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Urn traducir portugués

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I've had an urn made of ebony...
Mandei-Ihe fazer uma urna toda em pau-santo...
We were as shadows roaming aimlessly.
Éramos urn punhado de sombras caminhando ao acaso.
- And I'll donate an urn.
E eu vou doar uma urna.
- Yes. - It's a Greek urn.
# Que é isso no teu ombro?
What's a Greek urn?
# - Sim. #
You'll become anonymous a ball to be tossed into an urn.
Vais tornar-te anónimo... um voto para ser atirado para a urna.
Personally, I think he dropped his sleeve garters in the coffee urn.
Pessoalmente, acho que ele falsificava o café.
A 14th century crematory urn.
Uma urna do século XlV.
- A crematory urn?
- Uma urna?
Urn, do you have any books or pamphlets on witchcraft?
Tem livros ou folhetos sobre bruxaria?
Urn, yummy -
One Grecian urn.
Uma urna grega.
In front of them alabaster urn was brought from Bergama a famous historical city near Smyrna.
Em frente a uma delas, foi trazida uma urna de alabastro de Bergama, uma famosa cidade histórica perto de Esmirna.
It's an Etruscan urn.
É uma urna etrusca.
Urn, straight down there.
Sim, vá ali para baixo.
If you'd come into my comfortable office, we will bring you the urn.
Se vier ao meu gabinete, trago-lhe a urna.
He was a unique young man as you can see by the urn he had designed by the love of his life his wife, Holly.
Era um jovem único como podem ver pela urna que foi desenhada pelo amor da sua vida a sua esposa, Holly.
A churning urn of burning funk
Uma batedeira de pânico ardente
The urn. lt's the only place.
A urna. É o único lugar.
It is the urn in the garden.
É a urna do jardim.
Urn, she's on the lawn, over there.
Está ali sózinha.
Ashes in an urn.
Cinzas numa urna!
She took the urn of Mama's ashes and put them out in the garage.
Pegou na urna das cinzas dela e pô-la na garagem.
I took Mama's ashes out of that urn... put them in the trophy cup, and sealed it tight.
Tirei as cinzas daquela urna, meti-as na taça e vedei-a bem.
- T urn that off, Nick.
- Desliga isso, Nick.
None of this "Ode on a Grecian Urn"...
Qualquer coisa de Keats...
Before his death, I was told to put his remains inside an urn.
Antes da sua morte, foi-me dito para pôr os seus restos mortais numa urna.
Abbot Qing Zhao said that we should open the urn once you're here.
O sacerdote Qing Zhao disse para abrir-mos a urna quando chegasses.
Break up the urn.
Quebre a urna.
Must you carry that urn wherever you go?
Tens de levar a urna para todo o lado?
It only makes me think of my poor Aunt Tuney up on the mantel over our fireplace in her little urn.
Só me lembra a minha pobre tia Tuney, em cima da nossa lareira, na sua pequena urna :
Excuse me, but what did you say was in the little urn above your fireplace?
Desculpa, mas o que disseste sobre a pequena urna em cima da tua lareira?
Yeah, but at least we got the urn.
Ya, mas pelo menos nós temos a urna.
True, this is the urn of Chaka Hatchi, it is extremely precious, but the legends say it is cursed!
É verdade, isto é a urna de Chaka Hatchi, é extremamente preciosa, mas as lendas dizem que está amaldiçoada!
Turtle-sans, keep the urn until the security system is in place.
Tartarugas-san, guardem a urna até o sistema estar a funcionar.
You know, if I didn't know it was impossible, I'd say this urn was trying to smash itself open.
Sabem, se eu não soubesse que é impossível, diria que esta urna está a tentar "partir-se" para se abrir.
I have never seen an urn like this.
Eu nunca vi uma urna como esta.
Yeah, and there is something majorly mysterioso about that urn.
Ya, e existe algo muito "misterioso" acerca dessa urna.
[APRIL] This is the third time burglars have tried to steal the urn of Chaka Hatchi since it arrived in this country.
Esta é a terceira vez que os assaltantes tentaram roubar a urna de Chaka Hatchi desde que chegou a este país.
The urn of Chaka Hatchi in the hands of those Turtles!
A urna de Chaka Hatchi nas mãos dessas tartarugas!
All my life I've been searching for that urn, and now those repugnant reptiles have it.
Toda a minha vida procurei por essa urna e agora esses répteis repugnantes têm-na.
You fool, that urn contains powers you've never dreamed of.
Seu tolo, essa urna contém poderes que nunca sequer sonhaste.
I must have that urn!
Eu tenho de ter essa urna!
Our clan's sacred urn has been stolen.
A urna sagrada do nosso clã foi roubada.
Then go, punish the Turtles who have disgraced us, and return here with the urn!
Então vai, castiga as Tartarugas que nos desonraram. e volta aqui com a urna!
Now all we have to do is sit back and wait while Lotus Blossom gets the urn for us.
Bem agora é só sentar e esperar. enquanto a Lotus Blossom obtém a urna para nós.
Do you have the urn of Chaka Hatchi?
Têm a urna de Chaka Hatchi?
I want that urn or your shells!
Eu quero essa urna ou as vossas carapaças!
You want the urn?
Queres a urna?
Surely the real Chaka Hatchi would have known that the Turtles are merely guarding the urn.
Certamente do verdadeiro Chaka Hatchi. Deveria saber que as Tartarugas estão meramente a guardar a urna.
So that's a great looking urn.
A urna é muito bonita

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