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Weinstein traducir portugués

110 traducción paralela
Mr. Weinstein, explain the technicality involving the lack of admissible evidence.
Explique-nos o fundamento legal da decisão.
Mr. Weinstein, you don't seem surprised about the decision.
Não parece nada surpreendido.
Ricca, Weinstein, his attorney. James Cantina, the driver.
Ricca, o advogado, o Cantina, o motorista.
Mr. Weinstein, what were you like as a boy?
Sr. Weinstein, como era o senhor quando era rapaz?
And I want to see you climb, Mr. Weinstein.
E quero vê-lo trepar, Sr. Weinstein.
Look at Weinstein.
Não. Vê os Weinstein.
Back to Weinstein.
Volta aos Weinstein.
I'm Franck's assistant, Howard Weinstein.
Sou o assistente do Franck! - Sou Nina Banks, a Annie... é a noiva... e... - Howard Weinstein.
Banks, this is Howard Weinstein, Franck's executive assistant.
Fala Howard Weinstein, assistente do Sr. Frank.
Uh, I-I know Weinstein's parents were upset, Superintendent... but I-I was sure it was a phony excuse.
Sei que os pais do Weinstein ficaram chateados, inspector... mas achei que era uma desculpa falsa.
Glycotetraline collagenoid, Weinstein's thyrotropic hormone.
Glicotetralina colagenoide... A hormona tirotrópica de Weinstein.
Weinstein pushed up a lung resection.
O Weinstein antecipou uma ressecção pulmonar.
- Peter, Weinstein's ready for us.
- Peter, o Weinstein espera-nos.
He pushed out David Brown in favor of his friend, producer Henry Weinstein.
Afastou David Brown em favor de um amigo seu, o produtor Henry Weinstein.
I was told of my impending removal by my friend Richard Zanuck who said, " l saw Henry Weinstein who was carrying a script of Something's Got to Give.
Soube da minha iminente demissäo pelo meu amigo Richard Zanuck... que disse : " Vi Henry Weinstein no elevador e levava... um guiäo de Something's Got to Give.
And his resentment lingered as Henry Weinstein came on board.
E o seu ressentimento manteve-se quando Henry Weinstein chegou.
One between Marilyn and Weinstein, and the other between Cukor and his associate producer and art director, Gene Allen.
Um entre Marilyn e Weinstein, e outro entre Cukor... e o seu produtor adjunto e director artístico, Gene Allen.
She loved his witty interpretation of the story, as did Henry Weinstein.
Adorou a sua interpretação sagaz da história, tal como Henry Weinstein.
And producer Henry Weinstein struggled to keep track of Marilyn Monroe.
E o produtor Henry Weinstein lutou para não perder Marilyn de vista.
NARRATOR : Weinstein couldn't wait to share his enthusiasm with the star.
Weinstein mal podia esperar para partilhar o entusiasmo com a estrela.
Weinstein was shocked at seeing Marilyn Monroe unconscious from an overdose of sleeping pills.
Weinstein ficou chocado ao ver Marilyn Monroe... inconsciente com uma dose excessiva de soporíferos.
But with just five days to go before cameras would roll Weinstein feared that a solution to her emotional problems and chemical dependency was eluding even her psychiatrist.
Todavia, cinco dias antes das câmaras começarem a rolar... Weinstein receou... que uma solução para os problemas emocionais e a dependência química... estivesse a escapar até mesmo ao seu psiquiatra.
Weinstein was left to wonder if Marilyn could ever recover from what truly ailed her.
Weinstein perguntava-se se Marilyn alguma vez se recuperaria... daquilo que realmente a afligia.
And Weinstein worried the same would happen on Something's Got to Give.
E Weinstein receava que o mesmo sucedesse a Something's Got to Give.
Before production had begun Weinstein had given her his tentative approval.
Antes do início da produção... Weinstein tinha-lhe dado a sua hesitante aprovação... mas mudara de ideias.
Right, and that will be the one night... that Steven Spielberg comes to see the play, or Harvey Weinstein.
Certo, e isso seria na noite... em que o Steven spielberg aparecia para ver a peça, ou o Harvey Weinstein.
Hannah Weinstein, from New York.
Hannah Weinstein, de New York.
Hi. My name's Max Weinstein. My car just broke down.
Olá, chamo-me Max Weinstein, o meu carro avariou-se.
I prayed for you, Max Weinstein. And here you are! OK...
Eu rezei por ti, Max Weinstein, e aqui estás.
Hello? ! Max Weinstein?
Tipo, Max Weinstein!
This is my special friend Max Weinstein.
Este é o meu amigo especial, Max Weinstein.
Mr Weinstein, I thought you were gonna help me with my homework.
Espere, Sr. Weinstein, pensei que me ia ajudar a matemática.
Eric, Ari would freak if he knew you were going... to a party at Josh Weinstein's.
Eric, o Ari passar-se-ia se soubesse que vais a uma festa do Josh Weinstein. - Porquê?
- Walk with me. Vince and the guys will be partying at Josh Weinstein's.
O Vince e os tipos vão à casa do Josh Weinstein.
- Who's Josh Weinstein?
- Quem é o Josh Weinstein?
Should I be worried about this little party... you guys are going to over at Josh Weinstein's house?
Devo preocupar-me com a festa a que vocês vão, na casa do Josh Weinstein?
No, I spoke to our new agent. Josh Weinstein, motherfucker.
Falei com o nosso novo agente, o Josh Weinstein, sacana.
Where's Weinstein?
Onde está o Weinstein?
- Anyone seen Josh Weinstein?
- Alguém viu o Josh Weinstein?
Are you kidding me?
Josh Weinstein, Triad.
Josh Weinstein, Triad. We met at the fight.
Conhecemo-nos no combate.
His father was Dr. Benjamin Weinstein.
O pai era o Dr. Benjamim Weistein.
Harvey Weinstein is here.
Está cá o Harvey Weinstein.
Josh Weinstein.
Josh Weinstein...
We did it. Don't forget, Josh Weinstein's the one that found you that script.
Não te esqueças de que arranjei o guião.
Well, just remember Josh Weinstein told you first.
Lembrem-se de que o souberam pelo Josh Weinstein.
No, I heard it from Josh Weinstein, you jerkoff.
Não, foi o Josh Weinstein que me disse.
I just got off the phone with your old assistant Josh Weinstein. 40.
Acabei de falar com o teu ex-assistente, o Josh Weinstein.
O Weinstein...
OK, lady. Well, you know, best of luck, thanks for everything, as my dear departed friend Lotus Weinstock used to say :
Ok, senhora, boa sorte, obrigado por tudo, como o meu querido amigo falecido Lotus Weinstein costumava dizer,
Josh Weinstein?
Ao Josh Weinstein?

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