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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / What were you doing there

What were you doing there traducir portugués

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What were you doing there?
O que estava ali a fazer?
- What were you doing there?
O que foste fazer à cave?
Well, what were you doing there?
- Que estavas a fazer ali?
- What were you doing there?
- O que foste lá fazer?
- What were you doing there?
- O que estava fazendo lá?
And what were you doing there, at old Fort Point?
E que estava a fazer em Old Fort Point?
What were you doing there?
Que estavas tu a fazer lá?
What were you doing there? !
Que estavas tu a fazer lá?
- What were you doing there?
- Que fazia por lá?
- What were you doing there?
O que fazia lá?
So what were you doing there?
Então o que você estava fazendo lá?
What were you doing there?
O que é que estavas lá a fazer?
- What were you doing there?
- O que estavas a fazer lá?
What were you doing there?
O que é que foi lá fazer?
What were you doing there anyway, you are right in the middle of * * * * * * * in a commercial flight?
O que você estava fazendo lá, de qualquer maneira, Você está bem no meio de um vôo comercial?
So, what were you doing there?
O que estava a fazer lá?
- What were you doing there, alone?
- O que estavas lá a fazer, sozinha?
What were you doing there?
Mas como é que chegou até ele?
What were you doing up there then?
Que fazias lá em cima?
What the hell were you doing over there?
Que raios estavas ali a fazer?
What were you doing up there?
O que é que estavas ali em cima a fazer?
What were you doing down there?
O que estavas lá a fazer?
- Tell me what you were doing there.
- Diga-me o que fazia ali.
I do not ask you what you were doing there.
Não te pergunto o que fazias lá.
What were you doing there?
O que fazias lá?
What on earth were you doing there, except getting soaked?
Que diabo estavas tu a fazer lá, a não ser ficar encharcada?
What were you doing out there on the high school athletic field... at 3 : 00 in the morning?
O que fazias às três da manhã no campo da Universidade?
What were you doing down there?
O que foste fazer lá abaixo?
- What were you doing out there?
- O que fazias lá fora?
- What were you doing out there?
- Que fazia lá fora?
What were you doing down there?
O que fazia aí abaixo?
What were you doing over there?
O que voce fazia lá?
Doctor, what were you doing in there?
Doutora, que faz aqui?
What were you doing in England and whom did you see there?
O que estavas a fazer em Inglaterra e quem viste lá?
What were you doing down there?
O que estava fazendo lá embaixo?
- What were you doing back there, Fermat?
- Que fazias ali? - Tive uma ideia.
What were you doing in there, anyway?
O que estiveste a fazer lá dentro?
- What were you doing down there?
- Que fazia no chão?
What were you doing up there?
- Então, que fazias lá em cima?
And what were you doing on your horse out there?
O que fazia fora da aldeia andando à cavalo?
What were you doing out there?
O que a trouxe a esta região?
What you were doing there!
O que estavas lá a fazer!
What were you doing back there?
Que estavas a fazer lá?
What were you doing out there, Douglas?
Que é que estava a fazer ai, Douglas?
What were you four doing up there?
O que vocês os quatro estavam lá a fazer?
What were you doing in there?
- O que estavas a fazer ali?
What were you doing in there?
O que estavas a fazer ali dentro?
What were you doing back there, boy?
Que andavas ali a cheirar, rapaz?
[Instruments Beeping] Dr : Huer, I know how you found us, but, uh, what were the Draconians doing out there?
Dr. Huer, eu sei como nos encontrou, mas... o que é que estão Draconianos a fazer ali?
Now, what were you faggots doing up there?
O que faziam por lá seus paneleiros?
- Hey, what were you doing back there, Snake?
- Que andavas a fazer lá atrás, Serpente?

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