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What does that mean to you traducir portugués

112 traducción paralela
What does that mean to you?
O que isso significa para ti?
What does that mean to you guys?
O que é que isso quer dizer?
Christmas, what does that mean to you?
Natal, que significa para si?
Bem, o que significa isso para ti?
What does that mean to you?
- Que significa isso para si?
- What does that mean to you?
- Que significa isso para si?
Now what does that mean to you?
O que significa isso para ti?
What does that mean to you?
Que significa para si? "
- Yeah, but what does that mean to you?
- Sim, mas o que é que significa para ti?
- And what does that mean to you? - Well..
- Que significa isso para ti?
What does that mean to you?
O que significa isso para ti?
And what does that mean to you?
E o que significa isso para ti?
What does that mean to you?
O que é que isso te lembra?
- What does that mean to you?
- O que significa para ti?
What does that mean to you?
O que significa isto para ti?
What does that mean to you?
Que significa isso para si?
What does that mean to you?
O que te diz isso?
But what the hell does it mean to be truly honest? Didn't you hear what that big hawk said?
Mas que raio significa ser mesmo sincero?
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means we have been trying to get you for three days.
Que levamos 3 dias a tentar comunicar com voces, cambio.
Mrs. Draper what does all that mean to you?
Sra. Draper, o que significa tudo isso para si?
What does that mean, you can't come to the club for a while?
Que é isso de não poderes vir ao clube durante algum tempo?
And just because you all have husbands that can last long enough to time an egg, doesn't mean that what Al does doesn't count.
Lá por vocês terem maridos que se aguentam o tempo de cozer um ovo, não significa que o que o Al faz não conta.
When you're with a guy and he tells you he has to get up early what does that mean?
Quando se está com um tipo e ele diz que tem de se levantar cedo, - que significa isso?
What does that passage mean to you?
O que é que essa passagem significa para o senhor?
What the hell does that mean? ! Can't you appreciate the fact that I went to the trouble of coming to wake you up?
E isso é maneira de agradeceres à amiga de infância que te vem acordar todas as manhãs, para não chegares atrasado?
Now what does all that mean to you?
Agora, o que isso tudo significa?
And what does that mean, you're on to something?
E o que é que queres dizer com, acho que descobri alguma coisa?
You put up two seconds of protest at the thought of being on a televised debate. - It means that DeathWatch suffers because... you're so anxious to finger authority, to publicly prove that David Gale... is so much fucking smarter than the powers that be! - What does that mean?
Você protesta por 2 segundos só de pensar num debate na tevê.
- What does that mean? - We wanna know you're committed to the football program.
Queremos saber se estás comprometido totalmente com programa de futebol.
What does that mean to you?
O significa isto para ti?
What does it mean... when a guy is in a really bad relationship... and it's really obvious that he wants to be with you... but he just can't seem to break up with his girlfriend?
O que quer dizer quando um tipo está numa má relação... e é bem óbvio que ele quer estar contigo... mas que não consegue acabar a relação com a namorada dele?
What does that mean? I'm not gonna try to sell you.
Não vou tentar convencer a comprar.
I spoke up because, "What does that mean, we have to, you know, do eight hours now?"
Eu falei porque "O que quer isso dizer agora temos de fazer oito horas?"
What does that mean? Does that mean you saw what happened to me?
Quer dizer que viste o que me aconteceu?
What the hell does that mean, she refuses to bring you back?
O que raios significa isso, ela recusa a trazer-te de volta?
What does that mean to you, though?
Não vais a lado nenhum, certo?
What a horrible thing to witness. You remember that so clearly. Does that mean you're doing better?
Barbara Baker, podemos conversar?
So what does that mean? You want to have an affair?
O que isso quer dizer, queres ter um caso?
What you mean you almost went to Parsons? What does that mean?
O que queres dizer com isso?
What does that mean... you don't know how long you'll be able to hold him back?
Como assim? Não sabes quanto tempo pode atrasá-los?
What does the saying, "people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" mean to you?
O que é que o provérbio "pessoas que moram em casas de vidro não devem atirar pedras" significa para si?
I know, but what does that mean? You said earlier that you wouldn't want to be in craig zimmer's shoes.
Disseste antes que não querias estar na pele do Craig Zimmer.
Does that mean you're gonna stop trying to tell me what to do?
Isso quer dizer que vais parar de me tentar dizer o que fazer?
Well, you can talk to him, but what does- - what does evaluating him- - what does that mean?
Você pode falar com ele, mas o que quer dizer com avaliá-lo?
I mean, I don't know if that does you any good, but uh... I just want to tell you what a good friend you've been, Rick.
Quer dizer, não sei se isto te faz algum bem, mas só queria dizer-te o bom amigo que tens sido, Rick.
What does that mean? You want to fuck Margot?
O quê, queres foder a Margot?
- Oh, you want to throw it out? - What does that mean?
- Que quer dizer com isso?
What does that mean? Are you going to forego diplomacy in the state department?
Então, agora vai renunciar à diplomacia no Departamento de Estado?
What does that even mean, "you don't want to know"?
O quer quer isso dizer : "Não vais querer saber"?
As más noticias, Sugar vais ficar longe do campo.
Wh-what does this guy mean to you that you're so interested in saving him, nick?
O que ele te fez para estares tão interessado em salvá-lo?

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