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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / What did you tell her

What did you tell her traducir portugués

340 traducción paralela
Well, what did you tell her?
Bem, o que é que lhe contaste?
What did you tell her? The truth.
Que lhe contaste?
What did you tell her?
O que falou com ela?
What did you tell her?
- O que lhe disseste?
What did you tell her, huh?
O que você disse a ela?
She's obviously in the "M's." What did you tell her?
Parece que gosta de nomes começados por "M". O que lhe disseste?
What did you tell her?
O que lhe disseste tu?
- What did you tell her?
- O que lhe disseste?
What did you tell her back home?
Que lhe disseste lá em casa?
- E o que é que lhe disse?
She doesn't want to meet you. She doesn't know me. What did you tell her?
- Nem sequer me conhece.
- So what did you tell her?
O que lhe disseste?
- What did you tell her?
- Que lhe contou?
- What did you tell her?
- Que lhe disseste?
- What did you tell her?
- O que vc disse a ela?
What did you tell her?
Que lhe respondeste?
What did you tell her, John?
O que lhe disseste, John?
- What did you tell her?
- O que é que lhe disseste?
What did you tell her?
E que lhe disseste?
And the Baroness, what did you tell her?
E a Baronesa, que lhe disse a ela?
what did you tell her?
O que lhe disseste?
- What did you tell her?
- O que foi que lhe disseste?
What did you tell her?
E o que disse a ela?
What did you tell her?
Que lhe disseste?
If you did, I'd not need to tell you... that only Almighty God... or the Devil himself knows what's in her head.
Se conhecesse, eu não precisaria de dizer-Ihe que só Deus Todo Poderoso ou o próprio diabo é que sabe o que vai na cabeça dela.
What did you do, just sit here and tell her everything about you and me?
Que fizeste tu, ficaste aqui sentado a contar-lhe tudo sobre nós?
Tell him what you did to her.
Diga-lhe o que fez a ela.
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
Ela disse quais eram os seus planos?
You got some identification? What did I tell you? I told you not to trust her.
Cortamos 2O km seguindo os trilhos, Max.
What did you tell her?
O que lhe disseste?
Did he tell you what happened to her?
Ele contou-te o que aconteceu com ela?
What did you think, I'll just go and tell her I'm dumping her?
O que é que achas? Que ia chegar ao pé dela e dizer que a ia deixar?
what else did you tell her?
E que mais lhe contaste?
- Just tell her what you did.
- Apenas diz o que fizeste.
- What did you tell her about me?
I'll tell her all about you and what you did out here.
Contar-lhe-ei tudo sobre ti e o que fizeste, aqui.
When you got home, did you tell her what happened?
Quando chegou a casa contou-lhe o sucedido?
Did you tell her what kind?
Indicou-lhe o tipo?
What else did Pike tell you, anything about her and Maberley?
- O Pike disse alguma coisa dos dois?
What did you tell Mrs. Costanza that changed her mind?
Estou curioso : que disseste a Mrs. Costanza, que a fez mudar de ideias?
- What did you tell her?
O que é que a mamã te disse ontem na festa?
Did you tell her what she needed to know?
Disse-lhe o que ela precisava de saber?
Did you tell her what happened?
Contaste-lhe o que aconteceu?
Rachel's all "I love you," and all I can think about is what is she gonna do when I tell her what I did?
A Rachel está toda "amo-te," e eu só penso é no que ela vai dizer quando lhe contar o que fiz.
What did he tell her when she called looking for you?
O que ele disse a ela quando ela ligou procurando por você?
You know, I would have left them with a nanny, but they won't tell me what they did with her, and they're at that age.
Sabes, eu ia deixá-las com uma ama, mas não me vão dizer o que fizeram com ela, e elas estão naquela idade.
Did you tell her what I told you?
Contou-lhe o que eu lhe disse?
I'm gonna tell you what I did to her.
Vou contar-te o que lhe fiz.
What did you want to tell her even I would like to hear it.
O que é que você queria dizer-lhe, eu gostava de ouvir.
What did you tell her?
O que disse a ela?
- Tell me again, what did you agree with her?
- Diga-me novamente, o que é que combinou com ela?

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