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Two shots traducir portugués

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Double 0. Two shots for the price of one.
Duas tentativas pelo preço de uma.
But the body fell between the two shots.
Mas o corpo cai entre os dois tiros.
Can he make the book fall between the two shots?
- Pode fazer cair o livro entre os dois tiros?
Just fire two shots when you get there.
Dispara dois tiros quando lá chegares.
I heard two shots!
Ouvi dois tiros!
I only wasted two shots.
Só falhei dois tiros.
You see, the body of a young man was found... floating in the pool of her mansion... with two shots in his back and one in his stomach.
Estão a ver, foi encontrado um corpo de um jovem... a flutuar na piscina da sua mansão... com dois tiros nas costas e um no estômago.
My parking attendant said he thought he heard two shots just before the accident.
Meu empregado de estacionamento disse que pensou ter ouvido dois tiros pouco antes do acidente.
- The sniper still has two shots, and he has aimed.
O atirador ainda tem 2 balas! E está a apontar...
Well, if you find her dead, fire two shots.
Se a encontrarem morta, dêem dois tiros.
- You were in your room, writing... - Yes, I was in my room, writing, and I heard two shots.
- Sim, estava no meu quarto, escrevendo, e ouvi dois tiros.
- Two shots of vodka.
- Duas doses de vodka.
- There were two shots, Pa.
- Foram dois tiros.
When you, uh, shot that friend of Joe's in the back, you fired two shots.
Quando atirou no amigo de Joe pelas costas... você deu dois tiros.
There were two shots.
- Houve dois tiros.
Two shots in the head apiece.
Dois tiros na cabeça de cada um.
Two shots apiece in the head as soon as you come out.
Dois tiros na cabeça de cada um, assim que saíres, certo?
You fired two shots at Ossiat without hesitation.
Disparou dois tiros sobre o Ossiat, sem hesitar.
Marie, two shots of bitters!
Marie, dois suze!
Why two shots?
Por que dois tiros?
- Two shots.
- Duas balas.
- Two shots.
- Com duas balas.
Two shots each.
Dois tiros a cada.
But,... there were only two shots missing from the gun.
Mas na arma só faltavam duas balas.
As long as you get your two shots of limelight every day. You don't need a thing.
Enquanto estiver no centro das atenções duas vezes ao dia, nada te faz falta nada.
By the way, the laser's only good for two shots.
A propósito. O laser só consegue fazer dois disparos.
Holmes, if three shots were fired, why did Mrs. King and Saunders only hear two shots?
Holmes, se foram disparados três tiros porque é que Mrs. King e Saunders dizem só ter ouvido dois?
The first bang was two shots, fired almost simultaneously ;
O primeiro disparo equivaleu a dois tiros quase simultâneos.
You get two shots at that mother, right?
Tem duas tentativas, entendeu?
Two shots of rum. 1 51, please.
Dois copitos de rum. 151, por favor.
- There were two shots!
- Ouvi os disparos.
I told you, Dane, we heard two shots.
Eu disse-te, Dane, ouvimos dois tiros.
He fired two shots through the door.
Disparou através da porta.
Camera boys would like shots of you two.
- Eu mesmo. Os fotógrafos querem tirar umas fotos de vocês.
That's 18 shots. We've used two already.
Ao todo temos dezoito doses, e já utilazamos duas.
Now when two big shots like that get together... and hole up in the desert, 20 miles from civilization...
Por isso quando se juntam dois crânios do mesmo ramo... e se isolam no deserto, a 20 milhas da civilização...
I'll give two warning shots and then- -
Vou disparar dois tiros de advertência e então...
Two good shots.
Dois bons atiradores.
Here, with a page or two of interestingly photographed establishing shots, possibly from a helicopter,
Aqui, com uma página ou duas de cenas de abertura filmadas, talvez, dum helicóptero,
Dá dois tiros.
Yes, except two of Chata's outriders followed him and got some shots at him.
Sim, apenas foi seguido por dois batedores do Chata que dispararam alguns tiros sobre ele.
- And was there an incident two nights ago, as a result of which shots were fired?
- Esteve. Houve algum incidente do qual originaram tiros?
He was in bad pain. They gave him shots every two hours.
Estava com dores terríveis e levava injecções a cada 2 horas.
Well, seems some big shots wanna talk to you two guys. Put them back in the holding tank till they come for them, Dobin.
Bem, parece que alguns grandões querem falar com vocês rapazes leve-os para a cela até que eles venham.
He's only got two more shots.
Só lhe restam mais duas balas.
And then right here... he fired two more shots.
E bem aqui... atirou mais duas vezes.
I give you two lousy shots and you're talking about going to L.A.!
Dou-te duas oportunidades, e já fala em ir para L.A.?
... didn't meet up with Richie and me because you are looking at two dead shots.
Não se deparou comigo e com o Richie porque nós somos dois valentes atiradores.
He then fired three shots. Two go into the wall, and one goes into him.
Qualquer júri concluirá tratar-se de suicídio, ou morte acidental.
Get back. You got two shots.
Tem dois lances livres.
- Those two are OK now? - You gave them the shots?
- "Esses dois já estão bem?" - "Deu-lhes as injecções?"

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