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Thierry traducir portugués

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The only news I've ever had was from that captain... who thought he saw him at Chateau - Thierry... with his hair dyed black.
Soube que foi O Único acreditar nesse capitão... que acreditou vê-lo no Château-Thierry... com o cabelo tingido de negro.
My name is De Crillons from Château Thierry.
Meu nome é de Crillon do Chateau. Seu rosto revolta-me.
Deputy De Crillons, representing the Château Thierry district?
Deputado de Crillon do distrito de Chateau?
Mr. President, the deputy from Château Thierry... will be absent from the assembly for three months, so the doctor said.
Sr. Presidente, o deputado do distrito de Chateau ficará ausente da assembléia por 3 meses, segundo dizem os médicos.
Those two who are kissing over there, they met at Thierry's home.
Eles são óptimos. Conheceram-se na festa do Thierry.
That's Thierry's great grandfather.
Esse é o bisavô do Thierry.
Thierry and I were misfits together. Artists in exile
O Thierry e eu éramos uns marginais, artistas no exílio.
Thierry, you can't just shut out what you are. You can't just decide to be your father like that and become him.
Thierry, tu não podes calar quem és, decidir ser o teu pai e tornar-te automaticamente nele.
Are you and Thierry goin'?
Tu e o Thierry vão?
I think I have to tell you that you married the wrong girl, Thierry.
Mas acho que te casaste com a mulher errada, Thierry.
- Christ! - Thierry. - I thought I...
Thierry, pensei que...
Christ, Thierry, what's the world comin'to?
Caramba, aonde irá parar este mundo?
Thierry, you can really fucking going coon-ass, man.
Thierry, estás mesmo um autêntico patego.
This is Kitty Potter in Paris, and I'm here with Thierry Mugler, the cutting-edge couturier known for his sartorial shock tactics.
Tenho aqui comigo Thierry Mugler, o actual "ai-Jesus" dos couturiers, famoso pelas suas chocantes criações.
Thierry, Thierry, you know, it's been said that your clothes have a kind of overt, extreme sexual subtext, which is squarely at odds with the image of women as capable and independent of men.
Tem sido dito que a tua roupa tem uma imagem de marca de franca e aberta sensualidade, contrária à da mulher de hoje capaz e independente do homem.
Thank you. Well, that was designer Thierry Mugler explaining his unique views on style.
Ouviram Thierry Mugler, explicando uma original maneira de ver a moda.
Maybe her mother-in-law. There's a long-term member. He's seen a lot of people go.
Dezenas de milhares de jovens feridos em Château-Thierry e Argonne vinham para aqui para se recuperarem ou para morrer.
Thousands of young men with wounds fresh from Château-Thierry and Argonne came here to recuperate or die.
Como podia eu saber? Comeu os peixes todos, no valor de 4.000 dólares, e agora tenho de pagá-los. Ainda por cima, pôs-me fora.
It's Thierry. I've finally got something for you.
Finalmente, boas notícias.
Thierry, my stepfather.
Thierry, o meu avô.
My mother heard the noise from upstairs, and Thierry tried to escape through the underground.
A minha mãe ouviu o barulho lá de cima, e o Thierry tentava escapar para a rua.
Thierry tried to keep me below the transformation threshold... by injecting me with a depressant.
Thierry tentou manter-me abaixo dos níveis de transformação... ao injectar-me um anti depressivo.
Get this, Thierry. Nobody in my house is bent!
Entende-o, em meu família não há maricas.
And work, Thierry?
E o trabalho, Thierry.
My English is not so good, but I'm a fast learner. I even bought myself a ticket but I lost it. I can't live without Thierry and Brigitte.
O meu inglês não é muito bom, mas aprendo rápido.
What I did in Saxburgh? Came to the festival Music, like so many thousands.
Este cavalheiro francês, Thierry...
This French gentleman, Thierry...
- Não sei. Foi ameaçado ou chantageado?
Thierry and his fiancee.
Thierry e a namorada.
What did you tell Thierry?
Que contaste a Thierry?
I had lunch with Thierry yesterday.
Jantei ontem com Thierry.
Your secretary and my uncle Thierry will do everything so the proceedings last as long as possible.
Pode contar com o meu tio Thierry, o seu chanceler, para arrastar as investigações. Para arrasta-las e bastante.
- I went to the castle d'Hirson with the keys.of Thierry, the chancellor of the Countess Mahaut.
Acabo de chegar do castelo de Hirson, fui com as chaves de Thierry, que foi chanceler da senhora Mahaut.
The wedding treaty of my father, the letter from my grandfather, the letter from Thierry d'Hirson
O tratado de casamento do meu pai, a caligrafia do meu avô, a de Thierry de Hirson.
I thought you were together with the Chancellor of my aunt,
Pensei que te davas bem com o chanceler da minha tia. O sinistro Thierry, que arde no inferno.
Peacefully in my sleep, or drowned in a Jacuzzi after an overdose of champagne poured down my throat by Thierry Henry.
- Tranquilamente enquanto durmo. ou afogada numa hidromassagem depois de uma overdose de champagne. despejada na minha garganta por Thierry Henry.
I'll never be Thierry Henry, you know.
- Nunca serei um Thierry Henry, sabe disso.
Broke up
- Thiérry? Acabou.
Go with the decimal, Thierry.
Esquece decimais, Thierry...
We've been bought out, Thierry.
Nós fomos comprados, Thierry.
Thierry, I came because of you.
- voltei por tua causa.
SAVAGE NIGHTS for thierry ravel
Hi, Gaspard.
Gaspard? É Thierry, tudo bom?
Where's the meat?
Thierry, já está a carne?
- Thierry arrested.
Tenho ouvido muitas coisas nos últimos tempos.
Got its way.
Mas és o culpado de Thierry estar cá.
This villain Thierry, let him burn in hell!
E assim era, senhor.
It's the niece of Thierry d'Irson, my Chancellor, so hateful to you.
A sobrinha de Thierry D'Hirson, o meu chanceler que tanto odeias.

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