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The hospital traducir portugués

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Maybe, maybe you should take your wife to the hospital.
Talvez devesses levar a tua mulher ao hospital.
Look, I was just at the hospital with Sadie.
Estava no hospital com a Sadie.
Look, I was just at the hospital.
Estava no hospital.
I was in the hospital myself, but I'm here now.
Eu próprio estava no hospital, mas agora estou aqui.
- Released from the hospital and his parents brought him here.
- Dean Campbell? Saiu do hospital e os pais trouxeram-no.
At least McGee and Fornell had the common sense to go to the hospital.
Pelo menos o McGee e o Fornell tiveram o bom senso - de ir ao hospital.
Did you guys stop by a rave on the way back from the hospital?
Pararam numa rave ao voltar do hospital?
SECNAV and Megan are getting ready, and we're leaving for the hospital in ten. Go home.
A SECNAV e a Megan estão a preparar-se, vamos para o hospital dentro de 10 minutos.
No, the next day I was in the hospital.
Não, no dia seguinte, estava no hospital.
He was working his lawn, he had a heart attack, he called Meg, Meg took him to the hospital.
Estava a cortar a relva, teve um enfarte, ligou à Meg, que o levou ao hospital.
I'm gonna take John's car to the hospital.
Vou levar o carro do John para o hospital.
Look, I just... I spent a lot of time thinking in the hospital, and...
Apenas passei muito tempo a pensar enquanto estava no hospital, e...
Update on the hospital.
- Actualização do hospital.
Well, after you, uh, left for the hospital, we got a call from ATF Agent Kitt.
Depois de deixar o hospital, recebemos uma chamada do Agente Kitt da ATF.
You show up at the hospital just before us, at Oscar's place just after us.
Foi ao hospital antes de nós, na cada do Oskar depois de nós.
You out of the hospital?
Já saíste do hospital?
He's out of the hospital?
- Saiu do hospital?
Huh. Well... If it's anything serious, they wouldn't have let him out of the hospital, right?
Se fosse alguma coisa séria, não lhe teriam dado alta, pois não?
I was gonna come by the hospital but you were already gone.
Ia ao hospital, mas já tinhas saído.
No. I'm on probation because my roommate threw the first punch, but he's the one that ended up in the hospital.
Estou em liberdade condicional porque o meu colega deu o primeiro soco, mas foi ele quem acabou no hospital.
Just got off the phone with the hospital.
Acabei de falar com o hospital.
Then I found out she's in the hospital, and now you're telling me she's a thief.
Depois descobri que ela está no hospital, e agora está a dizer-me que ela é uma ladra.
And promise me you will show up to your chemo treatments, so you don't end up back in the hospital.
E promete-me que vais aparecer nos teus tratamentos de quimio, para não acabares de volta no hospital.
Sergeant Platt already has a protective detail on her room at the hospital.
A Sargento Platt já tem uma equipa de segurança no quarto dela no hospital.
She was a nurse at the hospital where I left you.
Ela era enfermeira no hospital onde eu te deixei.
Audrey was a mess at the hospital, yeah?
Audrey foi um problema no hospital, certo?
your dad finally told you that she came to the hospital.
O seu pai te contou que ela foi ao hospital.
He told me about the hospital, and I tried to call her, and it was one of these automated messages...
Ele me contou do hospital, eu tentei ligar para ela e ouvi uma mensagem autom [ atica :
She was wearing it in the hospital.
Ela estava a usá-lo no hospital.
She and Helen are on their way to the hospital.
Ela e a Helen vão a caminho do hospital.
- You were just in the hospital.
- Acabaste de sair do hospital. - É medicinal.
From the moment Helen was admitted to the hospital, she was concerned about spotting, problems with her vision- -
Desde o momento em que a Helen entrou no hospital, ela queixava-se de ter hemorragias, falta de visão...
Well, um... one day, Dody was at the hospital, just simple appendicitis, and so I left her some roses and a note for her, and in the note, I asked her to marry me.
Bem um dia, a Dody estava no hospital, uma simples apendicite, então eu enviei-lhe rosas, com um bilhete, e nesse bilhete, eu pedi-a em casamento.
So I went over to the hospital to pick her up, and I-I was literally floating on air.
Então fui para o hospital para a ir buscar, e eu, estava literalmente nas nuvens.
I sent you at the hospital with the roses... the two dozen long-stemmed roses.
Duas dúzias de rosas vermelhas.
No, the-the roses I left at the hospital.
Não, as rosas que te deixei para ti no hospital.
And I was in the hospital for 3 days with a concussion and broken ribs.
E fiquei no hospital durante 3 dias com um traumatismo e costelas partidas.
And only one of us had to go to the hospital, so I think that's pretty good.
E só um de nós é que teve que ir ao hospital. Então acho que correu bem.
He just gave me some lady that took me home from the hospital in a Blockbuster Video bag.
Só me deu uma senhora que me levou do hospital para casa num saco da Blockbuster.
There's a really great hospital there for Emma, and she needs to be monitored a lot in the first year.
Há lá excelentes hospitais para a Emma, e ela precisa de ser bastante observada no primeiro ano.
You will be barred from this hospital until the lawsuit is settled, and when it is, I will recommend to the board that you be terminated.
Será impedido de entrar neste hospital até que o processo esteja resolvido, e quando acabar, vou recomendar ao conselho que seja demitido.
At the very least, his hospital privileges.
No mínimo, seus privilégios no hospital.
"Again"? Yeah, we met him at the hospital.
"De novo"?
He's in the hospital.
Está no hospital.
But I'm gonna give it a whirl, because I thought Joel's friends and family should know that the event he spent so many hours planning raised over $ 150,000 for the children's hospital last night.
Mas vou tentar, porque os amigos e a família do Joel deviam saber que o evento que ele passou tantas horas a planear juntou mais de 150 mil dólares, para o Hospital Infantil a noite passada.
There's a woman fighting for her life at an area hospital for doing the same.
Há uma mulher a lutar pela vida num hospital da zona por fazer o mesmo.
My wife just got out of the hospital.
- A minha mulher saiu do hospital.
Audrey came by the hospital, and then she came here, but now Emma hasn't heard from her since, and her phone's been disconnected, so I'm trying to find her.
E o celular dela está fora de serviço. Estou tentando encontrá-la.
By the time she was rushed into hospital, the baby had stopped moving.
Na altura que entrou de emergência no hospital, o bebé não se mexia.
- Yeah, the-the note
- Sim, o bilhete que te enviei junto com as rosas quando estavas no hospital...
God. Why are all the doctors in this hospital so hot?
Porque é que as médicas neste hospital são tão giras?

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