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They didn't traducir portugués

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I didn't anticipate what they were planning.
Não faz mal.
But they didn't.
- Ela chegou.
Most were orphaned by war. Or ran from one they didn't believe in.
A maioria são órfãos de guerra, ou fugiram de uma guerra em que não acreditavam.
The hematoma crushed the nerves on your lower spine, but it didn't sever them, which means they're still prone to further damage.
O hematoma esmagou os nervos inferiores da coluna, mas não os rompeu, ou seja, está propenso a danos maiores.
Whoever it was wanted information from him, but he didn't know what they were talking about.
Quem quer que fosse, queria informações dele, mas ele não sabia do que eles estavam a falar.
But they didn't affect you.
Mas não a afectaram.
Voices say you blew poor old Jonesy away, and then they say you didn't.
Dizem que mataste a Jonesinha e depois dizem que não.
They didn't deserve to die.
Elas não mereciam morrer.
So, you just came up here to tell me that they called, but you didn't, like, listen to the words?
Assim, você só veio aqui para me dizer que eles chamaram, Mas você não, como, ouvir as palavras?
Anyway, they told her that her brother killed himself on one of their boats, but she's convinced he didn't.
Seja como for, eles disseram-lhe que o irmão se tinha suicidado num dos barcos deles, mas ela está convencida que não.
You know, you started a big firm, and they didn't take your name off of it, so you must have snowed a lot of people into thinking that you were good at stuff.
Sabes, tu começaste uma grande firma, e eles não retiraram o teu nome, portanto... tu deves ter impressionado um monte de pessoas de modo a pensarem que eras bom em certas coisas.
They figured it came from that, but they didn't ask about it, no.
Eles deduziram que viesse daí, mas não fizeram perguntas sobre isso, não.
So why didn't they call you "The Bible"?
Porque não te chamam "A Bíblia"?
What - - they didn't like the peanut-butter sandwiches?
O quê, não gostaram das sanduíches de manteiga de amendoim? Não.
They didn't like when I took pictures.
Não gostaram que tivesse tirado fotografias.
But after the 2010 quake, there were so many orphaned children, they really didn't have a choice.
Mas depois do terramoto de 2010, ficaram muitas crianças órfãs, não tinham muitas hipóteses.
They just didn't know it.
Eles simplesmente não sabem.
Yeah, it would also explain why they tried to take all the bones- - they didn't want us getting an I.D.
Pois, isso também explicaria porque é que tentaram levar os ossos todos... Não queriam que o identificássemos.
Bill and Felicia didn't tell me they were coming here to take away my authority.
O Bill e a Felicia não disseram que iam retirar a minha autoridade.
They didn't like having me for a neighbor, either.
- Também não gostavam de mim.
They didn't know it was Charlotte.
- Não sabiam que era a Charlotte? - Não.
They didn't budget a staff meal.
Não incluíram refeição para o pessoal.
There is no evidence that they didn't skip town on their own.
Não há provas que não tenham saído a cidade sozinhas.
I mean, I knew they'd take it hard, but I didn't think they'd refuse to give us their DNA.
Sabia que iam reagir mal, mas não pensei que não nos dessem o ADN.
Didn't the last victim say they saw a photographer too?
A última vítima também não tinha visto um fotógrafo?
I already told you I didn't know him very well, although I did know that Ryan's team worked in an entirely different department and that they were...
Eu já lhe disse. Eu não o conhecia muito bem, apesar de saber que a equipa do Ryan trabalhava num departamento completamente diferente e que eles eram... inteligentes, mas não super-inteligentes.
smart but not super-smart. They all wanted to be rocket men like me, but they didn't have it.
Todos eles queriam ser homens dos foguetões como eu, mas eles não tinham aquilo.
I was told that if I didn't do it, they would take out every single person on the list, and they would start with Liv.
Disseram-me que se não o fizesse, eles matavam todas as pessoas da lista, e começavam pela Liv.
They didn't just drop the Chaos Killer charges.
Não foi apenas o caso do Assassino do Caos que caiu por terra.
St. Louis said stay offshore, but they didn't say we had to sit here with our thumbs up our asses. You want to find those three boats?
Quer encontrar aqueles três barcos?
Borns Tech was supposed to keep those weapons away from any inhabited areas, navigable waters, especially the ocean, which they didn't do, obviously.
A Borns Tech devia manter essas armas longe de qualquer área habitada, águas navegáveis, em especial o oceano, o que não fizeram, obviamente.
I knew that we were selling the daemon to ISI, but I didn't know what they were gonna do with it, that it would end up at Flibbit.
Sabia que estávamos a vender o daemon para ISI, mas não sabia o que eles iam fazer com ele, que ia acabar no Flibbit.
Can you believe they planned a trip to Las Vegas and didn't invite me?
Acreditas que vão a Las Vegas e não me convidaram?
LANCE : Your vest protected you, but I've been thinking, why didn't they shoot you in the head?
O colete protegeu-o, mas estive a pensar...
I didn't know about the tracker until after they were hit.
Só soube da pulseira após o ataque.
'cause I didn't want her to talk to any security manager because obviously they'd figure out what's going on.
Porque não queria que ela falasse com nenhum diretor de segurança, porque perceberiam o que se passava.
We call a person imaginative if they come up with ideas that we didn't think of and that we nevertheless admire.
Chamamos imaginativa a uma pessoa se ela tiver ideias que não nos ocorreram e que, mesmo assim, admiramos.
They didn't see anything, and I didn't find anything forensic outside.
Eles não viram nada, e não encontrei nenhuma evidência lá fora.
She said they'd have to put down all of the animals if I didn't get six of my friends to invest.
Disse que tinha de abandonar os animais se não encontrasse seis amigos para investir.
But I'm telling you, there are more homeless talented people out there because they didn't fit into the societal expectations.
Mas digo-te, há mais pessoas talentosas sem abrigo por aí porque não se encaixaram nas expectativas sociais. Entendes o que digo?
Like they really didn't exist.
Como se nem tivessem existido.
They didn't know what was going on.
Eles não sabiam o que se estava a passar.
They didn't know who I was at that point.
Eles não sabiam quem eu era naquela altura.
Powerful voices made it clear from the very beginning that they didn't want me to get to... to... to...
Vozes poderosas tornaram claro desde o início que não queriam que eu chegasse...
Powerful voices have made it clear from the very beginning they didn't want me to win.
E... ação. Vozes poderosas tornaram claro desde o início que não queriam que vencesse.
Why didn't they arrest him?
Porque não o prenderam?
They, uh, didn't have a phone and they were pretty drunk.
Não tinha telemóvel e estavam bastante bêbados.
They didn't find his tongue, but his dick was in his mouth.
Eles não encontraram a língua, mas a pila estava na boca dele.
The lights were on, but... my covers were up enough that they didn't see me, so I pretended to be asleep and eventually I passed out again.
As luzes estavam acesas, mas... a minha roupa estava alta o suficiente e eles não me viram, então fingi que estava a dormir e eventualmente voltei a desmaiar.
And anything they didn't get from me in person, they can get in my newly released book called, "Buy My Book."
E o que não obtiveram de mim pessoalmente, podem obter no meu mais recente livro chamado, Comprem o Meu Livro.
They didn't arrest anybody.
Não prenderam ninguém.

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