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What are you saying to me traducir portugués

103 traducción paralela
What are you saying to me?
Que me dizeis?
What are you saying to me?
O que está me dizendo?
What are you saying to me?
O que está a dizer?
What are you saying to me Rimmer?
O que estás a dizer, Rimmer?
So, what are you saying to me?
O que estão a dizer?
What are you saying to me?
Que estás a dizer?
- What are you saying to me, Kryten?
- Que me estás a dizer, Kryten?
So... So what are you saying to me?
Que me estás a tentar dizer?
What are you saying to me?
- O que você está me dizendo?
What are you saying to me?
Que é que estás a dizer-me?
What are you saying to me?
desistir? ! Que estás a dizer?
What are you saying to me?
O que estás a dizer?
What are you saying to me?
O que me estás a dizer?
What are you saying to me, huh?
Que queres dizer?
What are you saying to me, Brad?
O que é que me está a dizer?
What are you saying to me, ellie?
Que me está a dizer, Ellie?
What are you saying to me, child?
O que disseste, criança?
What are you saying to me, Nick?
Que me estás a dizer, Nick?
What are you saying to me, Ray?
O que estás a dizer, Ray?
Gus, what are you saying to me?
O que estás a dizer, Gus?
What, what are you saying to me?
O quê, o que me estás a dizer?
What are you saying to me?
O que estás a dizer-me?
- What are you saying to me?
O que me estás a dizer?
What are you saying to me?
O que diz?
Let me tell you young fellow. You are mighty lucky saying to Eke what you were here for. People like him will never have able to find you at all.
Mas vou dizer-lhe uma coisa, foi muita sorte que tenha dito onde se dirigia com o barco, senão, não teríamos podido encontrá-lo.
What are you saying? You-you told me to kill him.
Disse-me para o matar.
What you are saying is this- - so long as I am in Khartoum you dread to attack... for a British army is close, and you know it well.
Estás a dizer-me que enquanto eu estiver em Khartum, temes atacar, porque sabes que um exército britânico está perto.
But if that's not the kind of man you are... and if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you... well, then, go ahead and kill me.
Mas se não é esse tipo de homem... e se aquilo que eu disse não fizer sentido para si... bem, então avance e mate-me.
- What are you saying, Pat? - The officials have asked me to run.
- Os oficiais pediram-me para me candidatar.
No, what I am saying to you... is that you are the kind of club-totin', raw meat-eatin', me-Tarzan-you-Jane-in'... big, bald bubblehead that can only count to ten if he's barefoot or wearing sandals.
Não, o que estou a dizer, é que você é do tipo troglodita que come carne crua e diz, eu-Tarzan-tu-Jane, com uma cabeça grande e careca que só consegue contar até dez se estiver descalço ou de sandálias.
What do you want me to say, some of the things you're saying are true?
Queres dizer com isso que tenho razão numas das coisas que digo?
So what are you saying? You think they want me to lose?
Achas que querem que perca?
I don't know what kind of shenanigans you've been pulling this time, but I just had to untie your baby-sitter and pay her off so that- - Are you saying to the world that you just aided and abetted... the escape of the notorious Baby-sitter Bandit? Excuse me.
Não sei que tipo de traquinices fizeste desta vez, mas tive de desamarrar a baby-sitter e pagar-lhe, para que...
Are you saying there's no way to get your boy to talk to me? Is that what you're saying?
Dizes-me que não há maneira de convencer o teu homem a falar comigo?
What are you saying? You were... trying to snort me?
Está querendo me cheirar?
- What are you saying, that Raymond is lying to me when he tells me he feels droopy?
Dizes que o Raymond mente quando me diz que se sente em baixo?
What are you saying? Are you saying that you don't want to be with me?
Estás a dizer que não queres a minha companhia?
Are you saying, "or what?" to me?
Disse "senão, o quê", a mim?
Are you saying you don't trust me? Think what you've done to Buffy. I brought her back!
Trouxe a Buffy de volta para esse mundo, talvez devesse dizer parabéns.
- What are you saying that to me for?
- Por que me estás a dizer isso?
What are you saying... you'd actually send me to a place like Mercy House?
O que é que estás a dizer? Que tu realmente me mandavas para um sítio como a Casa da Misericórdia?
Go away and everything will be normal What are you trying saying to me?
- Que estás a tentar dizer?
What you are saying contradicts with what Hendricks said to me yesterday.
O que está a dizer contradiz o que Hendricks me disse ontem.
So, what are you saying? You want me to take'em to his house?
Quer que os leve para casa dele?
What the hell are you saying to me?
Que diabos está dizendo pra mim?
What are you saying? They wanted me to give them names.
- Tive de dar nomes.
What the hell are you saying to me?
Que raio está a dizer-me?
What the hell are you saying to me?
Que diabos estás a dizer-me?
- You know me well enough to know these are the last words I would expect to be saying, but what if Walter is right?
Conheces-me suficientemente para saberes que detesto ter de admitir isto, mas e se o Walter estiver certo?
What person who is nothing like me are you saying that to?
A que pessoa que não é nada parecida comigo é que estás a dizer isso?
You are saying that everything to me what it has happened here, each conversation that I have had, it was listening to somebody it?
Estás a dizer, que tudo o que se tem passado aqui, cada conversa que tenho tido, alguém tem estado a ouvir?

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