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The flowers traducir portugués

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Who are the flowers for?
Para quem são as flores?
ln return, they fertilize the flowers.
Em troca, elas fertilizam as flores.
Let's just say after our wedding, no one was talking about the flowers.
Digamos que depois do nosso casamento, ninguém falava das flores.
The flowers were my attempt to change her mind.
As flores foram uma tentativa de fazê-la mudar de ideia.
And when you get married, there's lots of crap you gotta do, like the cake, the flowers, the streamers - crap you said you cared about.
E quando nos casamos, há montes de tretas a resolver. Como o bolo, as flores, as decorações... Tretas que disseste serem importantes para ti.
Except for the flowers.
Excepto pelas flores.
Rain makes the flowers grow, you know.
A chuva faz as flores crescer, sabes?
You don't mind my taking over the flowers, do you?
Não se importa que trate das flores, pois não?
The funeral, the flowers.
Do funeral, das flores.
When the Knight of the Flowers unseated him, I lost this dagger.
Quando o Cavaleiro das Flores o derrubou, perdi esse punhal.
The knight of the flowers.
O Cavaleiro das Flores.
Loras Tyrell, the knight of the flowers?
Loras Tyrell, o Cavaleiro das Flores?
Pretending to pick the flowers
"Fingindo escolher as flores"
I was picking up the flowers from the Jacaranda tree in the patio...
A apanhar as flores caídas do jacarandá no pátio.
We've got the location, the flowers, the food.
Temos o local, as flores, a comida.
The birds chirping, the flowers blooming... No, no, no.
a flores a abrir... não.
Not the actual flowers, the implications of the flowers.
Não das flores em si, mas das suas implicações.
I didn't actually say thank you for the flowers earlier.
não te agradeci pelas flores.
Why'd you take the flowers?
Porque levou as flores?
- Are the flowers from you?
Ah! Flores. Foste tu que mandaste?
Did you get the flowers I sent?
Ouve, alguma vez recebeste as flores que te enviei?
I got the flowers you sent.
Recebi as flores que me enviaste.
" Pick the flowers from..
Escolhe as flores
With you looking so beautiful, who will even notice the flowers?
Contigo tão bonita, quem vai reparar nas flores?
Louis, I've already lost on the food, the flowers, and the font.
Louis, já perdi o cardápio, as flores e a fonte.
It works brilliantly, except... if it eats all the visiting flies, there'll be nobody left to pollinate its flowers.
Funciona de forma brilhante, excepto... se comer todas as moscas que a visitam, não resta ninguém para polinizar as suas flores.
So it sends up its flowers on stems a foot long, well away from the traps below.
Então ela envia as suas flores num braço de 30 centímetros de altura, para longe das armadilhas lá em baixo.
Plucking flowers too quickly will bruise the petals.
Colher as flores demasiado rápido amachucará as pétalas.
To tend the grave and lay flowers
Lavar a campa, ver as pedras a florir.
Those are my flowers, not the hotel's!
As flores são minhas, não do hotel!
I think that flowers can really set the tone of a wedding.
Acho que as flores podem definir o carácter de um casamento.
You know, the cake and the flowers and the venue and...
O bolo e as flores, e o local, e...
You don't build a wedding around flowers or the cake or food.
Não se faz um casamento em torno das flores ou do bolo ou da comida.
And the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurtured them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little ponies while they were learning.
Os sorrisos representam a alegria que eu queria trazer aos meus pequenos póneis quando estivessem a aprender.
The other one is Jafer Flowers, my lord, less the hand the wolf tore off.
O outro é o Jafer Flowers, meu senhor. Falta-lhe a mão que o lobo arrancou.
You know what, he doesn't like us digging around into his dirty dealings with the Irish mob, so he tried to kill you last night, and now he's got the stones to hand flowers to Antonio's mother.
Ele não gostou quando escutámos as suas chamadas com a máfia, por isso tentou matar-te ontem. Agora ele tem coragem de levar flores à mãe do Antonio.
Silky flowers... of the temple
"Flores sedosas do templo".
I would like to have the buildings in a bouquet of flowers up the main street.
Colocaria flores em todos os prédios da rua principal.
Finally, I would point out, your living is in Lord Grantham's gift, your house is on Lord Grantham's land, and the very flowers in your church are from Lord Grantham's garden.
- Por último, gostava de salientar que o seu sustento é pago por Lorde Grantham, que a sua casa está em terras de Lorde Grantham e que as flores na sua igreja vêm do jardim de Lorde Grantham.
I'm sure the scary flowers have safely been delivered by now.
Tenho a certeza que as flores assustadoras já foram seguramente entregues.
♪ I put your flowers on the ground ♪
Coloquei as flores no chão
Oh, flowers for the pretty girl.
Olha, flores para a bonitinha.
This is the scene outside Bethesda Hospital today, as Americans pray and leave flowers for their fallen leader, President Elias Martinez.
Hoje é este o cenário à porta do Bathesda Hospital, enquanto os americanos rezam e depositam flores para o seu líder caído, o presidente Elias Martinez.
Um, flowers just seem like the thing you give to people when somebody dies.
Flores é o que parece que se dá para as pessoas... quando alguém morre.
I need to know if you recently delivered flowers to a Jessica Morris, sent by someone with the initial "T".
Preciso de saber se recentemente entregou flores a uma mulher chamada Jessica Morris, enviadas por alguém com a letra inicial "T".
I found a card for flowers sent to her the morning that she died, from Thomas Matthews.
Encontrei um cartão de flores, enviado na manhã em que ela morreu, assinado por Thomas Matthews.
Between the trumpet flowers placed around her, the locusts, and the iconography of an angel, our Doomsday Killer was most likely referencing
Entre os jasmins-de-veneza, postos ao redor dela, os gafanhotos e a iconografia de um anjo.
They're the exact same flowers, but they're turning green. They're a different color.
São flores iguais, mas estão a ficar verdes.
When anhydrous ammonia escapes into the air, it can change the color of flowers to green.
Quando o amoníaco anídrico é libertado, pode mudar a cor das flores para verde.
Our new beauty queen, Laura Guerrero is being presented with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers by this young man.
A nossa rainha de beleza, Laura Guerrero, recebe da mão de um rapazinho um lindo ramo de flores.
By dipping into the pot, flowers and bees... - Be a little naughty.
Fazê-lo, enrolarmo-nos como dois porquinhos num charco, conspurcarmo-nos todos.

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