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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / What were you looking for

What were you looking for traducir portugués

414 traducción paralela
What were you looking for in the Machine-Halls, Freder?
O que procuravas nos corredores da Máquina, Freder?
Well, what were you looking for, a stamp?
Bem, do que andavas à procura, dum selo?
What were you looking for in Adobe Flat?
Que andou a procurar em Adobe Flat?
What were you looking for?
O que estava procurando?
What were you looking for up there?
- O que procuravas lá em cima?
What were you looking for?
- O que procurava?
What were you looking for when you attacked my guards?
Que queria quando atacou os meus guardas?
Well, just what were you looking for in that place?
O que estava procurando no quarto?
What were you looking for?
O que estás à procura?
- What were you looking for?
- O que procuravas?
What were you looking for?
Do que é que estavas à procura?
What were you looking for?
De que estavas à procura?
What were you looking for?
De que estavam à procura?
What were you looking for, huh?
Para quê, por dinheiro?
What were you doing at Aaron's house? What were you looking for?
O que fazias na casa do Aaron?
What were you looking for?
Do que estavas à procura?
Well, what color were you looking for?
Bem, que cor estava à procura?
Find what you were looking for?
- Encontrou o que procurava?
I beg pardon, sir, but did you ever find what you were looking for, sir?
Desculpe perguntar, mas encontrou o que procurava?
- Did you find what you were looking for?
Encontrou o que procurava?
Well Adams, you found what you were looking for.
Bem, Adams. Encontrou o que estava procurando.
Say, Hooker, before you became an idiot looking for gold, what were you?
Diga-me, Hooker, Antes de se tornar um idiota à procura de ouro, quem era você?
You didn't find what you were looking for, so why don't you let me go to bed?
Se não descobriram o que procuravam, porque não me deixam ir para a cama?
You were looking for what, Mr. MaCreedy?
Estava a procura do quê, Sr. Macreedy?
Find what you're looking for? What WERE you looking for?
Encontraste o que estavas a procurar?
And then there's a war... and you find what you were looking for, just swimming around in the ocean.
E então há uma guerra... e encontra o que procurava, nadando, simplesmente nadando.
What? The dollars you were looking for in the apartment.
Os dólares que procuravas em casa.
Exactly what recording were you looking for?
Exatamente o que a gravação você estava procurando?
'Cause that's what you were looking for.
Porque era o que vocês procuravam.
Amy, look, we found what we were looking for, but you gotta hang on.
Encontramos o que procurávamos. Deve agüentar.
And if there were one, somehow, on the loose, it wouldn't be what you're looking for.
E se de algum modo houvesse um à solta, não seria isso que procuramos.
You haven't found what you're looking for, you're embarrassed about bothering me again, however there were one or two questions more you'd like to ask me.
Nâo encontrou o que anda à procura, sente-se mal por me incomodar de novo, mas hà uma ou duas questôes que gostaria de me colocar.
Have you found what you were looking for?
Você encontrou... O que estava procurando?
So that's what they were doing... looking for you. Ah!
Era de ti que eles andavam à procura.
Did you get what you were looking for?
Conseguiste o que procuras?
Did you find what you were looking for?
Encontraste o que procuravas?
That is what you were looking for, was it not, my dear?
Era isso que estava à procura, não era, minha querida?
Did you find what you were looking for?
Encontrou aquilo que procurava?
This what you were looking for?
Foi isto que foste buscar?
Now that I've gone out on a limb for you with Andrews, damaged my already less-than-perfect relationship with that good man, and briefed you on the humdrum history of Fury 1 61, can you not tell me what you were looking for in the girl?
Agora que arranjei complicações com o Andrews por tua causa, deteriorei a minha relação já de si deficiente com esse bom homem, e te fiz o relato de rotina do Fury 161, não me podes dizer o que procuravas na rapariga?
Did you get what you were looking for?
Bom, obteve o que procurava?
What were you doing at the Institute looking for her?
Foi procurá-la ao Instituto para quê?
Did you find what you were looking for this afternoon?
Encontrou o que procurava durante a tarde?
You finally figure it out, Danny? What the hell were you looking for in Jennifer's apartment?
Já te lembras do que é que andavas à procura em casa da Jenny?
That's what you were looking for.
Era isso que procurava.
As you can see, we found what we were looking for. Dragonetti's vault. I'll double the money in that safe if you release us unharmed.
Como podem ver encontramos o que procurávamos.
Did you find what you were looking for in the lab?
Encontrou o que procurava no laboratório?
Did you find what you were looking for?
Descobriste o que procuravas?
What kind of finder's fee were you looking for?
E quanto é que estavas a pensar levar de comissão?
- And I know what you were looking for.
- E sei do que estava à procura.
I'm glad you found what you were looking for.
Ainda bem que encontrou o que procurava.

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