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Ukiyo traducir portugués

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A lone painter who held a deep admiration for an ukiyo-e print that he had encountered in Paris made his way to Arles, Provence in search of the Japanese sun that he saw in his mind's eye.
Um pintor solitário, admirador de uma pintura ukiyo-e que viu em Paris viajou até Arles, em busca do sol Japonês, com que tinha sonhado.
The name of the man who was fascinated by the ukiyo-e print and continually painted sunflowers was Vincent van Gogh.
O nome do homem que ficou fascinado com a pintura ukiyo-e e que pintava girassóis, era Vincent Van Gogh.
They were all amateur models for ukiyo-e prints.
Eram todas modelos amadoras de pinturas ukiyo-e.
I believe that in the future, ukiyo-e prints will feature amateur models, not just the star kabuki actors in the ones we see today.
Acredito que no futuro, as pinturas ukiyo-e enaltecerão as modelos amadoras,... além dos actores de kabuki, que actualmente vemos representados.
Unfortunately, ukiyo-e are still treated as cheap pop posters bought by kids.
Infelizmente, as pinturas ukiyo-e ainda não são consideradas como arte.
I mean, an ukiyo-e artist could never make ends meet without doing things like this.
Quero dizer, um artista ukiyo-e nunca pintaria se não fizesse algo assim.
When I put a young girl into an ukiyo-e, the print goes up in a book rental shop by the harbor.
Quando faço uma pintura ukiyo-e, ela depois é vendida numa papelaria do porto.
They use the ukiyo-e prints as a slave trade catalog to sell girls to the Europeans!
E usam as pinturas ukiyo-e como catalogo de venda para os Europeus!
Using ukiyo-e prints as a catalog was clever of you, but instead it's proved to be your downfall!
Raios me partam! Foi esperto da tua parte usar as pinturas ukiyo-e como catálogo,... mas elas também foram a tua ruína!
However, the ukiyo-e he had with him was the one thing that they confiscated, and it eventually crossed paths with van Gogh.
No entanto, a pintura ukiyo-e que tinha consigo foi a única coisa confiscada,... e que eventualmente cruzou caminho com Van Gogh.
" This is what is called'ukiyo'...
"Isto é o que chamamos de ukiyo."
But the word'ukiyo'still retained its Buddhistic sense of "this transitory life", its... its impermanence.
Mas a palavra ukiyo ainda carrega o senso budista, de vida transitória
This is very reminiscent of the word'ukiyo', to me.
Esse é o significado da palavra ukiyo para mim.

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