Very slowly traducir portugués
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But she fancied that she was growing old very slowly. In fact, hardly at all to judge by the young men from whom she found companionship.
Mas a verdade é que ela estava a envelhecer muito devagar, para não dizer que não envelhecia, a julgar pelos jovens que a rodeavam.
They kill white people very slowly.
Matam os brancos muito lentamente.
Then suddenly you started walking toward me... very slowly, very slowly.
E, de repente, começaste a andar na minha direcção... bem devagar, bem devagar.
And when you were walking toward me so very slowly, do you know what was in my mind?
E quando estavas a caminhar na minha direcção tão devagar, sabes o que pensei?
He sticks a long pin through their heads... and that way they die very, very slowly... and the blood stay inside It's what makes the gravy so rich.
Sim, enfia.lhes uma agulha muito comprida na cabeça... e dessa morrem muito lentamente... e o sangue fica lá dentro, é isso que faz com que o molho fique tão bom
I'll walk there, very slowly...
Paciencia! Continuarei o caminho a pé.Devagarinho.
And he walked very slowly to the stand.
E deslocou-se muito devagar quando foi depor.
Yet I was traveling very slowly.
E, contudo, eu viajava muito lentamente.
But my father said if you walk very slowly it will soon be dark... and no one will be able to see you if you go into our barn.
Mas que se forem devagarzinho, logo escurecerá e ninguém os verá entrando em nosso celeiro.
- Yes, very slowly.
Muito devagarinho.
Levante-se devagar e olhe por cima do bombo.
Very, very slowly.
Muito, muito devagar.
Put your hands up very slowly.
Levante as mãos lentamente.
Tirem-nas devagar.
Very slowly old friend.
Muito devagar mesmo, "velho amigo".
Here's Stoddard coming into the pits very slowly.
Stoddard está indo para os boxes bem devagar.
Suffocating very slowly.
Sufocante muito lentamente.
Very slowly.
Muito devagar.
Very slowly, open them.
Abra-os agora.
No, I intend to drive into Rome very slowly.
Tenciono seguir para Roma com toda a calma.
Very slowly.
Darling, always the same, days speed by... but the nights go very slowly.
Querido, é sempre o mesmo. Os dias vão a mil, mas as noites passam lentamente.
Go very slowly.
Vá muito devagar.
You seem to be moving very slowly, doctor.
Parece estar a mover-se lentamente, Doutor.
You do seem to be moving very slowly, captain.
Parece mover-se muito lentamente.
Very slowly, move this way.
Muito devagar, venham pra este lado.
I moved it very slowly very, very slowly... so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep.
A movia bem lentamente, bem, bem, lentamente, para não perturbar o sono do velho.
Very slowly.
Bem devagarinho.
Now, keep staring at that window until slowly, very slowly, the window begins...
Fique olhando para a janela até que lentamente ela...
Now, very slowly, start coming back up.
Levantem os braços e desçam-nos muito devagar.
This beautiful girl will be locked into a steel cage, will change very slowly into a ferocious 450-pound gorilla.
Esta bela rapariga será fechada numa jaula de aço, e transformar-se-á num feroz gorila de 200 kg.
- But let's move very slowly, okay? - Okay.
Devagar, está bem?
Count to 100 very slowly.
Conte até 100 muito devagar.
Time passes here, but very slowly.
O tempo passa muito devagar aqui.
Very slowly, the British they had started to become accustomed it the forest.
Muito lentamente, os britânicos começaram a habituar-se à selva.
You gotta take that very slowly.
Calma... Levante bem devagar.
Okay, now, I want you very slowly to put down the weapon then on the deck and spread them.
Muito bem. Agora, muito devagar, vais largar essa arma. Depois, vais deitar-te no chão de pernas abertas.
After you. Very slowly.
Faça o favor e muito calmamente...
Wilma's on the move : It's going very slowly :
A Wilma está em movimento.
Now slowly, very slowly.
Agora, devagar, bem devagar.
The laser will draw power from the ship very slowly : : : So that the monitors will not detect :
O laser extrairá energia da nave lentamente para que os monitores não o detectem.
The laser will draw power from the ship very slowly : : : So that the monitors will not detect :
O laser extrairá a energia da nave lentamente para que os monitores não o detectem.
Very slowly.
Muito lentamente.
Very slowly, I want you to say "yes".
Lentamente, quero ouvir-lo dizer'sim'.
Drink this very slowly. Slowly.
Tome isso bem devagar.
very often, love grows slowly, and that's the very best kind of love.
Muitas vezes o amor cresce devagar e, esse é o melhor tipo de amor.
I suppose we must've walked for hours, and slowly her mood changed... and she became very happy and optimistic about life in general.
Eu acho que andamos por horas, e aos poucos o seu humor mudou, e ela ficou muito feliz e optimista sobre a vida em geral.
" The days pass very slowly, and I hope to see you soon.
Os dias passam muito lentamente, e espero ver-te logo.
The light creeps up slowly... very, very slowly... very, very, very slowly...
- Lentamente, a luz vai subindo. Vai subindo lentamente, lentamente. Vai subindo.
Here they are, very dry, I put them on the neck. Lower me slowly.
Aqui estão eles, bem sequinhos, descendo lentamente.
Very carefully, turn around for me. Take it slowly. Do take off his cravat, please.
Com muito cuidado... Tirem-lhe a gravata, por favor.
slowly 1261
slowly but surely 29
very good 5015
very nice 1581
very pretty 229
very well 4412
very interesting 246
very good indeed 31
very much 852
very soon 239
slowly but surely 29
very good 5015
very nice 1581
very pretty 229
very well 4412
very interesting 246
very good indeed 31
very much 852
very soon 239
very true 116
very cool 195
very cute 99
very funny 1225
very beautiful 164
very impressive 348
very well indeed 16
very exciting 93
very sad 109
very bad 256
very cool 195
very cute 99
very funny 1225
very beautiful 164
very impressive 348
very well indeed 16
very exciting 93
very sad 109
very bad 256
very clever 301
very good job 17
very important 172
very well done 68
very much so 233
very sorry 246
very sweet 97
very little 114
very kind 91
very well then 70
very good job 17
very important 172
very well done 68
very much so 233
very sorry 246
very sweet 97
very little 114
very kind 91
very well then 70