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Try them traducir portugués

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Try them again.
Tente outra vez.
I just bought the cutest new yoga pants. I'm gonna go try them on.
Acabei te comprar as mais lindas calças de ioga.
I'll try them all, never mind.
Vou tentar todas. Esquece.
Try them on.
I want to try cases that matter to me and I want to try them my way.
Quero trabalhar em casos em que me identifique, e quero cuidá-los do meu modo.
You will once you try them.
Vais precisar assim que as experimentares.
Try them.
I know that both of them had 4-tracks set up in their bedrooms, and they would each try to record a song a day and play it for the other guy.
Sei que ambos tinham gravadores montados nos quartos e que cada um tentava gravar uma música por dia e tocá-la para o outro.
- I told you I was gonna try to get the two of them together.
Eu disse-te que ia tentar fazer com que voltassem a juntar-se.
According to my department policy, I'm supposed to ask for your demands, try and meet them and make sure nobody gets hurt.
De acordo com a política do departamento, eu tenho que te perguntar quais são as tuas exigências. saber quais são e fazer com que ninguém se magoou-e.
The young child will enter, set up the good block, try to set up a block that we've tricked them with, but when it falls over - well, first they'll try again and maybe try again.
Uma criança entra e coloca o bloco "bom". ele começa por tentar novamente e talvez repita.
Biologists have pointed out that these engineering approaches is all very well, and the engineers can try to treat life as though it were some sort of computer or engineering substrate, but ultimately the microbes are going to end up laughing at them. That life doesn't work like that. I think the problems we're seeing now, whether we're talking about hunger and massive inequity, or climate change or the loss of biodiversity, have been driven over the last 200 years by a system of over-production of stuff
Os biólogos dizem que não há problema com esta abordagem de engenharia e que um engenheiro pode tratar a vida como se fosse um substrato informático. porque a vida não funciona assim. têm sido criados nos últimos 200 anos por um sistema
I overheard them, they're going to try to open the doorway tonight.
Os estive escutando, vão a tratar de abrir o portal esta noite.
Now, we'll try and create a distraction, keep them occupied, keep them away from you as much as possible.
Tentaremos criar uma distracção, para os manter ocupados, longe de ti o máximo possível.
We can try asking them to surrender, but somehow I don't think it'll work.
Podes pedir que eles se rendam, mas acho que não vai funcionar.
Right, and you might even try to get some help for them.
Certo, e podia até tentar alguma ajuda para eles.
I try to understand people without judging them.
Eu tento de entender as pessoas, sem julga-las.
Do you want me to try and warm them up for you?
Queres que tente aquecê-los?
Did I try to separate them?
Acho que tentei separá-los.
There's some things you can't protect them from no matter how hard you try.
Há coisas de que não os podemos proteger, por mais que tentemos.
I really try to go out of my way for people to make them feel special on their birthdays.
Eu realmente tento sair do caminho para as pessoas,... fazê-las se sentirem especiais nos seus aniversários. Hillary...
We're in the process of circulating a petition in every single hospital across the United States, so we can mobilize nurses'unions an associations to help you lobby. We have some interest from some financial institutions regarding investment packages, and we're gonna try and get them in every hospital across the country. Right.
Estamos a fazer circular uma petição por todos os hospitais dos EUA para mobilizar sindicatos e associações de enfermeiros para a ajudarem.
The surf is big out there today, so if you try to match them wave for wave, you're just doing to wear yourself out with all that paddling. Yeah.
O surf é de top ali hoje, se tentares alcançá-las em todas as ondas, vais cansar-te de remar.
Disruptor shells. Bomb squad uses them. Thought I'd give them a try.
O esquadrão antibombas usa escudos protectores Pensei em dar-lhes uma tentativa.
I try to stop them.
Eu tento pará-los.
I should try it sometime. I'd love to give them to you.
Pare de culpar o que não existe e cuide do que existe.
We spent spring break trying to clean it. Next time you get the urge to spray words onto something, could you try spelling them right? Thanks.
Passámos a Primavera a limpá-lo.
We created them to try to land a defense contract in ultralight ammunition.
Criamo-las para tentar conseguir um contrato em munições ultraleves.
I'll try to throw them off your trail.
Vou tentar afastá-los do teu rasto.
We had snakes in our neighborhood so we would throw rocks and try to kill them.
Havia muitas cobras, no nosso bairro, por isso, atirávamos-lhes pedras e tentávamos matá-las.
When I was relocating them after the first attempt to kill her, she told me he'd try again.
Quando estava a protegê-la depois da primeira tentativa de a matar, ela disse-me que ele tentaria de novo.
My mom was telling me you gotta imagine how you want things to be. And then you can try and change them.
A minha mãe disse-me que temos de imaginar como gostaríamos das coisas e depois podemos tentar mudá-las.
If they try to fight back I kill them.
Se eles tentarem lutar vou matá-los.
Now, if we haul some serious ass, we can stop them and try and change their minds.
Se formos depressa, podemos pará-los e fazê-los mudar de ideia.
Let them try.
Deixe-os tentar.
Another one of them sons of bitches in there, you want to take a try at it?
Há outra destas lá dentro, se quiseres experimentar.
Okay, then let's get out there and do something to try and find them.
Está bem, então saímos e fazemos alguma coisa para os encontrar.
The elephants helped me to turn the page in my life and I try to do the same for them.
Os elefantes ajudaram-me em mudanças importantes na minha vida, e agora tento fazer o mesmo por eles.
- - you go up to the front and you try to shoot bullets around them.
você avança e atira em tudo à volta.
You know, try to convince them that there's life after rosewood.
Para tentar convencê-los que há vida depois de Rosewood.
You try to protect them, but... it's, uh... hard.
Tentamos protegê-los, mas... é difícil.
That's your task to try and get them caught up.
A sua tarefa é recuperá-los.
We try to take them to concerts and to galleries.
Tentamos levá-los a concertos e galerias.
You looking to try a case against them or something?
Vais abrir um processo contra eles?
Yes, everyone has a reason for the ugly things they do... and once we find out why... then we can try to stop them.
Sim, todos têm uma razão para as coisas feias que fazem, e assim que descobrimos o porquê, então podemos tentar impedi-los.
We tell them that it's wrong to blame others... or pretend it never happened... or try to cover it up.
Dizemos-lhes que é errado culpar os outros... Ou fazer de conta que nunca aconteceu... Ou tentar encobri-lo.
I'll try and slow them down.
Vou tentar abrandá-los.
We'll try to locate them if they get captured.
Tentaremos localizá-los se forem capturados.
Don't try to find an excuse ; I've heard them all before.
Não arranjes desculpas, já as ouvi.
Tell them not to try and dial earth.
Diga-lhes para não tentarem ligar para a Terra.
RUSH'S VOICE : Tell them not to try and dial Earth. It won't work.
Diga-lhes que não tentem ligar à Terra, não vai resultar.

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