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What do you think about this traducir portugués

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What do you think about this, Lucas?
Que achas disto, Lucas?
What do you think about this?
O que achas disto?
What do you think about this song?
O que achas desta música?
What do you think about this latest brainstorm of Michael's?
O que pensas da ideia genial do Michael?
What do you think about this?
O que acha deste?
What do you think about this, huh?
O que é que achas?
Ooh, Tracy, what do you think about this one?
Tracy, o que achas deste?
Hey, what do you think about this new slogan?
E sobre este novo slogan :
What do you think about this? "Barking mad for Dr. Diggity."
O que achas deste : "Latindo como louco por uma Dr. Diggity"?
- What do you think about this?
- Que pensas disto?
well now, what do you think about this?
Bem, o que pensas disto?
Fran, what do you think about this one?
Fran, o que é que achas deste?
( Rembrandt ) So, what do you think about this place?
Então, o que acha deste local?
- So what do you think about this book idea?
O que achas desta ideia do livro?
What do you think about this?
Que tal este?
What do you think about this little miracle of ours?
Mas o que você acha deste nosso pequeno "milagre"?
- What do you think about this?
- Que é que pensa disto?
What do you think about this for the end of the pas de trois?
Que pensas disto no final do pas de trois?
This time, we were just about to land, maybe 3 feet... when, what do you think, we run out of gasoline again.
Desta vez, estávamos para aterrisar, faltava um metro, quando, imaginem, ficamos sem gasolina, outra vez.
Well, all right. What do I think about this? Yes, the problems are complex but you're just looking at the dark side, because us are capacity to response, isn't it?
Certo, vou dizer o que penso... mas você só vê o lado negativo.
You know, I think I'd better see what I can do about this.
Acho melhor eu ir lá ver o que posso fazer.
What do you think about all this?
O que pensas tu disso?
What do you think I been talking about all this time?
De que acha que estivemos a falar este tempo todo?
You know, this case is so full of confusing details that, excuse me, uh, I said to myself, "What I'm gonna do is, " I'm gonna make a tape-record "of everything that I think about the case and all the questions I want to ask."
Este caso está tão cheio de contrariedades que, desculpe, que disse a mim próprio, "vou gravar todas as ideias que tiver sobre o caso e gravar todas as perguntas".
Now there's a cross for everyone What do you people think about this? Mr. Washington!
Agora há uma cruz para todos.
What do you think about a shot like this?
Não sei o que pensas, mas tens que ver um plano assim.
What do you think I ought to do about this?
O que é que achas que devo fazer agora?
What do you think this is about?
Do que achas que trata isto?
Sim, sei do que estás a falar, mas não achas melhor fazermos isto noutra altura?
What do you think, Steve, about like this?
- O que é que achas, Steve? Assim?
And what do you think this governors'conference is about, huh?
E que acham de que trata esta conferência de governadores, hã?
What do you think about General Motors closing up this factory?
Que acha de a General Motors encerrar esta fábrica?
Just use this time to think about what you've done and what you're going to do.
Usa esse tempo para pensar no que fizeste e no que vais fazer.
For instance, um... when you leave this office, don't think about everything you have to do in order to get out of the building, just think to what you must do to get out of this room, and when you get to the hall, deal with that hall, and so...
Por exemplo, aah, quando sair do consultório, não pense em tudo que tem de fazer a fim de sair do edifício, pense somente no que tem de fazer para sair desta sala, e quando chegar a no saguão,
Now you do what you wanna do, but think about this :
Agora faz aquilo que te apetecer, mas pensa nisto :
Well, Lizzy, what do you think now about this sad business of Jane's?
Bem, Lizzy, o que acha agora do triste caso de Jane?
What do you think about all this business, Mr. Mann?
O que acha sobre isso, Sr. Mann?
Do you think these murders are connected to Sidney Prescott? Miss Weathers, what's your feeling about this?
qual é a sua teoria sobre estes crimes?
We've been through this before. You know what I think about your potential as an actress.
Já falámos e sabes o que acho do teu potencial como actriz.
You can't do this. Think about what you're doing.
Pensa no que fazes.
You know, this could sound crazy but what do you think about adding a drawer for, like, a blanket?
Sei que pode parecer de loucos, mas que tal juntar-lhe uma gaveta para um cobertor?
What, do you sit around, you think about this stuff?
Pões-te a pensar nessas coisas? Quando foi isso?
Do you think I might hear this motion before You explain to ME what it's really about?
Acha que poderei talvez ouvir esta moção antes de VOCÊ me explicar, a MIM, de que se trata?
I Probably found with my very intimate friend. this, what do you think about this?
Não, o que achas disto?
What do you think about all this?
que pensa sobre tudo isso?
What do you boys think about this?
"União Soviética Lança o Primeiro Satélite Terrestre" O que acham disto?
What do you think? That might work, but what about this?
Talvez resulte, mas tenho outra ideia.
So what do you think Dr. G would have to say about this?
Que diria a Dra. G sobre isto?
What do you think this says about the city of Chicago?
Acho que não diz muito acerca da cidade.
And then my grandfather continued the tradition and really, I think what we're talking about is standards very, very specific, rigid, you could say but in this world where would we be without them, I think.
Logo, o meu avô continuou a tradição e realmente do que estamos a falar é do nível de qualidade muito, muito específico... , ou seja, rígido mas neste mundo onde estaríamos sem qualidade, digo eu.
What do you think about all this, Roy?
O que achas acerca de tudo isto, Roy?

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