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What'd you tell them traducir portugués

78 traducción paralela
- What'd you tell them?
- Exactamente. - Que lhes disseste?
But that's what you said. You said we'd tell them tonight.
Mas, disseste que lhes diríamos esta noite.
Yes, I like them very much as a rule, but... I tell you what, I think I'd rather have some of that roast beef that's in the refrigerator.
Eu lhe digo, eu acho que preferiria ter um pouco da carne assada que está na geladeira.
Well, I'd like to tell you something about them, Doctor, but I don't think what I know would make it worth your while.
Bem... Eu gostaria de ter algo para dizer mas... Não os conheço o bastante para isso
I'd like to tell you something about them, Doctor, but I don't think what I know would make it worth your while.
Eu gostaria de dizer alguma coisa doutor mas não acho que pudesse ajudar
What'd you tell them?
O que lhes disse?
What'd you tell them?
Que lhes disseste?
What'd I tell you about them pictures?
- E as fotografias?
What'd you tell them the interview was about?
Disseste que a entrevista era sobre o quê?
Did you ever go to the D.A. and tell them what was going on?
Foi á Procuradoria do Distrito contar-lhes o que se passou?
What'd you tell them?
O que é que lhes disseste?
What'd you tell them?
O que contou a eles?
What'd you tell them?
O que você disse a eles?
- What'd you tell them?
- O que lhes disseste?
just about What'd you tell them?
Quase. O que é que lhes disse?
What'd you tell them?
- O que lhes disse?
- What'd you tell them?
- O que é que lhes disseste?
- What'd you tell them?
- O que lhes disse?
- What'd you tell them?
O que lhes disseste?
If someone asked you to describe me to them, what's the first thing you'd tell them?
Se alguém te pedisse para me descrever para eles... Qual seria a primeira coisa que tu dirias?
You didn't have to take it, What'd you tell them?
Eu não precisei,
What'd you tell them about me, Dad?
O que lhes contaste sobre mim, pai?
What'd you tell them about my marriage, Dad?
O que lhes contaste sobre o meu casamento, pai?
What'd you tell them?
O que lhes disseste?
Then tell them the truth. Tell them you were driving the car. I'd be confessing we both committed perjury, which is a felony... and then what happens to my husband and his command... and what happens to your husband and his team, and to the Unit?
Iria confessar que ambas cometemos perjúrio, que é crime, e depois o que aconteceria ao meu marido e ao seu comando, e o que acontece ao teu marido, ao pelotão e à Unidade?
You'd have to tell them what happened with me and your husband.
Terias de contar o que aconteceu entre mim e o teu marido.
And what'd you tell them?
E que lhes disse?
Jay, what'd you tell them?
Jay, o que foi que lhes disseste?
And what'd you tell them?
E que lhes disseste?
Tell you what, whoever started that fire, it'd be wise for them to find a fast horse and make themselves very scarce.
Sabem, quem quer que tenha começado este fogo, se eu fosse a eles descobria um cavalo rápido e pisgava-me rápidamente.
So what'd you tell them?
Então o que lhes disseste?
- What'd you tell them?
- Que disseste para eles?
What'd I tell you about them claymores?
Que te disse eu sobre as minas?
- What'd you tell them niggas, huh?
- O que contaste a eles, preto?
So, what'd you tell the editors to get them to sign on?
Então, o que disseste para conseguires que os editores assinassem?
- What'd you tell them about it?
- O que lhes disseste?
I tell you what, Walt I'd rather have them think I'm bonnie what's-her-name than some complete idiot.
Walt. 433.911 ) } Prefiro que pensem que sou uma Bonnie qualquer-coisa 433.911 ) } do que uma idiota chapada.
So what'd you tell them that got you in?
- O que dissestes para seres aceite?
You'd make the government a stockholder. What, do we tell them how to manage themselves, what to buy and sell?
Se fizer do governo um accionista, vamos depois dizer como devem gerir-se, o que comprar e vender?
Just, uh, tell me what they are. Uh, they're swirling, hook-like radar signatures that look surprisingly like what you'd expect them to.
São remoinhos em forma de gancho que se parecem com aquilo que estás à espera.
This is a great opportunity for you to tell those who may watch this in the future what you're feeling, what you'd like them to know.
É uma grande oportunidade para ti para dizeres àqueles que virem isto no fututo o que estás a sentir, o que gostarias que soubessem.
All right, Greg, what'd you tell them?
Muito bem, Greg.
If they're right about who you are, what would make them think they'd be wrong about what you do? Well, why don't you tell me?
Se estão certos sobre o que és, porque iriam pensar que estariam errados sobre o que fazes?
What I'd like you to do is go in there, take a look at all of them, and tell me if you can spot the liar.
O que queria é que fosse lá, visse todos e me dissesse se sabe quem é o mentiroso.
You know, I bet if their daddy was being booked for something, you'd want to be able to tell them what he was being booked for, right?
Aposto que se o pai deles fosse detido ia querer dizer-lhes qual tinha sido o motivo, não?
Oh, yeah? What'd you tell them?
E o que lhes disseste?
I got three sons, and let me tell you, if they tried to do what you did, I'd chop off their hands before I'd let them get rid of their baby makers.
Tenho três filhos e digo-te, se tentassem fazer o que fizeste, cortava-lhes as mãos para impedir que cortassem a mangueira de fazer bebés.
What'd you tell them about Liam?
O que disseste sobre o Liam?
- What'd you tell them?
- O que é lhes disse?
What'd, you tell them your stupid scary stories?
Contaste as tuas histórias de terror idiotas?
Tell them, I thought today we'd just run a few drills and have some fun. What do you say?
Hoje vamos fazer uns lançamentos e divertir-nos, que tal?

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