 miles west of South America on the equator, almost as far from land as it's possible to be.
Os sobreviventes do Essex estavam em águas inexploradas, 3.200 km a oeste da América do Sul, no Equador, muito longe de qualquer terra.
I have the car until Grand and Essex, but the traffic cams were down south of Canal.
Segui-os até a Grand com Essex, mas as câmeras estão desligadas ao sul do canal.

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